Xia Pingan ignored the blue fearless. Instead, in front of the blue fearless, she slowly took off her wig and took off the beard that she had stuck to her face. Revealed his true colors.

Xia Pingan does not have the ability to use that mask. Instead, she uses makeup to change her appearance to see blue fearless.

That peculiar mask is one of his cards to survive in the capital city, he doesn’t want to be exposed without a word.

Put on a wig, stick a fake beard, darken your skin, and wear a piece of torn clothes. No one really recognizes Xia Pingan at night.

Until now, Blue Fearless and the Judgment Army have not known that he has changed identities. Xia Pingan understands his current status and situation very well. He is just a potential pawn in the Shadow Guard of the Judgment Army. Only, the ruling army and the dark Shadow Guard do not have much resources and energy to pay attention to him.

“These ya neries in the capital are too regardless of the law and of natural morality. I was almost killed by the Young Master of the Sun Family this time. You have to ask me why Sun Family Will you want me?”

Xia Pingan glared at Blue Fearless, her face was dissatisfied, her tone of voice became cold, and she directly cursed, “I am a member of the Judiciary Army and the Shadow Guard. I was caught outside. People were rushed like dogs, precarious, almost besieged and killed by a group of people in the upper capital. In order to complete the task, I did not reveal my identity even at the most dangerous time. Why did you come to ask me? Wouldn’t the ruling army investigate what is going on with my arrest warrant? Or is this big ruling army unable to handle even a Sun Family’s office? Even a shadow guard can’t protect me. It really disappoints me. It’s…”

Seeing Xia Pingan’s anger, the blue fearless slightly frowned, but patiently sat down in front of Xia Pingan, and slowed down a bit, “The police and the adjudicating army in the upper capital They are two systems and they are not mutually exclusive. The relationship here is very complicated. I also just found out yesterday that you are wanted, and I haven’t reported your situation. I’m just waiting for you to explain. Sun Hao is missing from the Sun Family. It’s possible. You have been killed. The police suspect that you have something to do with this. According to Sun Family people, Sun Family Young Master had a conflict with you before, so the police issued an arrest warrant against you. What is going on?”

“I met that Sun Hao at Tianyuanqiao Night Market for the first time a few days ago. I saw a world pearl that can be summoned as a thousand phantom boy. I bought it first, and then Sun Hao came and knew I had one that could summon. Qianhuan Boy’s Jiezhu, I have to buy it from my hand at the original price. Damn, who he thinks he is, I think he’s upset and doesn’t sell it. He asked the police to search me in the night market that night and give it to me. After being charged, I finally escaped from the night vision of Tianyuanqiao. Fuck, I didn’t expect to go to the capital so chaotic. A Young Master from the Sun Family can actually mobilize the police to arrest summoner at will…”

Xia Pingan talked little by little about the conflict between him and Sun Hao.

“At the time, I didn’t think much about it. After I left Tianyuanqiao Night Market, I returned to the small apartment I rented. Where did I think that when I slept in the middle of the night, suddenly there were a large number of Bounty Hunters and policemen. I touched where I lived and wanted to put me to death. After fighting with those people, I finally escaped. The past few days I hid in the Middle East in the upper capital. Unfathomable mystery became a wanted criminal, and Sun Hao disappeared. It’s my bird’s business!” Xia Pingan never admits Sun Hao’s matter. No one knows what happened anyway. There is no evidence to prove that he did it. Although the ruling army Strong, but impossible. Everything that happened in the capital can be mastered. If the ruling army really knows everything, the Blood Demon Religion is also impossible. That many people can hide in the capital and plan big moves.

The denial was related to Sun Hao’s disappearance, and at the same time, it would not make people think that he got the strange mask on Sun Hao.

Blue fearless stared at Xia Pingan, frowning deeper, “Sun Hao’s disappearance really has nothing to do with you?”

“How could it be related to me, and a farewell at the night market? After that, I never saw him again. I ran away from the apartment. A lot of summoners and the police were chasing me. It would be nice if I could get a life back. How would I know where Sun Hao was, someone like him, There must be bodyguards by my side as well. I’m running for my life, and I have the ability to make him disappear immediately. Don’t you think of me too much? You can ask the ruling army to investigate and see when Sun Hao disappeared. See if I was running for my life at that time. By the way, I saw that Sun Hao arranged two Bounty Hunters to chase and kill me that night on the arrest warrant. What is going on, why they are also wanted… “

“Are those two Bounty Hunters who Sun Hao arranged to chase you?” Lan Fearless raised his brows and asked a little unexpectedly. Before, he thought the two people Xia Pingan knew. People, didn’t expect those two people were actually the ones who hunted down Xia Pingan, which is interesting.

