God of Illusions

Chapter 718 Military Power!

? The disintegration of ten thousand demons is an irreversible magic technique. In other words, after the devil uses this technique, he will only look like this ghost in the future. ◢自◢梦◢小◢.lā

This is also the reason why the Demon King has never used this technique, but now he has no choice. However, the improvement brought by the disintegration of ten thousand demons is also terrifying!

The Demon King roared, and all the people present below the Grandmaster level held their heads and fell down. The weak ones even exploded into a ball of blood mist, and all the blood and energy in their bodies became the Demon King's nutrition, moving towards the Demon King. flew over.

It's over, dead... He actually disintegrated all the demons. We have no hope...

Yue Xiaofei said with a dull expression on his face, his eyes filled with despair.

At the same time, the Demon King has started a crazy massacre, but at this time, the Demon King seems to have lost his mind and is acting completely on instinct, killing whomever he sees. Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei, who has just taken the most active action, should be targeted first. yes.

This technique will make people lose their minds?

Bai Xiaofei reacted immediately, grabbed Yue Xiaofei who had given up resistance next to him, and shook him awake.

answer me!!!

It's impossible to say there's no rush. There are so many people around here. If the Demon King continues to kill like this, he will be killed sooner or later.

It's just temporary. As long as he absorbs enough power of blood, his mind will recover. At that time, the nightmare will really begin.

Yue Xiaofei was trembling all over, as if he had seen his own death.

He wants to escape now, but unfortunately, there is no place to escape here. The only teleportation array is next to the Demon King, and he is currently attacking from the nearest place, and no one dares to go there.

Run! Run away!!!

I don't know who shouted, and many people who were in a daze immediately started a chain reaction. Facing the Demon King at this time, they couldn't even think of resisting. Therefore, after being reminded, almost 90% of them were The people all started to move.


And he was running in all directions!

Seeing this scene,

Bai Xiaofei could not wait to pull the man who shouted to run away and cut him into pieces. The period when the Demon King was unconscious was their only chance. As long as this period was passed, everyone here would die.

To die!

This is our last chance, any suggestions?

Bai Xiaofei said as he looked at the resurrected person playing the piano. Although Yue Xiaofei didn't run away, he was too frightened to communicate normally.

There is no flaw in the disintegration of Ten Thousand Demons. If you want to stop him, you can only crush him forcefully, and the combat power of our current people is far from enough to crush him.

After the resurrected person playing the piano finished speaking, a trace of sadness appeared on the faces of the group of people.

Do we really just have to wait to die?

How about I do it again?

Fan Xingyu said, clenching the Star God Sword in his hand.

No, he is a beast now. If he feels threatened, he will get burned!

The resurrected person who played the piano spoke again, and everyone was caught in a dilemma.

If you don't take action, the opportunity will be fleeting. If you do, the group of people will be done with it in no time.

I can't wait any longer! Waiting to die is not my habit, Jiao He!

Not long after, Jiao He, who was carrying a long sword, gritted his teeth and roared and was about to rush out, but before he could move, the entire underground space suddenly shook.

You did it?

After swallowing his saliva, Fan Xingyu looked at Jiao He with doubts on his face. After fighting with Jiao He for so many years, he had never seen Jiao He have such a hand.

I rather think I did it.

Jiao He also looked confused and glanced around.

While everyone was searching, the violent shaking appeared again. This time, even the Demon King stopped!

The shaking became more and more frequent and violent. After a moment, there was an explosion, and dazzling light mixed with the cold wind rushed in. Then, a large group of figures fell from the sky, and quickly gathered together after landing.

It's the Snow Country's army!!! And it's their most elite Snow Lion Army!!!

Itachi had done enough homework before coming. When operating on other people's territory, he naturally had to know something about their elite troops.

And the people who fell behind were indeed worthy of the word elite. After seeing the demon king, a monster that was obviously difficult to deal with, the soldiers only looked a little more solemn, but other than that, there was nothing strange about them.

Snow Lion Legion Pioneer Brigade Set


At least two thousand people lined up neatly, and the captain knelt down on one knee in front of Blainey who was floating in the air.

Behind Blainey, Leng Liuli, whose face was full of anxiety, fell down. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was still safe, Leng Liuli immediately rushed over desperately.

Are you OK!

Leng Liuli's concern for Bai Xiaofei naturally did not escape Blainey's eyes, and the horror in her heart was instantly reflected on her face.

Leng Liuli threatened to save her friend, but Blainey didn't expect that this friend turned out to be a man!

However, even though Blainey really wanted to ask what the relationship between the two was, the current situation did not allow it. The appearance of the Snow Team made the Demon King go crazy again. It felt like his dignity had been violated.

He raised his head and let out a roar, and the sound wave that had killed many adventurers instantly spread out!


Almost at the same time, the entire vanguard brigade let out a uniform cry of killing, followed by a majestic momentum, which actually blocked the demon king's sound wave!

Military power!

Troops tempered from blood and fire will never lag behind others in terms of momentum, and the Demon King's roar is actually a spiritual attack. What a steel lion is least afraid of is this kind of mental trick.

Form four elephants! Joint attack!

Blaney gave the order, and the vanguard group immediately started moving. The two thousand people quickly divided into four groups and formed four military formations according to strange positions.

The momentum that could confront the Demon King rose again, and in the blink of an eye, four strange-looking monsters formed in mid-air.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened instantly when he was fused with Jin Yu. Although Bai Xiaofei didn't recognize the other three monsters, one of the four monsters in the air was very similar to Jin Yu!


Blainey had no intention of explaining to Bai Xiaofei and the others. With a command, the four magical beasts in mid-air turned into dots of light and merged into the bodies of the soldiers below.

Immediately afterwards, four oversized weapons appeared above the heads of the four troops, swords, shields, bows, and knives!

The next second, as the four teams moved in unison, the four weapons in the air started to move!


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