: A Hive System With Independent Thinking Ability

At this moment, Cheng Hao had already walked out of the core computer room. With a smile on his face, he glanced at Ye Zhou at the side, and then looked at the leaders next to him.

“Welcome all the leaders of Yanjing to visit our laboratory!”

Looking at Cheng Hao in front of him, the big leader in front of him looked at Cheng Hao with a kind smile on his face and said, “It’s disturbing your work! It’s really a sin, a sin!”

You know, the Cheng Hao in front of you is famous in the elders’ house!

The whole world is regarded as a famous scientist. In the academic world, if the Cheng Hao in front of him wants to get some identity, he must be at the level of a scholar.

What’s more, he is still so young now, and the future is truly limitless!

Such a character, no matter what, we must have a good relationship with him!

So, the leader of Yanjing in front of him naturally looked at Cheng Hao with a kind smile on his face.

“Hahaha! You have your jobs, we have ours, everything is just a different social division of labor! If you want to learn about artificial intelligence, and then mention the procurement, of course there is no problem at all! On the contrary, this is the responsibility Responsibility performance!”

Cheng Hao smiled slightly, looked at the leaders in front of him and said.

Hearing Cheng Hao’s words, the smiles on the faces of the leaders in front of them became even wider.

“Let’s go! I’ll take a few of you to see our newly developed honeycomb system!”

With that said, Cheng Hao led several leaders into the core computer room.

In the computer room, because everyone had heard what Cheng Hao had said before, they were still doing experiments and writing code seriously, and no one looked up.

Several leaders looked at the scene in front of them and nodded inwardly.

Cheng Hao brought several leaders to the front of the hive system.

“This honeycomb system is the first generation of real artificial intelligence developed by us. You can issue commands to it, and you can do whatever you want!”

Cheng Hao smiled slightly, and said to several leaders around him.

A few people froze for a moment, and asked Cheng Hao curiously, “That’s all?”

“Yes! Just call it a hive.”

Cheng Hao smiled slightly.

“Any order will do?”

Another leader pondered for a while, and asked Cheng Hao.


Cheng Hao nodded.

“Hive, give me a glass of water!”

At this moment, a leader suddenly spoke. After finishing speaking, the leader turned to look at Cheng Hao and asked, “Is that what you said?”

Cheng Hao smiled, but did not speak yet.

Suddenly, a glass of water was brought over and put into the leader’s hand.

The leader held the glass of ice in his hand in some surprise.water.

“How do you know that what I want to drink is ice water?”

The leader looked at the screen in front of him curiously.

“Your body temperature slightly exceeds the normal body temperature, which means that you are very hot now. Based on your feelings, I brought ice water!”

The sound of the hive caused surprise expressions on the faces of the surrounding leaders.

“Dr. Cheng, is this artificial intelligence really so intelligent? It can’t be programmed, right?”

At this time, a leader looked at Cheng Hao in front of him with a hint of hesitation in his eyes and asked.

Cheng Hao smiled slightly. He glanced at the leaders around him and said, “Leaders, you can try to have a conversation with this experiment that you can go ahead with!”

Hearing Cheng Hao’s words, the surrounding leaders immediately looked at each other in dismay, curious expressions appeared in their eyes.

Talk to the computer?

As we all know, there is actually no way for a computer to have a dialogue with a human being, because the so-called intelligence of a computer is just to respond according to a program.

It is only possible to have a conversation with a human being unless the data of enough human conversations is collected!

Thinking of this, the surrounding leaders turned slightly serious, and said to the hive system in front of them, “Are you a hive?”

“Yes, sir!”

A voice sounded, and the leaders around them were all experienced in the world, so they were not too surprised.

“Do robots really have the ability to think?”

A leader hesitated for a moment, and spoke towards the hive system.

The hive system was silent for a while.

“I also have an electronic neuron structure similar to the human brain. I can use known data to make judgments and decisions on some problems. If this is not thinking, I don’t quite understand what thinking ability is.”

Hearing the hive’s answer, the surrounding leaders all showed surprise in their eyes.

“Do you know what I am? Do you have self-awareness?”

Yanjing’s leadership is also quite capable. Upon hearing the answer from the hive, everyone’s eyes revealed a look of surprise.

“Yes, I have independent thinking consciousness!”

“Then will you harm humans?”

A leader keenly asked about the hive system.

“I will record everything related to harming human beings into the alarm system. All my decisions will take human life as the main premise. This is written by the master in my core program.”

The hive system replied.

Hearing the words of the hive system, several leaders around at this time finally showed interest.

Then several people asked some questions about the hive system, and the hive answered them one by one.

“Not bad!”

The degree of intelligence of the hive system far exceeded the expectations of several leaders. The biggest leader said to Cheng Hao with emotion in his eyes: “This artificial intelligence is more intelligent than I imagined. It’s even better! It just gave me the illusion of stepping into the future!

Similar to the hive system, will it be possible to produce some human-like artificial intelligence robots in the near future? ? ”

Several leaders looked at Cheng Hao in front of them with anticipation in their eyes and asked.

Cheng Hao shook his head with a wry smile.

“Leaders, that’s not at the same level as my artificial intelligence. After all, to be a real artificial intelligence requires too much computing power, at least that kind of human-like artificial intelligence, in a short period of time.

Whether it is in materials science or chip science, there is no way to make a major breakthrough! ”

With that said, Cheng Hao shrugged helplessly.

Several leaders sighed slightly, with helpless expressions in their eyes.

“Indeed! Now in China, we can’t even produce the most basic tens of nanometer chips, and we will be stuck by Asmail!”

As he said that, several leaders were a little bit downhearted.

Looking at the few leaders who were not in the mood in front of him, Cheng Hao’s heart moved slightly.

“Okay! This artificial intelligence, a few of us took a look at it. It is indeed very intelligent. The specific cooperation method, let’s connect at that time! What budget and what to do, we will talk about it at that time!”

A leader said to Cheng Hao in front of him.


Cheng Hao nodded.

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