God Prohibitions

Chapter 182: Autumn grass

Ye Xiao is a small one, and there is no one. Robben followed Cowell. [.] The big wall of Gan Gaoyuan. After turning a few turns, I came to the street, and the street was very lively. Seeing that Robben was wearing an academy uniform, I couldn't help but look twice, with an envy look on his face. In the hearts of the imperial capital, these people will be senior talents of the imperial future with a boundless future.

   And a few Robben. People's hearts are a little heavy now,

   After walking a short distance on the braid and turning a few more turns, the pedestrians immediately became less and the environment seemed much quieter.

  \"Here!" Kewell stopped in front of a building.

   Robben, Fanny and others also stopped and looked up, "Imperial Capital Sanatorium. Five golden characters hang on the building!

   The exterior decoration of this sanatorium is extremely luxurious, and the price inside is very expensive. Cowell must have spent countless money for his brother over the years!

  \"I have always been secretly working outside to make money, and the college hasn’t appeared, so it has been maintained until today." Seeing a few people were surprised, Cowell explained that they were somewhat bitter on their faces.

\"Let's go in". Cowell didn't seem willing to talk more, and went straight into the gate of the nursing home. Robben also followed in.

   greeted the guard at the door. The guards strictly checked Robben's academy magician rank badges before letting everyone in.

   After entering the gate of the sanatorium, there is a wide promenade. At the end of the promenade, you can see an extremely wide manor courtyard with grass, small lakes, rockeries, and trees. Inside, only twos and threes of people in seemingly convalescent clothes strolled back and forth, and many of them were accompanied by a beautiful young girl with a smile.

  \"Let's go here". Kewell took everyone out of the promenade, turned into a small road wrapped in greenery, and finally stopped in front of a small building, which was decorated very elegantly, and there was almost no sound around it. It's a pretty good place.

   Luo Benji and several people followed Ke upstairs. Some staff passing by and those recuperating here are obviously already very familiar with Kewell. Say hello to him from time to time, and there is some comfort in the words.

   went up to the third floor, Kewell led everyone to open a door."

The layout of the room is very simple and the space is huge.Except for a large bed, there is basically nothing.Only a small cabinet next to the bed is placed with some weird things, which may be therapeutic drugs. , The windows of the room are two huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and gleaming golden sunlight is shining into the room and wiped it on the face of the only teenager in the room.

   This boy looks at most twelve or thirteen years old, his eyes closed and his lips pressed together. The soft golden short was hanging on his forehead shining brightly in the sun, young, as if asleep.

   It's just that in this peaceful scene, the boy's face is blue and purple, the quilt is over his chest, and he crosses his exposed hands. Already skinny Lingzhu.


   Kewell this. The burly young man became very gentle in an instant, walked to the bed and squatted down slowly, and gently shook the young man on the bed.

\"I took them to see you, Fanny, Rowling, and Angel, and Ron who lent me the money is here! Danny, are you awake?" Cowell shook the bed gently Young man, his voice was extremely soft.

   Kewell called out a few times softly, and the teenager on the bed finally reacted, and a vague sound came out from his slightly opened lips. Finally, his eyes opened slightly.

   The sea-blue eyes look particularly beautiful in the sun, with a shiny golden head, just like the sickly and beautiful boy in the comics.

  \"Brother! You came to see me again!" The boy showed joy on his face, and his shoulder moved slightly. Want to sit up.

   Kewell quickly stood up, erected the soft pillow behind Danny, and carefully leaned Danny's body against it.

  \"Danny! Look, today I brought the guests back to Cowell and said that he turned around, revealing Robben and the others behind him.

   Angel looked at the boy on the bed without much angry eyes, and he couldn't help feeling sore. This beautiful boy in his prime of life would have to leave the world helplessly. Angel was the first to walk up."

  \"You are Angel".

   A red tide appeared on Danny's face. Danny, who hadn't seen outsiders for a long time, looked very excited!

  \"My brother can always talk about you and your face is round. Always shy!" Danny said a few words. Can't help but breathe slightly.

   And this time, Angel was not shy, sat on the bedside and gently raised Danny's hand, \"Hmm! I am Angel, a good friend of your brother!"

  Daniel smiled, looking very bright in the sun!

\"You are Fanny!" Danny turned his head slightly, and walked over to Fanny who was beside the bed. "My brother said that you are very good, but you are a little grumpy!" Danny's eyes fell on Fanny was behind her head. On the long ponytail that was swinging slightly, it was obviously a clear sign.

  \"Ah! You are Rowling! My brother said that your head is the same golden yellow as mine." Rowling smiled. A golden head shone like Danny!

