Go Legend

Chapter 765: A red heart with two hands ready

   Chapter 765 A red heart with two hands ready

  After a day's rest, the second game of the final continued. According to the prior agreement, Li Xiangping personally played the game.

   And this game of chess is his last official game of the year!

When the game was about 1:30 in the afternoon, and the overall situation had just passed 130 moves, everyone in the research room had stopped discussing the chess game. From the leader Hua who led the team to Yu Tou, and even from reporter Zhang Da to Lao Xie, they all agreed that playing white Li Xiangping already has an obvious advantage, unless there is a miracle, Gu Dali will not be able to come back.

   Team leader Hua and Yu Bin looked at each other, and many reporters in the audience also looked at each other, because the two games of chess this time gave people a strong impression: tricks.

   Of course other people don't know, this game was actually played by two people, and the two people's chess styles are different, so the content displayed is naturally different.

When Lao Shi shot in the first game, he didn't need to worry about the deeper meaning for the time being. From the external performance alone, the two were wrestling, that is, the competition in the middle game. As a result, Li Xiangping used violence to control violence, Abruptly suppressed Gu Dali in terms of strength, and the battle was over in less than 200 moves.

In the second game of chess, Li Xiangping seemed to have changed his way of playing. He no longer fought against Gu Dali, but played very flexibly, and in the process, he seemed to show that he was unique in the game of Go. understanding, as well as an excellent overall view, the whole process is concise and clear-

   In fact, everyone didn't understand how Li Xiangping took the lead, or everyone didn't see what Gu Dali was doing badly, but when the overall situation came over a hundred hands, Li Xiangping did have a clear advantage.

   is the kind of advantage that even reporter Zhang Da can clearly feel.

"Hey, unifying the rivers and lakes, Li Xiangping is now truly unifying the arena You're right, it's not always a good thing to have a monster like Xiangping. You look at this game, it's boring to watch. My colleagues joked with me, saying that reporting on Go is the easiest now, and it can all be done in a unified format. It's a standard manuscript, anyway, Li Xiangping wins every time, as long as the name of the competition, time and place are changed, one manuscript can be reported for a year..."

   In the face of Lao Xie's ridicule, of course, the leader of Nahua still has to maintain Li Xiangping:

"Hehe, Li Xiangping is indeed in a high place now, but it can't be blamed on others, right? If you want to blame others, you can only blame others for not living up to their expectations, let's take Dali for example... You also watched when they reviewed the game the day before yesterday. Well, Xiang Ping clearly pointed out that when Gu Dali lost, it was because of his mentality. He always thought that he couldn't lose his momentum, but he didn't achieve calmness. If they can't get past this psychological barrier, it will be really difficult to challenge Xiangping. As for the chess you mentioned, it's probably a civil war between Chinese chess players. If it is replaced by Japanese and Korean chess players, It should be different."

   After hearing what Team Leader Hua said, everyone's topic naturally turned to Li Xiangping's next game.

   If it is counted by season, Li Xiangping will have two more competitions, one is the "LG Cup" final, and the other is the "Nongshim Cup".

The situation of the "Nongshim Cup" is still unclear - it has just reached the second stage, and the Japanese team has performed well this year. They even won 2 games before, so Li Xiangping, the main player of the Chinese team, should we want to? Appearance? When does he show up? Nothing is right now.

   The "Nongshim Cup" is still uncertain, but the "LG Cup" is already very clear. Li Xiangping's opponent in the final is Li Shishi, and the competition time is before the Spring Festival in early February next year.

  Since Korean Xiao Li was mentioned, everyone present shook their heads in unison--

   Among the top first-line players in the current chess world except Li Xiangping, Xiao Li is indeed the one with the worst record against Li Xiangping.

   The two have played against each other quite a lot so far, and everyone's statistics are close to 30 games, but in so many games, Xiao Li has only won a mere two games. Li Xiangping seems to have a special experience with Xiao Li.

   In terms of horizontal comparison, Xiao Li's win rate against Li Xiangping is not only inferior to that of Gu Dali, but also to that of Da Li, who is older than the previous round. Therefore, everyone agreed that the next "LG Cup" final should have little suspense again, and Li Xiangping has a very high probability of winning the golden slam of professional chess again.

   After talking about people like Gu Dali and Li Shishi, everyone talked about the chess players of the generation of Chen Xiaoqiang and Zhou Xiaoyang——

There is no way. Although Gu Da Kong, Er Xiao Li and others are still young, they are older than Li Xiangping after all. Gu Dali and Li Shishi are 25 this year, but Li Xiangping is not yet 21 years old. If Li Xiangping poses a threat or challenge, everyone habitually thinks that he must be a younger chess player than Li Xiangping.

   "Well, Chen Xiaoqiang, born in 1989, is 18 this year. He is only two years younger than Xiangping, but why do I always think they are two generations of chess players?"

   The crowd didn't know who it was. When he said such a sentence, everyone immediately lost interest in the current topic.

