Then it is likely to be the same as the change in the speed of time that he perceives when he reads the space in the copy before.

Because he gained the "power of the roots", he became quite sensitive to such changes in the rules.

And the act of sending text messages just now obviously changed the world line of this world.

And from a "familiar" world, I was suddenly thrown into a strange world.

Even though it seems that the two worlds have not changed much, after all, a certain "line" that constitutes the world has become completely different.

That's why he had such a big reaction!

It seems that he will try his best to adapt to this change in the future.

But on the other hand, there is also an advantage 4.4.

That is, he directly acquired the ability to perceive various special situations.

He even directly possesses part of Okabe's "Reading Steiner" ability.

It also proved that even after jumping the world line, the memory will still be preserved.

But he still didn't expect it.

After replacing the original protagonist's identity.

He was forced to appear at this important point in time as soon as he opened the scene.

He didn't even give him time to react.

It just happened that his body replaced in this world was still in the state of an ordinary person, and he directly sent the text message that changed the world with half force.

Is this the force of the world?

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have said something like'the choice of the gate of the Destiny Stone'...".

Chapter 454 The Changing World, Telephone Microwave Oven (tentative) (4/5, subscription required)

So now sort out the clues in memory.

Su Yue remembered that he went to the Broadcasting Venue Building to attend Dr. Nakae's lecture.

Then he witnessed something unknown and a strange hat woman on the rooftop.

Various things happened after that.

The most impressive.

At some point, I suddenly heard the screams from upstairs, and then arrived.

Witnessed a woman falling in a pool of blood.

And the woman who died was a well-known genius girl he knew well.

Makise Red Lixi.

Then he was too irritated and left the meeting together with Mayuri Shiina who was looking for him.

On the road just now.

He wanted to convey the news he had seen to his friend, Hashida Zhi.

He still remembered the content of the message as "Makise Kurisu was stabbed by someone."

Just when the send button is about to be pressed.

As a reincarnation, I "returned" to this body.

Then it happened that the uncontrollable body caused the text message to be sent out, and then jumped the world line.

Su Yue suddenly thought about 25.

Then turned around.

The roof of the broadcasting building in the distance seemed to have a strange convex appearance.

It looks like an oval machine.

"What's wrong, I heard something fell?"

"It seems that the man-made satellite fell, and there was news report in the morning, and it landed on the top of the broadcasting building."

"It's really dangerous. I don't know if anyone was injured."

"Fortunately, I didn't fall directly on the street, otherwise I don't know how many people will be injured or killed."

"Let's go take a look..."

The nearby crowd also gradually gathered towards the building.

But Su Yue's heart gradually became clear.

Sure enough, it has come to the [α World Line].

The world situation of this copy of "Stone of Destiny" is very complicated.

But if some complicated plots and settings are discarded, in fact, there are only two world lines that are most important.

[Α World Line] and [β World Line].

Of course, there is a perfect [World Line of Destiny's Gate] that will eventually arrive, and this is for the time being.

Regarding the principle of the "world line", and the difference between different world lines, etc., let's not talk about it for the time being.

After all, there shouldn't be any changes in this world in a short time.

He now has other important things to do.

Soon Su Yue returned home with Mayuri.

It is actually a rental house on the second floor.

He named it "Future Research Institute" and verbally referred to as "LAB".

There are currently only three members of LAB.

He is the founder.

Shiina Mayuri.

And his friend, a fat house fellow with super hacking skills, Hashida Zhi.

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