Just as Soshian straightened up and was approaching the next crypt spider, an unprecedented tremor penetrated the soles of his boots and knocked him to the ground.

When he got up, he noticed that all directions had changed. It seemed that the entire world engine had begun to disintegrate.

On the ground, on the walls, and even on the pillars and statues, millions of Xenos characters flickered, emitting a disgusting green light.

What’s worse is that a large number of necromantic warriors appeared from both sides of the gate. They continued to approach this side with the si si sound that they made when activated with green energy, while the team led by Fallo was still in Fight hard with the crypt spiders.

The only good news is that the closed door was cracked by a strong tremor, enough to allow Space Marine to pass through.

Follow, who overturned the crypt spider on his body and stood up again, immediately issued a new order.

"Alexei, take your people to support Chapter Chief, we will be your queen!"


"Execute the command !"

Without waiting for Soshian to continue to ask questions, Fullow roared:

"Concentrate the fire! Clear the road!"

In a flash, in the corridor Reverberating with the roar of explosive bullets, the intensive firepower immediately shredded the space undead blocking the battlefield and the gate, and more convulsed sparks, and then collapsed to the ground, allowing the scarabs to climb on them. The body is repaired.


Under Fallo's urging, Soshian discarded all thoughts, started to run faster, and continued to shoot forward.

Nader and Akshai are around him, forming an assault arrow, deep into Necron's infantry formation.

The limp Occam voluntarily assumed the position of the back of the palace, while moving hard, occasionally stopping to fire a series of explosive bombs on the way behind them.

"Hot-melt bomb!! Thirty-second fuze!"

Fallo's roar echoed in the communication channel, and Soshian could only rush towards the crevice of the door. Run wild.

But when they approached, they realized that the place was not unblocked.

The fifth burial spider occupies the gate, but it was previously motionless, which made people mistakenly thought it was a statue.

When the Soshian entire group approached, it recovered.

The huge metal structure twists and trembles on the black base. The green crystal clusters connected to the head turn on and off, and the energy pulsates in the circuit connected to the base.

"Go ahead! I'll cover it!"

Occam, who arrived last, unhooked the last grenade from his waist and threw it at the awakened crypt spider.

With a loud bang, the three of Soshian and others scattered through the gap of the gate under the cover of grenades, and just as Occam moved forward, a metal appendage was destroyed by the explosion. The cloud group stretched out and drew towards this veteran.

This blow slashed into Occam's shoulder deeply, causing him to stagger back.

Although there was no bleeding, Occam also lost the opportunity to enter the rift.

"Soshian, don't turn your heads, keep walking."

Under these words, Occam shut down his communicator, raised his gun and fired at the target.

In the rumbling sound, one projectile destroyed one of the appendages of the structure in the burst of blue flame, but that was all, because the undead warrior behind had already caught up.


A flash of light and a huge explosion made Soshian finally realize that he has entered the central temple.

"This place looks to be broken."

Akshai maintains a minimum of humor even on this occasion.

But he is right, because at the entrance of this huge temple, the partial dome has collapsed and the ground has begun to collapse. If they stay here, they may be crushed or trapped.

"Keep walking."

Soshian's voice was accompanied by a thunder-like explosive roar, and he turned his head and crossed the backpack to take a look at the way he had come.

Through the crack in the door, Soshian could clearly see that the dazzling green light disappeared, replaced by the crackling of Skinner sharp claw and the emerald-colored eyes burning with hatred in the dark.

I have turned my head back impossible, and the rumbling sound of the blasting gun has gradually disappeared...

Soshian briefly mourned for his battle brother, after a few seconds of silence, took Nader and Akshai to continue. Going deeper, they walked through the magnificent corridor and entered the hall full of statues and ordnance. Everywhere they looked was shattered metal remains, and occasionally they could catch a glimpse of the blood-stained silver.

It is clear that fierce fighting has erupted here.

But it's worth the strange thing. There are still a few intact Xenos on the ground. Their bald heads only have a huge eye, and some exaggerated long-range weapons are scattered around them.

These strange undead spirits can't see the scars on the outside, they are motionless on the ground.

The three were very careful when they passed them. Soshian even shot one of the heads, but there was still no response.

"There is no one, and there is no Xenos."

Nader's muzzle keeps moving on the right side of the three-person squad, but there is only a dead silence in the hall, and even night vision Impenetrable darkness.

"It's strange."

Akshai suddenly spoke, and he was on the left side of the alert.


Soshian's footsteps are paused.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

Akshai turned his head to him, and Soshian could know the expression of the other person even through the helmet.

"Master Fullo seems to be here specifically to escort you in. The company commander also had this attitude before. It's almost...it's like they are fighting for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I always think so."

Nader's voice was added to the channel.

"Soshian, there is one thing I didn't tell you, that is, when we entered the landing module, I found that Chapter was always looking at us."


Soshian recalled for a moment, but did not notice whether Amurad appeared.

"Yes, I can see it clearly. He is standing with Forging Master Salax, about two hundred meters away from us, behind a shelf--"

Before the words fell silent, a whip-like lightning struck Nader directly.


With a low growl, Nader staggered back. He looked down and found that his left arm had become a bloody severed limb.

"Enemy attack!"

Akshai's roar immediately remembered, and Soshian quickly raised his gun to observe all around.

I saw countless figures moving in the deep darkness, and they were gathering, green-lighted weapons crackling with the terrifying energy, and further away, the outline of a pyramid was gradually appear.


Just when Soshian and his party were almost surrounded, the roar and shock like a volcanic eruption was transmitted to the sole of the boot through the earth. The three Space Marines quickly activated the magnetic lock to fix themselves in place, and those dead Ling machinery fell like a puppet that was toppled down one after another.

Then, terrifying collapse occurred in the hall, and millions of tons of boulders fell down. Soshian hurriedly avoided with two comrades in arms.

In the process, Soshian saw a huge structure rising into the void through the gap exposed by the dome, its shape resembling a huge and sharp sickle.

After hanging in midair for a short time, it flew away at an incredible speed, followed by two smaller models.

Soshian knew that these were Necron's aircraft, but their attitude at this time reminded him of the escape capsule on the Storm.

It seems that they are running away...

However, considering the characteristics of these soulless machines, it is unbelievable that they will abandon the battle and flee. Isn't these dead spirits still of one mind?

Just when Soshian focused on the strange shape of the sky, the dome that was originally on the verge of collapse completely collapsed. Before a pile of boulders shrouded him, a hand slammed behind him. Give him a hand.

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