After all, the reincarnation space has a very strict control standard for transactions. If the goods you provide do not match the value of the goods described, or if the authenticity is doubtful, the transaction cannot be established.

Even many big forces have their own set of props or skills similar to the effect of mind reading to judge whether the opponent is lying.

Once we meet, the lie will naturally be self-defeating.

And at this time, no one in the world can clear the advanced copy, you suddenly said that there is a strategy.

The first thing I want to buy is naturally those large forces.

Naturally, these crooks dare not touch them.

I can only hope to lie to some newcomers who don’t know anything 25.

There is no shortage of fools in this world, so many people are still deceived.

At least so far.

There has been a lot of information about the copy that has been exposed on the Internet, but still no one has cleared the customs.

This also represents how difficult this copy is.

There are about 100,000 reincarnations with A-level evaluation or above who have challenge qualifications in the world.

But it's not that they all challenged.

After all, only a small number of people get an A rating by their ability.

And there are not many people who have deposits to pay for the 1500 rebirth points that failed the challenge of this instance.

Even if there is, it may not be willing.

1500 points!

Even if it is a difficult copy with more than 20 layers, the challenge failure will only deduct less than 500 points.

Challenge such a copy, just for the insignificant reward that came out at the end, and there is a high probability of catching up with the points that he has accumulated over the years of hard work.

Whose reincarnation point is not caused by a gale!

In other words, why are there always ordinary reincarnation discussions on the Internet?

What about the top reincarnations who usually show their faces?

It stands to reason that this copy is not the time for people like them to play?

Why is no one showing up until now?


The trend of people's discussion began to change.

It has become a guess at the situation of the famous reincarnations of the countries at this time.

After all, ordinary reincarnations like them are obviously hopeless this time to attack the dungeon. Why, they are not allowed to eat melons and cheer?

And the most discussed.

Naturally, the Free Nation has now as the vanguard of mankind has attacked the 29th floor of the Reincarnation Tower and officially entered the 30th floor [the strongest human] James.

The second is Lyon, the second-ranked [Sun God], and the third [God King] Odin, who is also not inferior to his free country.

Except James.

Other people's discussions are basically the same.

And [Jianxian] Yixian's discussion in China is even greater than that of them.

After all, for Xia Guo, who has a more national heart, his own reincarnation is more worthy of attention.

Not to mention that over the years, the reincarnations of the free country generally don't treat Xia who is overwhelmed by themselves.

All kinds of ridicule or derogation on the Internet have never stopped.

Not long ago, James had just cleared the level and reached the 30th floor. The sword fairy's copy challenge failed, and it caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet.

In fact, for any reincarnation, it is normal to challenge a copy to fail.

But it was a coincidence that the news of the two people collided.

Then some media with bad intentions and purely wanting to stay enthusiastic took the opportunity to publicize this kind of thing.

Almost directly provoked a new round of war between the two countries that may develop from online to offline.

After all, now that all the people have become reincarnations, the people who have the strength are much more hot-tempered than in the past.

Even the state and the reincarnation system have restrictions on the behavior of excessive moments in reality.

But it is hard to guarantee that any country will have a few guys who are really not afraid of death?

Fortunately, the blank news of the first SSS-level perfect clearance at that time directly crushed all other popular, airborne Internet headlines in various countries!

Not to mention the news that the sword fairy challenge failed.

It was the news that James, who had been excited by the free country for a long time, once again led the 30-story new class was pressed into the corner.

Not to mention that someone later revealed that the blank was actually from Xia Guo.

The free countrymen, who had been proudly preparing to make a big blow, suddenly died down.

And now.

The blank customs clearance news has passed the initial shock period.

The reincarnation powerhouses of various countries have accumulated a considerable number of diehard fans over the years, so discussions about them have once again gained the upper hand.

As for the top reincarnations that these people care about so much, what are they doing now?

As they guessed, they are studying how to attack this kind of copy.

Someone has even challenged the copy.

But even for them, there is no hope of clearing such an unreasonable copy!

If it is simply a copy that can be crushed by strength, many people are not so worried.

After all, who can become a top-level reincarnation, who is not extremely confident in his own strength?

But there is no plot like this kind of plot, and all of them are copies of the bottomless pit.

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