Soshian felt a powerful force tearing his genetically modified superhuman body. After experiencing the soft, gravity-free environment in space, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

While screaming and roaring through the fluttering laser beams in the airborne capsule, leaving a mess, the machine soul also expressed protest, and the red warning light began to flash at high frequency.

It is experiencing a strong collision, continuous change of direction and severe deceleration.

The inertial speed reducer of the landing module and the hydraulic system of their power armor have received the greatest test. Every warrior has a Demi-God body, strong and thick muscles, and a highly adaptable Black Carapace. And the skeleton absorbed the huge power that was enough to shred an ordinary person.

But this is far from enough. If they fall in an incorrect posture, they will still be smashed into a puddle of mud.

"Start the landing spout."

Through the cracked screen, Soshian gave the final instructions to the machine soul.

He can still see the long series of Mars rubbing out after the landing capsule penetrated into the hard blackstone shell like a comet. The passenger compartment is now full of harsh metal friction and collisions.

Despite being very dissatisfied, the machine spirit still obeyed Soshian's wishes, and the retro rockets started one after another, but only half of them were able to work normally, which meant that the angle of their impact would not be very good.


The huge impact made Soshian’s helmet fiercely hit the bulkhead behind him, and the restraint belt was pulled to its limit in the creaking sound. The inertia made everyone’s chest like a boulder. .

Finally, after rubbing closely with the rock surface for a while, the landing module stopped like a slowly spinning egg.

After that, the working camera told Soshian what he needed to know about the messy images outside.

As planned, the desolate surface of the world engine is covered with debris and debris from the landing capsule painted with the emblem of Astral Knight. The originally flat black ground now truly looks like an asteroid. Crater after impact.

However, neither Space Marine nor any enemy was seen.

Soshian could feel the explosion of the damaged lander coming through the deck below the cabin. Through the surviving camera, he saw the liquid leaking from the crashed promethium fuel container. After the fire, black smoke enveloped a mess of all around.

"Prepare to open the hatch."

Soshian used the communicator in the helmet to speak to others. Under his urging, accompanied by a heavy impact, the pressure valve opened. .

At the same time, the bracket is also unlocked, allowing the warriors to leave quickly.

For the airborne warehouse, lying on the ground is not a suitable posture for people inside to leave quickly. When Soshian one-knee kneels are on the broken instrument panel, other squad members use The bracket climbed out of the seat and gathered beside him.

Warriors are under one-knee kneels, each of them is experienced, holding well-maintained weapons in their hands.

"Have you all arrived?"

"Hasdru, here."

Hasdru, the heavy weapon in the squad, he is in charge Controlling a heavy explosive gun is the core firepower pillar of the tactical squad, and it is also a group of recruits earlier than Soshian.

"Rezzeno, here."

"Karisinus, here."

Rezzeno and Karisinus, they are on both sides of Soshian, waiting to disperse According to the order, they carried the standard weapons and equipment of the squad members.

"Velinus, here."

"Fix, here."

Velinus' voice came from behind Rezzeno , This young Legion warrior was holding his MKIVC blaster tightly, while the same young Fix was one-knee kneels staying behind him.

"Alcan, here."

He was holding the flamethrower and moved to Soshian's side. The grenade and the extra promethium jar he was carrying were dinging and making noise.

"Occam, here."

He is the oldest squad member, but he is also the person who supports Soshian as Captain the most. There have been rumors that he should be a candidate for Captain , But he declined the appointment.

"Akshai, here."

"Nader, here."

Next are two friends of Soshian's buddies, squad is very lucky that nothing appears casualties.

"For the God Emperor."

Soshian signaled with a calm voice.

"Everyone is in place."

As he nodded, Akshai pressed the "manual open" button on the hatch.

Suddenly, the hatch consisting of several pieces of plastic steel began to open, like a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl full of fangs, and the scene of the world engine gradually appeared in front of the squad members.

The tactical display interface of the Soshian helmet immediately began to calibrate all the moving targets outside the airborne cabin. As one after another dim light flashed on the screen, the bird monitor began to display the maps of various sensors Come out—infrared receiver, ultraviolet receiver, and motion sensor.

