God of Illusions

Chapter 985 Death Rift!

Wait until they start to destroy the middle section of the rockfall wall, activate all the remaining traps, and eat all the five thousand people. Let them crawl over there and let them explode. Don't let anyone get close for now. Wait until they climb up and directly detonate the first section. Mountain!”

Bai Xiaofei's reaction was immediate, and after this first experience, the people at the top of the rift valley also responded quickly.

After the first batch of 5,000 people arrived at the rockfall area in the middle section, the siege equipment immediately started working. At the same time, the traps on both sides of the canyon began to show their power under control.

Stone arrows poured down from the sky again. Although the Sak tribe had taken precautions early and raised large shields to act as umbrellas, nearly a thousand people still died under the rain of arrows.

Damn it, you have a long memory, just smash the entire middle part of the mountain down!

Seeing the unsatisfactory results, Bai Xiaofei got angry directly.

The mountain that was enough to cover five thousand people collapsed instantly, and the inverted V-shaped part directly turned into a straight tube. The Sak soldiers who were still working hard below were smashed into meat patties without any suspense.

A batch of siege equipment were also turned into parts.

At the same time, after the people who climbed the wall on the other side finally reached the top with great effort, before they could see clearly what Bai Xiaofei and others looked like, the ground that was solid a second ago exploded, and for several seconds Hundreds of people fell directly into the collapsing mountain, and those who were still climbing behind died in an unknown manner.

Although not all 6,000 people were eaten in one go, the death of more than 1,000 people left Ahetu stunned.

How did they do this? !

Since when have there been so many traps here? !

Chief, let's go next...

The deputy general in charge of delivering the order was already stupid. Judging from this rhythm, they would probably run out of time if they wanted to capture this rift valley.

Everything that can be blown up has been blown up. I want to see what they can do after they blow up this canyon!

Send people up directly. The middle part has collapsed anyway. Just crawl over. I want to see how capable they are!

Ahetu seemed to have lost his mind, but in fact he was more sane than anyone else.

This rift must be passed, otherwise the persistence of Lingguang Fortress will become worthless. But looking at the current situation, if you want to pass here, you must use human lives to fill it.

Only by exhausting all the traps here can he officially meet Bai Xiaofei on the top of the mountain.

Waiting for contact.

This battle can go on.

However, if he said it clearly, the people below would definitely have opinions. On the contrary, if he behaves like this, no one would dare to say anything. If he dares to say it, he will be chopped off!

After all, they are not from our tribe!

As expected, no one dared to raise objections to the current Ahetu. Team after team of people rushed into the rift valley in batches of two thousand people.

Rain of arrows, implementation, and collapsed mountains.

Bai Xiaofei at the top of the rift valley seemed to have no choice but to repeat his old tricks, but with such a simple response, the Sak warriors fell one after another.

After all the traps in the Rift Valley were exhausted, more than 60,000 people were killed in the Rift Valley in just two days!

Looking around, the rift valley at this moment has completely lost its previous appearance. The 90-degree cliffs on both sides have replaced the previous structure. Under the rift valley, the broken rocks have paved a new road, which is just the same as before. In comparison, this road is more than one level of ruggedness.

Apart from anything else, even if Bai Xiaofei does nothing next, the 300,000, ah, no, more than 200,000 troops led by Ahetu will not be able to cross this more than 1,000-meter rift valley in a day or two. Done.

However, Bai Xiaofei had no intention of taking advantage of Ahetu just like that.

Everyone of the Sark tribe, please stop making fearless sacrifices. Your commander doesn't care about your life at all!

At the top of the rift valley, Bai Xiaofei organized the crowd and roared downwards. Although the content was simple, these words deeply stimulated the military spirit of the Sak tribe.

No one is blind. In the past two days or so, it seems that he has not even figured out how many people are on the top of the mountain except for those who are willing to die.

Chief, if this continues, it will be really difficult for us to explain.

The deputy general next to Ahetu looked troubled. Unlike Ahetu, many of the people here were from their tribe. Although he had deliberately avoided arranging people from his tribe to die before, it was not so easy to arrange it later. .

Do you think I'm blind?

With a cold snort, Ahetu realized that it was useless to continue pretending to be crazy.

Pass my order and mobilize a thousand good men. I will lead the team myself in a while, and the rest will follow behind, preparing to launch a general attack!

Looking at the slowly rising sun, Ahetu took off his shirt as he spoke, revealing

He had muscles as solid as iron, and the criss-crossing scars on them each represented military exploits.

When the deputy general heard this, his face immediately became a little joyful.

Understood, I'll choose someone right now!

The news that Ahetu was about to go into battle in person immediately spread throughout the Sak troops, and the military morale that had just been unstable immediately stabilized again.

For a team, nothing is more convincing than the head coach's personal appearance.

However, this scene is also what Bai Xiaofei wants to see the most!

All available methods have been exhausted, and the only thing left is to ambush from both sides of the top, but this kind of ambush is accompanied by a certain danger. If someone on the opposite side rushes through the canyon, then the people on both sides will face A life and death battle.

Therefore, in order to make this kind of ambush more meaningful, the key personnel of the opponent must be killed!

For example, the general!

This is why Bai Xiaofei wants to organize people to shout those words at this time two days later.

Have you seen the leader? I'll target him soon!

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were fixed on Ahetu who was ordering troops in front of the formation, and these words were quickly spread to everyone who had weapons in their hands.

In the past two days or so, Bai Xiaofei organized people to pick up everything that could be picked up from below. Even the food he ate in the past two days was dry food from other people.

When they came, more than 9,000 people were empty-handed, but now, basically everyone has decent weapons, but it is a pity that the Sak tribe does not have the habit of wearing armor to fight, otherwise Bai Xiaofei would be almost fully armed.


The two sides opened up their positions, and following Ahetu's order, the elite soldiers among a thousand soldiers rushed straight into the rift valley. At the same time, Bai Xiaofei also followed suit.


A real rain of arrows is pouring down, so dense that there is no need to aim at all, plus you are condescending, you just need to draw the bow.

However, what horrified Bai Xiaofei was that the thousand people selected by Ahetu were really not a joke!

The airtight rain of arrows managed not to knock down even a single person! There were not even a few scratches!

A thousand people led by Ahetu jumped on the rocks as if they were running on flat ground. They could even use the rocks to protect themselves. The shields in their hands were dancing like flowers without any unnecessary movements. .

Your uncle, what kind of nation is this!

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