The sunlight turned into a sharp blade under the cutting of the branches and leaves of the high treetops, and imprinted a mottled halo on the ground in front of the horse.

A large group of youngsters drove their horses along the path in the forest.

The air is full of fragrance, which is undoubtedly a calm and normal child.

As the capital of the planet Nathan 4, the Soms Nest is different from most other nests. The nests are built close to the most peak of this world, the Soms Peak. , The nest also got its name.

This majestic mountain is more than seven kilometers above sea level. The huge nest is like vines climbing on the mountain. It completely covers the original mountain and vegetation. The ruler of the nest city lives in The highest point of the nest is in a cluster of palaces called the Hermitage that is covered by pure white snow all day long.

Like most nests, Soms’ nests are also divided into different classes. The lower and bottom nests are the main part, crowded with tens or even tens of billions of poor innumerable living beings. They are in Struggling to survive amidst corrupt, stinky drains and toxic waste, very few will be a sign of Astra Militarum soldiers or the priest of the state religion.

But other overwhelming majority people will die of various diseases or gang killings between the ages of 40 and 50.

The areas above 3000-5000 above sea level belong to the middle-level nest capital, and the natural environment is relatively intact. However, the natural environment of the high-level nest capital above 5000 meters is hard to think of this. A nest city.

This extremely precious high-altitude forest belongs to the Soms aristocratic Academy. Thanks to the environmental modification technology of mechanical education, tall trees can grow at such a high altitude.


The aristocratic young man Oscar Herman loosened the rein in his hand, soothed his body on the saddle, and let him import from the alien The precious horse controls its pace.

For the morning forest is no longer a place of thrills and fears. The forest has been shining brightly and turned into an adventure paradise.

Next to Oscar is the younger brother who took off his helmet, Dade Herman.

The youngster laughed at his big brother, hoping that he would be happy in the forest walk, but Osman's mood was still not very high.

They actually came to the class. For the students of the Noble Academy, hunting is also part of the course.

However, because there is no pressure, the formation of the students is very loose, and the whole team seems very relaxed and calm.

Everyone is immersed in the beautiful scenery of the homeland world, this is the call from the heart.

Behind the team are some attendants and servants. The attendants are responsible for the spare weapons, and the servants are responsible for carrying logistics packages. All of them together form a hunting team.

"Do you think it looks like a strange team running towards the wilderness?"

Oscar suddenly opened the mouth and said, but only Dade heard his voice.

"I guess the school really doesn't have any courses, so we can only let us hang out."

Dade replied with a smile.

"You mean we should graduate?"

"Not yet."

younger brother shrugged.

"But it's just a matter of time. We have all been in school for eight years."

"But we missed the most important step! The real graduation ceremony."

Seeing Oscar finally clarify the source of his frustration, Dade felt that although it was annoying to listen to the big brother’s complaints, at least he no longer suppressed himself. Recently, his state is very worrying. .

The previous Oscars were referring to the most exciting screening ceremony ever every year, the most direct opportunity that a mortal can reach and become a great hero.

An Astarte Chapter will come before the graduation ceremony. From the graduates, choose the lucky ones who are suitable to be God Emperor angels.

Their name is Astral Knight.

But this year, the graduation ceremony has passed, but the angels are nowhere to be seen.

It is said, but it is said.

Astral Knights were wiped out in a distant war, so they will never come here to recruit new soldiers.

As soon as this rumor appeared, it was severely reprimanded by the school and the state church and prohibited it from spreading, because the angels of the God Emperor would not suffer such a failure.

However, they have no better excuse to explain the fact that the angels have not appeared for three consecutive years.

Some people also think that Nathan 4 has been abandoned, and the angels think that the recruits here are not good enough, so they look for better recruiting points.

In any case, the rays of light of Soames Noble Academy is much bleak compared to the past.

"Even if I die, I want to try to be Astarte!"

Oscar whipped his whip in anger and rode his horse forward.

"Big brother! Calm down, even if you tortured the'Gospel', it won't help."

Dad drove his horse behind Oscar, and they walked to an open field with a steep cliff on the left. , Below the cliff is a deep and secluded valley. The peak is full of white rocks. In front of it is a waterfall cascading down from the top of the mountain with a force of thunder, falling into the deep pool at the bottom of the valley.

The torrent collides with the rocks, the water splashes everywhere, and the air is filled with mist, reflecting the colorful rainbow light.

The surrounding area is full of greenery, and the vigorous green plants stretch out to all directions.

Compared with Oscar's irritability, Dade only felt a moment of peace spread all over his body.

At this moment, he feels full of soul and refreshed.

"Where is the angel, angel, angel? War, war, where is the war?"

Oscar held the hilt of the sword and looked around, but he didn't find anything interested in him The presence.

On the contrary, he only saw two crossed long swords nailed to the thick branches of a big tree, bright and dazzling under the sunlight.

This surprised him very much

"They never left."

Oscar whispered, but only Dade could see the expression on his face. ——That is an uneasy expectation.

When he just wanted to speak, a strange wave quietly blew up.

The air started to become hot and filled with a pungent smell, which was somewhat similar to the exhaust gas from factories.

Dade looked up and saw some huge silver "thing" roaring above his head.

It was a big guy with a strong body with distinct edges and corners. A pair of giant wings swept back, and the tail section was spraying blue fireworks.

When this "thing" flew over the head, the accompanying scorching heat made everyone involuntarily cred out in surprise.

The students drove the mounts in a circle. When the huge flying wild beast whistled past again, Dade pulled out the long sword.

"What the hell is this!"

The harsh noise that filled the clearing made him roar.

"I don't know! Maybe it's the enemy!"

"Impossible! Planet orbit has no warning!"

Dade looked towards Oscar again, trying to understand what happened What happened, but his big brother just sat in the saddle peacefully, watching the huge monster flying over his head quietly.

There was a delighted smile on his face, his hands gripped the reins tightly, and his shoulders couldn't stop shaking.

"Angels, they are back!"

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