"Welcome ceremony is about to begin."

Akshai still maintains a joking mood, but after a beam of Gaussian splitting beams passed through the open hatch and brushed his helmet , He couldn't laugh anymore.

"Why don't you go and give them a grand self-introduction."

Nader couldn't help but teased him, Soshian interrupted the untimely behavior.

"Prepare for action, center of gravity formation."

After speaking, Soshian took the lead in jumping out of the hatch, and with the roar of the explosive gun, he fired his first shot today. .

Under the influence of the booster, the blaster flew over the black rock armor plate, leaving a fiery trail.

Its impact is devastating. A Xenos who was stumbling forward was beaten upright, and the metal skeleton body that blasphemed the appearance of humans suddenly exploded from the middle, and the Gauss ripper in its hand was also Fell to the ground.

But it did not die immediately. Inside the silver white skull, the nauseating green color has not dissipated. Its lower body was ten meters away, but its upper body crawled towards the ground weapon.

Necron, the cursed dead, is such a sad existence.

They have no souls, and most of them don't even have consciousness. They are just the remnants of the ancient Imperium and some sad leftovers, but they have been reluctant to retreat from the galaxy stage.

Having hatred, Soshian shot it in the head again, ending its action.

"The first drop of blood is yours again."

Akshai made an annoying grunt in the communication channel, and the squad members followed the others, bowed their heads, and jumped out of the hatch.

As soon as these Space Marines landed on the ground, they were engaged in the battle to push the enemy's offensive back. The blaster shot quickly one after another. They flew across the deck, accurately hit the target, and slowly The advancing metal skeletons were disassembled into parts, and it didn't take long.

"Company commander, company commander, can you receive it?"

While the members were taking care of the necromantic soldiers that approached, Soshian tried to contact their company. But the communication seemed to be disturbed, and there was only noisy electronic sound in the channel.

"Looking for...master...nuclear..."

Among these noises, Soshian recognized an intermittent voice. He didn't recognize who it was, but he was sure It's human.

"...11 o'clock...direction...gather..."

Soshian glanced at the ornithology, and it didn’t show that there were friendly forces around, so it meant they There is a certain distance from the large army.

"Go in the direction of 11 o'clock."

The number of soulless people is continuously approaching them from all directions. The squad is fighting against the landing module with its back, but it will definitely not last long. , Soshian quickly found a gap on the battlefield.

"Come with me!"

It was a destroyed Gauss turret. Soshian was running and shooting at the same time. The splitting light of the Gauss gun followed his footsteps, but he It's still faster.

The squad members follow closely from behind, they shuttled through the bullet rain, trying to get close to the destroyed fort.


A weird Necron with three legs jumped out, holding a huge war scythe that flashed with gloom, and rushing towards Soshian at an incredible speed.

peng~ peng~!

Soshian fired two shots, one shot was avoided, and the other hit the opponent's shoulder, but only tore a few pieces of metal.

The two are close at hand, he decisively drew out the chain sword from his waist, and flicked his thumb across to start the rune.

Along with the sawtooth hungry buzzing, it bites with the pale green war sickle fiercely. Soshian is embarrassed about the machine soul, and slams the opponent's head with the handle of the blaster .

The pale metal skull was suddenly cracked. Soshian pushed forward with his left arm, strangling the opponent's neck with his backhand, and then turned to the right.


A Gaussian ray happened to hit the undead warrior locked by Soshian from behind. This weapon has very formidable power against most armors, but it only hits them. On the contrary, its own kind of active metal has no good effect.

The undead warrior's chest was eroded with a big hole, and it began to struggle violently, but Soshian's power was notoriously large in the whole group, and he directly pulled his elbow upward.

Together with its metal spine, Soshian pulled the pale skull straight out.

"Save ammunition!"

He gave orders to the members who were covering him through the squad channel, and then pinned the skull with the spine to the back of his waist.

"Go forward!"

Squad successfully hid behind the turret. Soshian glanced at the ornithology and found that several bright spots appeared on the border of the screen.

"Found it! We need to join others."

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