   Everyone didn't speak, but with a smile, silently looked at this excited teenager. Danny's current situation shows that it is very difficult to even sit up and talk, let alone go out to walk. I don't know how long it has been since Danny has seen an outsider to appear so excited.


   Danny's face was slightly confused. Obviously, Kewell did not specifically mention this smiling male student in the academy when he came back to talk about it!

  \"I'm Ron!" Robben introduced himself, \"also a good friend of your brother!"

  \"Oh! You are Ron, you lent so much money to my brother!" Danny suddenly realized.

   Thank you! For so many years, my brother has spent a lot of money for me, but my illness has not improved. He has always been in a hurry. Two days ago, my illness had suffered again. I faintly heard the therapist talk about money. I knew I had to spend a lot of money. Thanks to you, every time my brother came to visit me these days, he looked frowning! "

   Danny looked at Robben and looked very grateful.

   Luo Ben sighed in his heart, the medical industry, in many cases, is like a vampire, he is a doctor [super doctor recommend reading this book], this is the best I know. After lying in the hospital for so many years, this young man must have known some of these things. This time, his own money has really helped a lot. It's just a pity" In the end, he couldn't keep this young man's life.

The fresh life disappeared before his eyes, and those beating hearts stopped beating before his scalpel was removed from his chest. "Every time he faces the death of the patient, Robben's heart is extremely sad. Looking at the boy in front of him, Robben felt even more uncomfortable.

   This young man has a haggard face and is very thin. Obviously, I have been tortured for a long time, the energy in the body may have been emptied, and only then said a few words, after the excitement just now. Although Danny was already full of excitement. But it can be seen that I am already a little tired mentally, and my voice has become quieter.

  \"It’s nothing, we didn’t know about you at the beginning. If we knew it, we would have come to see you sooner!" Robben didn’t know what he should say now, only feeling sour in his heart.

  \"Danny, we will take turns to see you every day from now on. If you want to eat anything, as long as you think of it, I will make it!" Angel took Danny's hand and said softly.

  \"Well! Ron also cooks and eats. It tastes a little strange, but it's delicious!" Rowling hurriedly helped.

  \"Thank you, but the doctor won't let me eat anything, I can only eat a certain amount of food every day. That's it, thank you!"

   Danny was pleased, but Angel's proposal was regrettably rejected.

Angel’s face showed a bit of disappointment, but more of it was sad, \"It’s okay, I will ask the doctor later to see what you can eat, and then we will figure out how to always eat one thing. !" Angel, who had been very shy, gently touched Danny's forehead, revealing a trace of a woman's natural motherhood.

   Danny smiled happily, and no longer refused.

Everyone was trying to talk to Danny on a happy topic. Cowell stood silently behind a few people and looked at his brother.Although the spirit has begun to languish, Danny has really not been so happy for a long time. Up.

   Robben has not said much. A weirdness slowly appeared in his eyes. A few minutes later, Robben gently pulled the sleeve of Cowell standing behind, and the two quietly walked outside the door.

  \"Cowell, what is Danny's disease? Why I didn't see any medicine in the room. The little cabinet seemed to be filled with supplements!" Robben was puzzled. Just now I took a closer look at the small cabinet next to the bed, and there was not many things that looked like drugs, but there were a lot of things that obviously went in to make up, and some could even be seen that they were bought directly outside.

\"My brother has been very weak since he was a child. Since he was five years old, he has often fainted and can't eat anything. Until now. I have been trying to help him strengthen his body, but his physique is too weak. Can't practice fighting spirit, please Many pastors have baptized him, but the effect is not very obvious. After a while, the condition will recover. And it is getting more and more serious!"

Cowell said weakly and leaned against the wall.\"Two days ago, Danny fell into a deep coma again. I invited the priests in the city to do a baptism for him. Qian asked the medical officers of the nursing home to rescue them with all their strength, and then he rescued Danny again, but, whether it was the medical officer or that. The sacrifice said that if Danny was unconscious again

  \"I guess there is no way to wake up again!" Kewell lowered his head and his eye circles were red.

  \"Didn't you say anything about it?" Robben asked.

\"Weakness" Kewell said two words feebly, \"The body has been fading away, as if a devil is sucking Danny's essence. We are getting weaker and weaker every day, Now every day, Danny has to sleep for more than half of his time to have some energy, maybe one day,"

   The whole body is constantly exhausted! Robben was surprised!

  \"Squeak" with a soft sound, the door opened, and the three of Fanny walked out of the room.

  \"Danny, he is asleep!" Fanny said softly, with a touch of sadness on her face.

  \"I have let him lie down. He seems to be very happy!" Angel looked at Cowell softly, full of comfort.

  \"Thank you!"

\"Cowell, you should have explained to us all earlier, maybe we will help you. And now you tell us" Fanny wanted to blame Cowell, but looked at Cowell With the sadness on her face and thinking of the boy in the room, Fanny sighed and stopped her voice.