“Sun Hao used a lot of police to chase me down that night. Those two Bounty Hunters and the police acted together. You can investigate. Could it be that Sun Hao and I arranged to chase me? People killed Sun Hao together, it’s too ridiculous!” Xia Pingan said directly, “Sun Hao’s rubbish, I don’t know how many people are offended in Shangjing. Someone wants to clean him up. That’s normal, but I Bad luck, I happened to be hit by him. The arrest warrant issued by the Beijing police is totally illogical and contradictory!”

“I will understand!” Blue fearless nodded.

“Can the police remove my arrest warrant first. If I have been wanted, there will be no way to show up publicly. It is too inconvenient!”

Blue fearless thought After thinking about it, slowly said, “I just told you that the situation in the capital city is very complicated. The ruling army and the police are not a system. To a certain extent, the two sides contain each other. If the relationship between the ruling army helps you Revoking your arrest warrant will make people doubt your identity. Your shadow Guard identity may be exposed. Now that you are wanted, there is actually a benefit!”

“Benefits, what Benefit?”

“As a wanted criminal, when you approach Blood Demon Religion, Blood Demon Religion will not doubt your identity!”

For this blue fearless It is said that Xia Pingan is not surprised at all. This result is the same as what he played. Sure enough, for the blue fearless and the ruling army, the greatest value of his existence is to enter the Blood Demon Religion and help them eradicate the Blood Demon Religion. Those people lurking in the capital are insignificant for the safety of a nobody. In fact, they are just a small screw on the huge violent machine of the Judging Army and the Shadow Guard.

Seeing that Xia Pingan’s face was uncomfortable, Blue Fearless continued to console and solemnly confessed, “Don’t worry, if you are really caught, we will definitely find a way to save you, and we won’t really let you go. For the Sun Family Young Master, it’s just that your identity may be exposed at that time, so unless as a last resort, your dark Shadow Guard identity can’t be exposed!” At this point, Blue Fearless seems to be exposed again. What came to mind, “By the way, you just said that you got a realm bead from a Thousand Fantasy Boy, did that bead fuse?”

“Not yet!” Xia Pingan shook the head,” Can the Judging Army provide me with a divine sense crystal fused with Thousand Fantasy Boy World Beads? Is it a little compensation?”

Blue fearless looked at Xia Pingan fixedly, and suddenly laughed, “You know What are you talking about? Qianhuan Boy’s divine sense crystal, even the white Lord Zhu may not be able to get it. That thing may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. If there is that thing, it would be early It was used by the Judging Army. In the whole Judging Army, there is only one adult who can summon the Thousand Fantasy Boys. That adult is still responsible for protecting the safety of the imperial city. He has a heavy responsibility. I want to be able to get that thing. Come, I still use it here to guard the pawnshop?”

“Speaking of imperial city, I came into contact with a message in the past few days. I wonder if it’s useful?” Xia Pingan started throwing her own bait Up.

“What information?”

“A few days ago, did the emperor His Highness the Crown Prince enter the Underground City? I verified that Dashang Country recently got it from Dashang Country in Mujiao State. The formidable power of the 400mm cannon, and the emperor His Highness the Crown Prince has secretly arranged some institutions and factories in Dashang Country to imitate the production?”

The blue fearless froze for a while, and then completely. His face changed, and his eyes flashed lightly.

Because of the information Xia Pingan just said, he didn’t even know.

When the Emperor His Highness the Crown Prince entered the Underground City, Dashang Country obtained the technology of 400mm cannon from Dashang Country. The Emperor His Highness the Crown Prince secretly arranged to produce 400mm cannon. The information is the top secret of Dashang Country. He has no access to such information at his level. How did Xia Pingan know about it?

“How did you know?” Lan fearless asked immediately.

“I came into contact with a person the past few days, and that person told me!”

“Who is that person?”

“That person Very mysterious. When I contacted me, my whole body was wrapped in a black mist. I don’t know who he is. I found out that he might already know the identity of my adjudicating army and deliberately revealed this to me!”

Blue Fearless’s brows are frowning tightly, “Why is he revealing this information to you?”

“He wanted to have an exchange with me. When he told me this information, he had Said that this is just a meeting ceremony to prove the truth of what he said. If this information is useful, he is willing to tell me the identity of a Blood Demon Religion hidden in the capital, provided that I have sufficient resources and He exchanged!”

Hearing the words Blood Demon Religion, Blue Fearless couldn’t sit still, he stood up suddenly, “What does that person want?”

“The divine spring from the one-sun state to the four-sun state, and there are 20,000 Gold Coin gold tickets!” Xia Pingan reported what she wanted without blinking.

The members of the Blood Demon Religion who gathered on that cruise ship last night never thought that in a blink of an eye, Xia Pingan could sell them as pigs…


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