Yes, Li Xiangping himself is not yet 21 years old, so according to the traditional concept of the Go world, many chess players can still be called "rookies" at this age, that is, Li Xiangping, a pervert, he is at such an age. Such an airtight dominance has already been established.

   So who can end the Li Xiangping dynasty at this time? Who can pose the greatest threat to him, no matter how you think about it, it feels a little too early.

   In the middle of everyone's small talk, the second game also ushered in the end.

   At 2:20 p.m., there were 216 hands in the overall situation. This Pangu vigorously insisted on finishing the official work, and Li Xiangping, who was white, won the game with a 3.5-eye advantage.

   This is Li Xiangping's 22nd personal world championship. After winning this game at the same time, he maintained a complete victory in the ranking game throughout 2007, breaking the world chess winning streak record with a record of 42 consecutive victories.

Of course, since this result was expected by everyone, Li Xiangping relied on his previous strength. No one would be optimistic about Gu Dali taking this championship before the game. It is precisely because the result was normal and in line with everyone's expectations, so everyone reacted after the game. Calm, even the records that Li Xiangping values ​​very much are rarely mentioned.

   After the "Samsung Cup" is over, it will be New Year's Day in 2008. Since it is the end of the year, of course it is time to make a summary.

  Li Xiangping returned to the capital that night, and soon saw the news on the Internet: After voting, he once again became the top ten athletes in the country in 2007.

Well, because the Olympic Games is coming soon, he is not the first in the vote this year, but the second after Liu Xiang, but he has been selected as the "Top Ten" for 5 consecutive years since 2002, which is also in the domestic sports world. a record.

In fact, so far this year, his record is shared with Yao Da. He entered the NBA in 2002 and was selected as one of the "Top Ten" for five consecutive years. However, because the two projects are completely different, especially considering Li Xiangping's current age, Everyone thinks that in a few years, as long as Li Xiangping maintains his current state, most of this record will be enjoyed by him alone.

   In addition to being selected as the "Top Ten", Li Xiangping also noticed that his performance in the "Phoenix Ancient City Cup" this year was also selected as one of the top ten domestic sports news.

Xinhua News Agency's summary of this news is as follows: Through the efforts of the national players, Chinese Go has gained a clear upper hand in the Three Kingdoms of China, Japan and South Korea, especially Li Xiangping, the leader of the chess world, who has not only won all careers for two consecutive years. The world champion of the Go competition, and in this year's "Phoenix Ancient City Cup", he lowered the alliance composed of other top domestic players to handicap 2.

  Some professionals in the chess industry commented: Li Xiangping's record is unprecedented, and the power of terror he is showing now is likely to have no future...

   "Alas, Brother Ding'an, it's a pity, I estimate that by this time next year, I won't be able to be selected for the top ten again. This record ends here."

"Ha ha."--

The reason why Li Xiangping said this is because he and Lao Shi have already negotiated that this year's "Nongshim Cup" will be his last large-scale participation in the regular world competition. After that, I found an opportunity to announce to the outside world that I had completely withdrawn from most international chess competitions today, and then regarded the "Phoenix Ancient City Cup" as my main battlefield.

The reason why he said "the vast majority" is that Li Xiangping mainly considers the domestic "celebrity battle" and the "Asian Cup". Since at this time, he has not actually considered how to deal with these two competitions, so he needs to Prepare both hands:

  If the organizer and sponsor of the "Celebrity Battle" agree to revise the rules of the competition, that is to say, he is allowed to voluntarily abdicate and generate new "celebrities" through a new competition, then he will even withdraw from this competition.

  If the organizer does not agree, then he will participate in the annual Celebrity Defense Challenge.

  The domestic "Celebrity Battle" is like this, and the "Asian Cup" is similar. In short, Li Xiangping is now a red heart and two preparations, it all depends on the meaning of the event organizer and sponsor.

   "Brother Ding'an, do you think they will agree?"

   "Hehe, how do I know this, I can only say that if I were the organizer and sponsor, I would definitely not agree, you must participate."

   "Oh, why?"

"Little friend Xiangping doesn't even think about it. After you announce your withdrawal from other competitions next year, then there are competitions you participated in... In your words, it has become a rare resource. The so-called rare is the most expensive, if I am That sponsor, then how could I be so stupid, of course I have to ask you to participate in the blog."

  Li Xiangping laughed after hearing this: "Haha Ding'an brother, not bad, you have been with me for almost 8 years, and your thinking now is more and more like a modern person."

It will be at least March next year to announce his withdrawal, so of course, Li Xiangping still needs to prepare for the next two games-since they have already decided to withdraw, of course Li Xiangping hopes to have a perfect ending. , to make a perfect summary of this stage of his career.

  The January month of 2008 has passed quickly, the Spring Festival is coming soon, and of course the day of the "LG Cup" final is coming soon.

   On this day, Li Xiangping saw such a message on the TV news: Affected by the abnormal weather, ice disasters occurred in most parts of southern my country.

  Li Xiangping was stunned for a moment, yo! How could I forget about this.

   (end of this chapter)

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