\"I secretly worked for people outside the college, and transferred a lot of money, but it was able to get Danny to receive good treatment, and my secretly earning money must not be discovered by the college, otherwise I will be severely punished. Sorry"

If in the past, Fanny would naturally refute Cowell immediately, but today she has lost the spirit, Rowling looks the same, the boy in the room\"; The softness of the girl’s compassion was moved, Fanny I stopped talking to Rowling, ※

  \"Kewell, I want to check Danny carefully!"

   Robben, who didn't speak for a long time. Suddenly he said something that surprised everyone.

  \"Check?" Kewell's face showed a look of surprise!

  \"Ron! Can you treat Danny's disease?" Angel was full of surprise, but his eyes were somewhat suspicious!

  \"I'm not sure, so I just wanted to check it!" Robben looked at Cowell and asked for his opinion.

  \"Ron! I know you are kind. But the emperor has a well-known medical officer I have hired, and even the priests of the gods have been here, you" Kewell did not show a half of joy on his face, just shook his head slightly.

  \"Kewell, I understand, they don't necessarily understand!" Robben stepped forward and squeezed Cowell's body firmly, looking directly into his eyes. \"Kewell, I just want to check it first. Nothing else, it won't hurt Danny. You can watch it!"

  Fanny can't help being a little surprised. Although he has only known each other for a few days, this Ron always feels sluggish in human nature. He has never taken the initiative like this before, and his gentle eyes have never looked as good as they are now.

\"All right, but if I feel wrong during the walk. You must stop immediately as I ask!" Seeing Robben's certainty, Cowell's eyes did not flinch, and a few hopes rose in his heart. .

   As long as there is any possibility, Kewell will not give up now!

  \"You wait outside and you will be fine soon!" I also wanted to follow up when I saw the three of Fanny. Robben directly blocked the ladies from the door.

   There are only Robben and Cowell in the room, and then Danny, who has been lying on the bed, has passed out peacefully.

   Seeing Robben carefully lifted all the quilts covering Danny's body, Cowell couldn't help feeling a little nervous. \"Roben. Danny's system is very weak, so he would catch a cold!"

   Robben looked up at Cowell. Cowell couldn't help being surprised. This Ron, who always looked like a good gentleman, was shining brightly in his eyes.

   With a casual wave, a ring of fire floated in the air, directly covering Danny's bed, and the temperature in the room began to rise.

   Kewell was even more surprised. Ron used his magic while understatement, and his lips didn't move. And it was a moment of magic. He didn't feel a trace of magic fluctuations either.

  \"Come here and help me take off Danny's clothes!" Robben was helping Danny's body up. He waved his hand to Cowell, there was a bit of command in his words.

   A weird flash of Kewell's face. But because of his brother's condition, Cowell hurriedly responded, and walked to the bed, and Robben carefully took off Danny's clothes.

   Danny had no consciousness at all, and was still drowsy asleep, his chest was slightly ups and downs, proving that the boy was still alive.

   Robben frowned...

   Danny’s current body perfectly interprets what is called skinny!

  Eleven or twelve years old is the age when children jump up and down and grow their bodies, but Danny appears to be much shorter than the average child. He is very thin and thin."

   Robben checked carefully. Danny's body did not have any trauma, not even scars.

  \"Have Danny suffered anything when he was a child, the more serious one!" Robben carefully placed Danny's head and looked at his neck, while asking Cowell who was standing on the side.

  \"No! Absolutely not!" Kewell replied very positively.

  \"My mother died when he gave birth to Danny. My father was also overwhelmed, so I went too. I grew up taking care of Danny. He has never been injured, I'm sure!"

  \"When did this weak situation begin, I mean the earliest time!" Robben gently pressed his fingers on Danny's abdomen, observing the expression on Danny's face.

\"I was probably four years old, no! It should be three years old. At that time, Danny looked a little weak. When he was five years old, he often fainted inexplicably. I blamed me for being careless. At that time I just arrived The School of Magic, fostered him in an orphanage and neglected to take care of him!" Cowell said, his face was full of self-blame!

   is not trauma, nor is it poisoning, presumably medical officers and priests cannot find out these things. Various speculations kept tumbling in Robben's mind. It's hardly a problem in the body!

   When Robben's finger pressed slightly on a certain place on Danny's chest, Danny, who had fallen asleep in a deep sleep, snorted, and his face showed pain!

\"Medical officers and priests said that Danny was born with too weak system, and the function of body organs is not high. It is a miracle to live until now!" Cowell stood by the bed and watched Danny while he was lethargic. The face was sad.

   It’s been a long time. It is estimated to be difficult, and this body of Danny, hey!

