God of Illusions

Chapter 688: The Jackdaw’s Sorrow!

Bai Xiaofei returned to the inn with an uneasy feeling. Along the way, Bai Xiaofei was thinking about how to solve the practical problem of having no money, but unlike Xingluo, he really had no way to make money. (w?) (w?)

Hey, it seems I can only 'eat soft food'.

With a long sigh, Bai Xiaofei made a difficult decision.

Just when Bai Xiaofei was standing at the door, thinking about how to speak, the door was hurriedly opened from the inside with a bang, and then the panicked Leng Liuying ran headlong into Bai Xiaofei's arms.

Won't you knock on the door when you come back?

Rubbing the painful forehead, Leng Liuying gave Bai Xiaofei a fierce look. As for Bai Xiaofei, it was even worse. Leng Liuying was only hit on his forehead, but his nose was hit...

You're still telling me, why am I in such a hurry so late at night to have an appointment with my young lover?

Not to be outdone, Bai Xiaofei counterattacked very sharply.

Stop making trouble, let's get down to business.

Leng Liuying wanted to refute, but was stopped by Leng Liuli who had a serious face.

What's wrong?

Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, and there was a trace of doubt on Bai Xiaofei's face. Leng Liuli's expression was really rare.

Something happened over there at Jackdaw. It is said that they brought back very important news and planned to make it public. Didn't you notice that there was no one down there when you came back?

Leng Liuli said, and Bai Xiaofei showed an expression of sudden realization. Just now he was thinking about why the inn was so deserted today, so it turned out that something like this happened.

We originally planned to wait for you to come back, but we didn't see you after waiting for a long time, so we planned to go over and have a look. But now that you are back, we can save a lot of trouble.

As soon as the words fell, Bai Xiaofei immediately understood. Xiao Hei jumped off his shoulders, and the appearance of the three sisters changed...

The place where the Jackdaw Mercenary Group lives is not very far away, but by the time Bai Xiaofei and the four of them arrived, not to mention the inside of the inn, even the outside was full of people, and everyone had automatically ignored the blowing wind and snow. .

Now, information matters!

Brother Feng!

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd,

Following the sound, Bai Xiaofei saw three familiar faces.

Brother Han San, I didn't expect to see you here again!

After greeting Han San who rushed over enthusiastically, Bai Xiaofei made a silencing gesture to the three sisters.

These three are...

My wife.

Bai Xiaofei didn't mean to hide it at all, and was even a little proud when he said it. The three sisters felt warm in their hearts. Being introduced like this was a simple happiness for them.

Brother, you are so lucky!

At first glance, the three Leng Liuli sisters looked like triplets in stature, and Han San, the Snow Country's tradition, also knew about it, so the label of the blessing of all people was attached to Bai Xiaofei's head.

What the hell, brother is joking. By the way, brother, do you know what this jackdaw is going to do?

Bai Xiaofei quickly changed the topic to the issue he was concerned about, and Bai Xiaofei felt a little more hopeful in his heart. After all, he had missed a lot of things before.

You asked the right person, I was watching them withdraw at that time!

With a slap on his chest, Han San said what Bai Xiaofei wanted to hear most.

Let me tell you, brother Feng, this Snow God Mountain is really amazing. If you are not sure, you must not go in. There are actually emperor-level monsters in there!

Han San's expression was as exaggerated as if he had seen the emperor-level monster with his own eyes.

A total of two sub-groups of the Jackdaw Mercenary Group came this time. The fifth sub-group that entered today was from the Snow Country. However, such an experienced team was almost completely wiped out in the Snow God Mountain this afternoon. In the cave, only two branch leaders and some elites escaped, and the rest were all trapped inside!

Han San became more and more excited as he spoke, with a hint of fear on his face.

Originally, he was going in this afternoon to try his luck, but now it seems that fortunately, he didn't really go in...

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei's face did show a hint of surprise.

He has seen the strength of emperor-level monsters before. The crushing combat power really makes people feel powerless. At the same time, he also guessed why Jackdaw gathered so many people here.

I'm coming!

The sound of surprise rang out among the crowd, and the noisy discussion suddenly stopped. Everyone's eyes were focused on the stage on the second floor, and two people with solemn faces came into everyone's sight.

Bai Xiaofei is no stranger to these two people, Jackdaw and Qiu Feng!

I'm sure you all know what happened this afternoon. I grieve for my heroic brothers, but I will never live up to the sacrifice they made.

As he spoke, Jackdaw raised one hand, and a photo-taking eyeball flew into the air, projecting the scene inside into the night sky.

Originally, everyone thought they could catch a glimpse of the emperor-level monsters, but apart from a dazzling fire, all that was left on the screen were the various shouts of the Jackdaw Mercenary Group.

The scene didn't last long, but in just such a period of time, hundreds of members of the group could be seen being burned to death. That was a movie-length death!

This is all the information we have. According to the judgment of the survivors, this unknown enemy has at least the strength of an emperor-level monster. The flames it releases can ignore most shield abilities, and ordinary water cannot attack it. Once it is contaminated, the only way is to immediately cut off the ignited part.

Jackdaw said slowly, and the crowd standing below immediately became confused, and most people were retreating.

This monster is entrenched at a very important bifurcation. From there, we felt a very strong and pure aura of Yuan Power. If we guessed correctly, there should be a piece of Yuan Mine inside.

Just when everyone was about to retreat, Jackdaw spoke again. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone who was planning to retreat held back.

Yuan mine...

As a necessity, the exchange ratio between Yuan Stone and Amethyst Coin is about 1:30. Even if it is a Yuan Mine, its value is at least seven to eight times that of Amethyst Coin at the same size!

And no one can empty out a piece of Yuan Mine, so as long as that monster is killed, everyone present will get a share of the pie!

The reason why I am standing here today to say this is that I hope that everyone can unite. The strength of our Jackdaw Mercenary Group alone is not enough to destroy an emperor-level monster. Only together can we have the possibility of victory.

Jackdaw said with a serious face, but no one responded to him.

What a joke, even the elites you recruited from the local area were wiped out by the regiment. Do you want us to go there and die?

But just when everyone thought Jackdaw was wasting his words, he suddenly laughed. The laughter was cold and full of sarcasm...

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