From the perspective of Su Yue's ability to see the existence of all energies.

At this moment, a magic circle started from that head.

Then it enveloped the nearby battlefield.

The effect of the magic circle is not the type that restricts the opponent's movement and strength.

It's better to say that the attributes of the headless knight against those adventurers are simply crushing, and there is no need to use this method to weaken the opponent.

It is a magic circle with a special "insight" effect.

With the help of the blind angle of the head in the sky, the full-field observation effect of the magic circle is used.

The headless knight is now able to fully understand the movements and trajectories of everything within the entire magic circle.

With this kind of powerful observation power, even if you are trapped in a multitude of troops.

He can also come in and out seven times, without touching a leaf!

Not to mention that only five adventurers were besieging him at this time.

This skill is definitely the most suitable for headless knights.

Because this is relative to the white eyes in "Naruto".

Able to perceive all the intelligence in the battle without blind spots, and respond to it.

It is the most rogue ability in close combat!

There are only two ways to crack his trick.

One is to forcibly crush him with a force or speed that he can't resist at all!

For example, Mr. Saitama's fist, or the speed at which a certain teacher kills.

With the attributes of this headless knight, it is absolutely impossible to respond.

But at present, his attribute panel is crushed by most adventurers in this instance.

Even a top adventurer, it is difficult to fight him head-on without forming a perfectly configured team.

Another method is to use a large-scale group-intensive attack.

Undifferentiated coverage of all attacks.

This is something he cannot avoid.

But this kind of magic takes a long time to prepare.

Once he was aware of it, with his strength, he was able to use his invincible strength to rush through the crowd and directly kill the magician who was preparing to chant.

After all, for the Cavaliers, it couldn't be easier to take one person from the army.

To sum it up, it is.

The current headless horseman is a BOSS-level villain relative to one of the four heavenly kings in the RPG game.

Basically it is not an object that normal adventurers can conquer.

Even Su Yue himself.

He also had to admit that if he confronted the headless knight, he would not be sure to defeat him.

As a little BOSS, the magic power he possesses is not inferior to him.

After all, this is a common problem in the RPG-style adventure upgrade world.

The higher the status of monsters and BOSS, their own attributes are destined not to be defeated by ordinary "players" alone.

Their powerful attributes and skill panels all determine that they must be configured with the correct team to be able to win.

This is also the fundamental purpose for Su Yue to gather his teammates.

Megumin possesses the burst magic known as the strongest attack magic.

Although it is difficult to hit a flexible target, as long as it hits, let alone the cadres of the Demon King's army, even the Demon King must drink a pot!

But Daknis had a fairly strong defense.

After replacing the new top armor, even if there is a difference in level, the attack of the headless knight can be easily carried.

As for the last Akua?

This goddess of waste wood is the real core to deal with the headless knight!

Originally, the High Priest in this world was the profession most aimed at the Devil and the Undead.

As the main force against the demon army, they basically will not become free adventurers.

Almost all were recruited by the church or kingdom, and then went to the front line or formed a top elite team to fight against the demons.

Newcomers like Akuya who have just become high priests are generally too weak, so they won't be recruited quickly.

But Akua is a goddess.

Even if there is no need to upgrade, the abilities of the high priest themselves are blessed by the goddess' divine power, and they possess the ability to restrain demons and undead races far surpassing the high priests of the same level.

······· Ask for flowers········

Even the cadres of the Demon King's army will suffer severely after eating her sacred purification.

This is still when her goddess power has been sealed for the most part, and at this time the occupational level and skill level of the profession as the high priest are not high.

If she waited for her full level, even her goddess could conquer the cadres of the Demon King's army.

Of course no one would know Su Yue's plan.

But at this time, the battlefield was already in danger.

As soon as the magic circle unfolded, those reincarnations had already noticed something was wrong.

He has even begun to plan to withdraw.

But at this time it was too late to retreat.

The headless horseman flew off his horse with a neat movement.

Then he drew the knight's great sword.

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