"For a probability, rush to an uncertain goal..."

Soshian sighed.

"Venerable, we can't afford even a little failure now. Chapter has never been as dangerous as it is now."

"I'm sure there is something very important there."

Said cultivator still insisted on his own opinion, Soshian drew out his holy flame sword as soon as he persuaded him not to move.

"Venerable, have you heard of this sword? I brought it back from the orbital station of Ma'kande 2. According to Loken Priest, it was the mentor who got rid of him by a certain chapter chief. Made."

Fearless took two steps forward, seeming to observe the sword, and then its body shook as if it were nodded.

"Yes, I know."

Side cultivator Next, let Soshian startled.

"I commissioned the priest to make it."

"You? Haven't you been sleeping all the time?"

"It was not me who came forward."

Said cultivator extend the hand arm, Soshian then knowingly handed the Sacred Yan sword over, and the opponent grasped the hilt and looked at it carefully for a while, then exclaimed:

"Yes. Yes, I read the priest correctly. Compared to serving gears and machinery, he is actually more suitable to be a swordsmith, but unfortunately his skills are destined to be buried."

After that, he will The sword was returned to Soshian.

"Gray marrow needs to extract a lot of heat energy. This sword allows you to use it for a longer time, but you still have to be careful not to let your emotions influence your use of gray marrow. You have to control it yourself and learn to use it. Use it rationally."

Soshian nodded, accept the sword enters sheathe.

At this moment, the communicator in his neck armor suddenly sounded.

"Chapter long, you have to come and see this."

Hearing Loken's voice, Soshian immediately turned and walked outside the armory door, while the Said cultivator was tight. Followed by.

When they appeared on the bridge, there was already a mess.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Loken agitated the console, and said without looking back:

"Chapter is long, I just set the ornithology to scan the trail. The state of particles."

When he turned his head and saw the towering sacred fearless behind Soshian, the technical priest paused.

Then when he came back to his senses, he found that he needed to hesitate for a while to find the right wording.

"...the engine trail, so we can find out if there are other ships passing by."

"So what?"

Soshian Asked, when he and Said cultivator stepped onto the podium, Lothar stepped aside towards fearless nodded.

"A large number of readings,"

Loken's voice overshadowed the whispers of other officers, and at the same time, a large swath of birdwatcher readings was transmitted to the display.

"Two thousand kilometers away from the port side, I think, the distance is about close, there is a boat, or we can scan two boats."


Soshian frowned at the Loken.

"We only have two ships coming in, including the Honor Sabre."

Loken paled under his direct stare.

"The target image has been created."

A voice sounded and everyone turned to the video camera. The huge oval screen was slowly filled with static, unexplainable images .

Through the overflowing stray light, people cannot distinguish a clear physical shape, just like looking at things through clouds.

Loken and the technicians tried their best to eliminate most of the useless things. The bridge was so quiet that there were only sporadic static noises. Then he focused the image on the large ship drifting in the multi-colored storm. On the ship.

This ship is a wreck, scattered in a painful space for thousands of kilometers.

Such a scenario is not common in subspace. Ships are often lost in the wave of subspace for various reasons.

A considerable part of them has not been destroyed, but still maintains the decayed, ancient appearance, and may appear at any place, any time at any time.

When they appear in physical space, they will become a vicious gift.

This kind of ship is generally called a "hulk".

"Is there a problem?"

Soshian stared at the outline of the hulk, somehow worried.

"It's nothing, my lord, it's just a ghost reading on the sensor, a weak...sign of life?"

"Any more information."

"I'm scanning remotely...According to thermal decay and material analysis, it seems that it was destroyed many years ago, at least...thousands of years??"

At this time, the image of the imager is also It gradually became clear that it was a military ship.

The hull of the ship is dotted with flickering lights, and the heavy armor is pitted like the surface of a meteorite. A few patches of mottled black paint remain under the macro cannon. The location of the flying hangar has become ugly. The scar, the weather-beaten double-headed eagle logo is inlaid on the keel of the bow. It is at least a cruiser, and it is a bit larger than the Spark.

At this moment, Loken raised his hand to push off his hood, wiped the sweat from the back of his head, and said in confusion and surprise:

"Omsenia is here, it’s not I can’t believe...I don’t even know a ship of this class! I don’t even have a keel identification code of this type of ship! Is this a Xenos battleship? It doesn’t look like it..."

At this time, The Said cultivator, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

"This is a slaughter-class armored cruiser."

"Uh... noble elder, I have never heard of this type of cruiser."

Loken asked humbly, and then fearless gave him the answer.

"This is a cruiser used during the Great Expedition. Maybe it was discontinued very early. It's not surprising that you don't know."

Hearing this, Soshian stared coldly. Back on the ship again, as the Spark moved, the abandoned battleship became more burly.

It can be seen that large pieces of debris are floating near his shell, unnatural flames curled up in the gaps of its armor, and even though the outside is in a vacuum, it is still burning in some form.

As if to freeze the moment it fell.

"Sir, the more troublesome thing is that it is approaching us at a very fast speed, and it is expected to collide with us in half an hour!"

Suddenly, Loken said There was bad news.

Soshian frowned.

"Can't you get rid of it?"

"According to the pre-analysis of the trajectory, the current speed of the Spark alone cannot be rid of...How can a hulk be so fast!? "

"Can you leave the subspace."

"At present, we don't have a suitable anchor point. If we jump out hastily, we may plunge into the edge of a star or asteroid. In the belt."

At this time, the voice of Said cultivator sounded in Soshian's communicator.

"Soshian, this is a big problem, what power is pushing it to us, and only you can solve it."

Soshian immediately understood the meaning of the Said cultivator, there is Subspace forces are blocking their advancement.

"Can it be destroyed from a long distance."

"The slaughter-class armor is extremely strong. It is difficult to destroy it in a short time by relying on the ignition power of Starfire and Glory Sabre. , Before it hits us."

Soshian closed his eyes and pondered for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes, he gave the order for everyone to startled.

"Prepare the shuttle, let us board and see what the hell is going on."

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