God of Illusions

Chapter 644: The Far North, Snow Country!

Boss! Four bowls of snow milk wine!

Pushing open the door of the inn, Feng Xue followed the four figures who jumped into the hall. Leng Liuying's cheerful voice reached the inn first, and the busy waiter immediately responded.

Invite your distinguished guests! The snow milk wine will be served soon!

After inviting Bai Xiaofei and the four of them to sit down, the waiter quickly came over with four bowls of steaming milky white snow milk wine.

You asked for four bowls of snow milk wine. Do you need anything else?

Leaning over to ask Bai Xiaofei, the waiter dressed in animal skins had respect written all over his face.

Ask her, I don't know anything.

Bai Xiaofei said and pointed at Leng Liuying who was eager to try. After a month of wind and rain, they finally arrived at the Snow Country. Since entering the Snow Country, Leng Liuying seemed to have liberated his nature. He was always excited about everything. She was more active than on stimulants.

Just have one of the signature dishes. Don't fool us with inferior food. I'm an expert!

Leng Liuying waved his hand, showing the spirit of a child of the world.

Okay! Don't worry, sir. Although the shop may not be big, it never does anything like passing off bad things as good ones.

The waiter responded and withdrew again.

Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly after hearing what the waiter said.

Why did he call you Sir? Does everyone in the Snow Country know you?

After Bai Xiaofei asked, the three sisters showed a smile at the same time, well, an idiot's smile...

Indeed, it is indeed idiotic to ask such a question in Snow Country, because it is common knowledge in Snow Country.

If he knows us, then he is not calling us adults, but His Highness.

Leng Liuying raised her head proudly as she spoke. After returning to her territory, teaching Bai Xiaofei a lesson became one of her daily pleasures.

Don't laugh, after all, this is his first time here.

Leng Liushuang has always been the gentlest one, but after returning to the Snow Country, she has become a lot more cheerful, and the most direct manifestation is that she talks a lot more.

Snow Country has the largest number of multiple births on the entire continent. It is said that the ancestor of Snow Country loved multiple births so much that he prayed to God for a gift. The next year, the queen gave birth to a pair of twins. In order to fulfill his wish, the ancestor issued a decree According to a law, any commoner who gives birth to twins will be directly promoted to a noble, while those who give birth to triplets will be directly promoted to viscount and enjoy official salary.

This law has been passed down forever, and no king dared to modify it. Because of this, the Snow Country has become the most prosperous country in the entire Northern Territory.

After Leng Liushuang finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized that the waiter at the relationship store had taken Leng Liuli and the others as the rich ladies of the viscount's family.

Stop talking about it now, try it quickly. This snow milk wine can only be drunk in the Snow Country. If it weren't for this, my godfather wouldn't have agreed to stay in the Snow Country for such a long time.

Leng Liuying said excitedly, staring straight at Bai Xiaofei with a pair of big eyes, which made Bai Xiaofei panic.

There was definitely something wrong with Leng Liuying being so proactive, but Bai Xiaofei couldn't think of anything wrong. He doubtfully picked up the steaming wine bowl and brought it close to his nose. Bai Xiaofei's expression suddenly changed.

This taste...

How to describe it? I don’t know if you have ever smelled fermented goat milk. The smell that hits your nose is really hard for Bai Xiaofei to handle.

But the three sisters were staring at him from the opposite side, so Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to drink it.

However, after taking the snow milk wine, the embarrassment on Bai Xiaofei's face instantly turned into surprise.

The taste of snow milk wine and the smell are simply two different things!

A mellow aroma of milk mixed with the strong drink went straight to the top of my head. The wine flowed down my esophagus. A warm feeling seemed to flow into my limbs. Fine beads of sweat immediately appeared on my forehead. , the coldness in the whole body disappeared with this sip. After the drink entered the stomach, the aroma lingering in the mouth lingered for a long time...

After putting down the wine bowl, Bai Xiaofei let out an uncontrollable growl. The feeling of comfort was something that none of the many drinks Bai Xiaofei had ever drunk could give him.

How about it, I didn't disappoint you!

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's reaction, Leng Liuying smiled with satisfaction, and Bai Xiaofei was in a daze for a moment with his beaming smile.

With fine wine in hand and a beautiful woman in front of you, there is probably nothing more enjoyable than this in this world.


Bai Xiaofei already didn't know what to say, so he smacked his lips while talking powerfully.

Sir, turn around slowly, the food is served!

The waiter came over again, holding plates of dishes that Bai Xiaofei had never seen before, but this time Leng Liuying had no intention of waiting for Bai Xiaofei and picked up his chopsticks to greet him directly.

Looking at his sister who was devouring the food, Leng Liuli had an irresistible smile on his face, while Bai Xiaofei joined the battle group under Leng Liushuang's introduction...

In this way, the three sisters and Bai Xiaofei have become a sight in the inn. Although every diner eats wildly, it has been a long time since they were so wild.

Many people even stopped what they were doing and just watched the three people eating table after table...

When they stopped, the four of them, plus a cat and a dog, all slumped on the chairs. In the past month, this meal was definitely the most satisfying meal Bai Xiaofei had ever had, but for Leng Liuli and the others, this was the best meal. Best meal in years.

The word hometown has a different meaning to everyone.

After eating this meal, what impressed Bai Xiaofei the most was the fruit that was served at the end.

The reason why I added the quotation marks is because Bai Xiaofei didn't know whether this thing should be called fruit or not.

When the ice pears are served, they are several small fish swimming in warm water. Make a cut on each side of them. After they are taken out, they will quickly expand into a fist-sized fish due to the low surrounding temperature. The ball was originally a way to protect oneself, but because of the two cuts just now, self-protection turned into suicide. In the end, the fish meat turned into fruit pulp and the fish bones became the core.

What Bai Xiaofei will never forget the most is the unique taste!

Acid, extremely sour, but it is not the acid of vinegar, but the same fruit acid as lemon. It is so sour that your limbs will go numb, and your soul will be out of body. Although he had just finished eating the thick emblica, Bai Xiaofei still drooled uncontrollably when he thought of that feeling.

In Leng Liushuang's words, Bingli is the Crystal Love among common people, and its status in the Snow Country is not much worse than Crystal Love.

Sitting slumped on the chair, Bai Xiaofei suddenly giggled and looked around with his eyes. The sound of wind and snow outside drifted into his ears.

Snow Country, a foreign land, the far north, I, Bai Xiaofei, am here!

ps: The third update is here! The Snow Country chapter officially begins! Please vote! ! ! Ask for sixty! This is not too much to ask for! ! !

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