God of Illusions

Chapter 798: Wangchuan!

Although he had not slept all night, Bai Xiaofei was in good spirits and did not look like a seriously injured person at all.

However, because Bai Xiaofei cannot gather his energy now, Xiao Hei and Xiao Er look listless, but the good thing is that they are not useless.

This is the advantage of the living puppet. Even if the puppet master cannot use his own energy, the living puppet itself will have a certain ability to move.

Just like Fang Ye said, Bai Xiaofei can now rely on Xiao Hei and Xiao Er to provide support.

Brother Fei, you've got it figured out!

As soon as Bai Xiaofei walked out, Shi Kui came up to him with a bitter look on his face, as if he had encountered some worldly problem.

He who yells and screams every day, does he look like a high-level puppet master?

After patting Shi Kui on the head, Bai Xiaofei looked like he hated iron.

With this group of people, how can I rest assured! ! !

No, Brother Fei, you are confused even if you come here to see me.

With a wry smile, Shi Kui pulled Bai Xiaofei up and ran to the hall. Bai Xiaofei originally wanted to ask what was going on, but after arriving in the hall, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

I'm a good boy, I really can't blame Shi Kui...

The entire restaurant has been booked by Bai Xiaofei and others, so now everyone standing in the hall is Bai Xiaofei's people.

No, to be precise, Bai Xiaofei's slave...

With his head burning yesterday, Bai Xiaofei took pictures of all the girls who might experience a tragic fate, plus the snatched girl from the Huanyue Clan, as well as the boy and the erratic afterimage. Everyone was staring at Bai Xiaofei. , waiting for him to give himself a sentence.

Here, Bai Xiaofei is the one who decides their fate!

Looking around, the emotions in everyone's eyes are different, including curiosity, fear, caution, reverence and admiration.

Qingya had done a lot of ideological work for them yesterday, but after all, they were still slaves, and not everyone could fully trust them.

Fortunately, Qingya took off all their slave collars, otherwise they would probably not be looking at Bai Xiaofei so quietly now.

Brother Fei, it's time to speak...

Shi Kui, who was standing behind Bai Xiaofei, poked Bai Xiaofei and woke up the panicked Bai Xiaofei.

At the same time, Ye Ye, who also woke up upstairs,

The members of the class were lying on the attic looking at Bai Xiaofei who was about to speak. Everyone had a different expression on their face, but the same thoughts were in their hearts.

Watch a show!

Suppressing the desire to pull down the people upstairs and beat them up, Bai Xiaofei cleared his throat and looked at the group of warblers below.

After all, they are worthy of being auctioned. Looking around, there is no one in poor condition. Even though Bai Xiaofei has experienced strong winds and waves, he is still a little panicked now.

I think Qingya should have told you that although I bought you, I do not intend to restrict your freedom. Go back to where you belong. From now on, you are no longer slaves.

After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, the reaction of the people below was not the surprise he imagined, but that they were all extremely lonely.

Someone has told them the same thing a long time ago, but how many people who can be captured as slaves still have their own homes?

We have nowhere to go;

Even if there is, it is thousands of miles away, and there is no way for us to go back on our own.

The girl from the Huanyue Clan seems to have become the representative of the girls, and Bai Xiaofei was awakened by one sentence.

When Bai Xiaofei saw the girl from the Huanyue Clan, he was slightly startled.

Why does it look familiar?

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but linger on the Huanyue Clan girl's face for a while, and suddenly saw the Huanyue Clan girl's cheeks turn red.


The fox fairy on the second floor coughed twice at the right time. Bai Xiaofei felt a chill go down his spine and immediately recovered.

Where's Fang Ye?

I am here!

When his name was called by Bai Xiaofei, Fang Ye jumped out immediately. He had already guessed that these people would make their own arrangements in the end.

Looking at you, you must understand what I mean.

Looking at Fang Ye smiling, Bai Xiaofei's words made many people look confused again.

Hey, the communication between smart people is really shocking!

Don't worry, I've got it covered.

After patting his chest, Fang Ye turned to look at the girls below.

Don't worry, everyone, our brother Fei is not the kind of person who has a beginning and an end. Now, all of you have two choices.

After a pause, Fang Ye's words gave the girls a glimmer of light and expectation in their eyes.

“First, we have a chamber of commerce, and now the chamber of commerce needs a lot of workers

staff, I can arrange for you to serve in the Chamber of Commerce, but not as slaves, but as free people, where you are equal to everyone.

Second, anyone who has a way out can follow our people back to the Chamber of Commerce, and our Chamber of Commerce will escort you to where you want to go, but after that, our relationship will be severed.

After clearly stating the two ways out, Fang Ye scanned the entire venue for a week.

Now, those who choose the first option stand on the left, and those who choose the second option stand on the right. You have ten minutes to think about it.

As soon as Fang Ye finished speaking, the girls seemed not to be thinking. Not to mention ten minutes, not even one minute was used. Everyone stood to the left in unison. The only ones who stood still were Beast Boy and Cripple. film.

These two have something in common. I don’t understand what Fang Ye means...

Let's make arrangements to escort them back as soon as possible.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and the method given by Fang Ye was exactly what he wanted to say, but he would not lead these people for a long time in the future, so it was better for Fang Ye to say this.

After understanding this, Fang Ye withdrew with a group of Yingying Yanyan, but he did not take away three of them.

One is an unbeatable boy, the other is an afterimage, and the last one is a girl from the Huanyue Clan.

Bai Xiaofei could handle the first two, but this last Bai Xiaofei was in trouble.

The big guys are watching from upstairs. If you are not careful, you will be dead! The devil has been dealt with, let alone myself who is now powerless.

But no matter what, the meaning of this posture is very obvious, these three people can only be dealt with by Bai Xiaofei.

Bracing himself and walking up to the three of them, Bai Xiaofei walked towards the boy who was best to deal with first.

Do you have a name?

Facing Bai Xiaofei's question, the young man shook his head respectfully.

The respect comes from the pressure Bai Xiaofei brought to him before, that kind of pressure at the level of Warcraft.

Then from today on, your name will be Wangchuan. No matter how your life was before, you will have a different life from now on.


After repeating Bai Xiaofei's words slowly, the boy's eyes turned red.

Before that, everyone had only one name for him, monster...

But from today on, he has a name, Wangchuan!

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