
When I heard the prompt sound that sounded one after another in my ear, and the text that appeared in front of my eyes.

His mind went blank, completely dumbfounded.


Chu Tian couldn't help but want to curse.

Although I don't know what kind of existence of evil spirit creatures, Chutian has enough experience to deal with it based on the dungeons he has brushed so many times before, and he has a certain degree of certainty.

But at the end of the last paragraph, at least two-thirds of the world's population was spared.

Once there is this sentence, the meaning is different!

It means that the whole world is very likely to be invaded by so-called evil spirit creatures at the same time.

There are a total of 7 billion people in the world. If the number drops below 4 billion people, even if the mission is successful.

Also, be aware of any rewards you have received from the dungeon world in the past six months.

For some people who don't brush copies often, this is nothing.

Some people may not brush a copy every six months.

But it took Chutian a little more than two months to go all the way up from the level of inflow to the present.

If all the rewards obtained from the dungeon world in the past six months are emptied...

Then Chutian will change from a top S-rank powerhouse overnight to an ordinary person who was powerless!

the most important is……

Just clearing the reward, but not clearing the number of dungeons, means that Chutian will challenge the nearly 20th floor of the Devil's Land dungeon with a level less than F level.

good guy!

Chu Tian took a deep breath.

Infinite space is really cruel!

But Chutian still feels a little puzzled, what exactly is an evil spirit creature?

How to find evil spirit creatures?

Just as Chu Tian frowned and thought hard, he suddenly felt someone reach out and fan him.

He turned slightly to the side and easily avoided the slap, but his eyes became a little cold.

"Are you... wanting to die?"

Chu Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Now, knowing the general situation of the world from the released tasks, he no longer has to hide and tuck as before.

When the gangster student saw Chu Tian's icy eyes, he was shocked and subconsciously pushed back two steps.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian's eyes were slightly red with light.

The eyes of the gangster student and some of the younger brothers around him changed and became a little sloppy.

Their bodies also began to tremble and twitch slightly with some kind of fear.

Jiang Ming and others on the side did not know that these people had fallen into Chutian's illusion.

Jiang Ming also smiled and said: "It's not so awkward at all, everyone is from the same school, hey...why are you peeing your pants?!"

Before Jiang Ming finished speaking, he saw that the body of the man who provoked Chu Tian just now was twitching, and yellow liquid continued to pour out.

Not only him, but also some of the gangster students around him.

In this big summer, so many people feces and pee together, but the stench of the barbecue restaurant is full.

Even many customers who had just entered the restaurant to order food left here frowning.

Chu Tian glanced at him coldly, but when he was about to withdraw his gaze, his eyes flashed.

I glanced at a girl in a school uniform with a single ponytail at the door. As soon as the girl entered the door, she chose to leave because of the unpleasant stench.

This is just a girl with a beautiful face and full of youthful atmosphere.

If that's the case, Chu Tian wouldn't take a second look.

But above her head, there is a symbol composed of dark mist.

This symbol is extremely strange, a bit like some kind of seal symbol.

"Perhaps, this person is an evil spirit creature?"

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, his heart moved, he got up and walked out.

"Hey, old Chu, what are you doing?"

At this time, seeing that Chu Tian didn't even settle the account, the pock face got up and left without saying a word, so he couldn't help saying anxiously.

"I have something to do, you eat first."

He said, put his hand in his pocket and pretended to take out money, but in fact he took out a dozen red banknotes and cash from the Qiankun ring.

"I've invited this meal, you can eat whatever you want!"

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he threw the banknotes on the table and walked away.


Jiang Ming was dumbfounded: "Lao Chu is robbery? Why is he suddenly so rich!"

For most high school students, more than a thousand dollars is not a small sum.

Jiang Ming looked at the back of Chu Tian leaving and was a little worried.

Others saw the money and were excited to think about how to distribute it.

Except for that pockmarked face, of course.

There was a strange light in the eyes of Mazi's face, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.


After Chutian left the barbecue shop, he did not immediately catch up with the girl, but went to a corner where no one was there and released the silly girl who was still in the Qiankun ring.

With a green light flashed.

Wearing a red tight leather jacket, a silly girl with an alluring appearance appeared in front of Chu Tian.

As soon as she appeared, she rushed towards Chu Tian.

"Brother Chutian, silly girl has been in the Qiankun ring for a long time, suffocating silly girl, why did you let me out now?"

The silly girl frowned slightly and asked with some grievances.

"Silly girl, you read my memory directly, you will know everything."

It's too late to explain to the silly girl now.

Just let her read the memory by herself!

When Chu Tian and silly girl's eyes met, it took about three or four seconds.

Silly girl knew Chutian's current situation well, she nodded slightly: "Brother Chutian, I understand what you mean, you want silly girl to monitor this girl, right?"

"That's what I mean, but... it's better to transfer your function to me first."

Chu Tian said immediately.

"Okay, then Brother Chutian, be careful!"

The silly girl said, her eyes turned to Chu Tian, ​​and she immediately transferred all the functions of her body.

After getting the function, Chu Tian did not immediately choose to chase the girl.

Instead, he controlled the No. 5 button, jumped in the air, and quickly caught up with the girl.

The girl was standing on the side of the road, waiting for a taxi to arrive.

When she got in the car and was about to close the door, the number five button also went up and landed in her pocket.

"Brother Chutian, is she an evil spirit creature?"

The silly girl looked at the surveillance screen that appeared in front of her and asked curiously.

"Not quite sure."

Chu Tian frowned, "It's just that I saw a very strange symbol appearing on top of her head just now. It's a little weird."

The surveillance footage showed that as soon as the girl got in the car, she sent a few messages with her mobile phone, and then lay on the back seat of the car, squinting slightly, and closing her eyes to rest.

Everything seemed so peaceful and harmonious, and there seemed to be no danger.

But her body was trembling slightly, as if she was afraid of something.

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