   Robben felt weak, he might not be able to help,

  \"Put on your clothes!" Robben said somewhat regretfully.

  \"Ron, what can you do?" Cowell carefully dressed Danny while looking at Robben hopefully!

  \"Let me think about it, if there is a way, I will definitely help!"

  \"Thank you" Kewell was obviously a little excited.

   Recovered the quilt for Danny, Robben removed the fire ring beside the bed, waved his hand, a few gusts of wind blew away the overheated air in the room. In a blink of an eye, the weakness became the same as the original one!

  \"Go back, Danny won’t wake up until tomorrow. It’s not good for you to leave the academy for too long. I am very grateful that you can come today!" Kewell saw everything settled. He sat beside Danny's bed and said to Robben with a smile.

  \"Well! We will come to see him tomorrow, and I will go back and think of a way to see if I can save Danny!"


   Kewell simply responded. After being excited. Kewell also clearly saw the concerns and helplessness in Robben's eyes, and understood somewhat in his heart. It is estimated that Robben can't help it.

  It's ridiculous to think about it, no one in the entire imperial capital can cure Danny's disease, let alone this little fire magician...

After going out, Fanny and a few people were walking boringly on the porch. The three youthful figures and beautiful appearance attracted a lot of attention. When Robben closed the door, he saw a man with a pale face. Back off, in front of him, Fanny with a frosty face!

  \"Let's go, or come tomorrow!" Robben didn't speak much, and walked in front of him silently.

  Angel hesitated for a while, and finally came with Dagger

  \"Do you have a way to treat Danny?" The four people walked out of the small building. Seeing that Robben was just walking forward thoughtfully, Fanny couldn't help but ask.

  \"I probably know what Danny is, but I can't heal it!" Robben said, his tone was a little bit disappointed.

  \"Are there any difficulties? If we can help. We must do our best!" Rowling stepped forward and said eagerly.

   Robben smiled slightly, Rowling was very straightforward and very enthusiastic.

  \"Hmm! I will definitely ask you for help if necessary!"

   Actually Robben knows that Fanny can't help much,

   Danny seems to have something wrong with his internal organs. It may be congenital failure of organs. This may have something to do with genetics. Judging from the medical officers and sacrificial words that Cowell said, it also proved to some extent Robben's guess.

   Robben is not clear about the medical methods in this world now. But it seems that there is no effective treatment for this disease.

   Just now, Robben gently pressed Danny's body. When he pressed the liver, Danny's face was obviously painful. Robben felt that the possibility of liver problems was relatively high.

   If possible, Robben wants to go back to his old business and give Danny an operation! If the problem really lies in the body or the organs, surgery is sometimes the most effective treatment.

   It seems that in this world, there is no such thing as a surgical operation. The vague memory, the original Robben was destroyed overnight. Suffered extremely serious internal and external injuries, logically speaking, he should be treated with surgery, but Robben's current body does not have any traces of surgery. "It was completely relied on meticulous conditioning and tenacious vitality to survive!

   However, everything is based on Robben’s guess, and there is no precise testing equipment in this world. I couldn't be sure what disease Danny had, and there was no medical condition for surgery.

   In fact, these are fairly easy to say. The most important thing is that Danny's physical condition is impossible to support a surgical operation, and it will directly kill Danny!

Hey! Difficulties!

   Robben was full of thoughts, and walked in front of him silently, without talking to the three people behind him.

Fanny felt a little strange. Robben's performance today is a bit weird. It feels that Robben is even a moderate person who can't walk in front of others, but today Robben seems to be showing a bit of sharpness. The expression, I didn't care about everything around me at all, just thinking deeply about myself!

   A teenager, like these little grasses, will soon wither!

   Luo Ben couldn't think of a way. He couldn't help feeling sentimental when he looked at the grass on both sides that was a little yellowed because of the gradual cold weather. Whether in the past or now, I still cannot save the life of every patient. Although this is inevitable, this is also the sorrow of every doctor [super doctor recommends reading this book]...

  \"Ron! Let's go, what's so good about these grasses!" Fanny was still named Robben in front of others.

   Luo Ben came back to his senses, and smiled wryly, \"These grasses! But the vitality is tenacious,

  In an instant, something flashed in Robben's heart!

  \"Wait!" Robben yelled fiercely, and Fanny, who was struggling with fright, settled in place~www.NovelMTL.com~ Why! ? "Fanny asked incomprehensibly, Rowling and Angel were also full of doubts. Robben's face was thoughtful, and his eyes were wide and round. It looks strange!

  \"Yes!" Robben patted his forehead. There was a look of ecstasy on his face.

  \"You go back first, I will stay here today!" Without a word, Robben left three people behind and ran towards a bush!

\"What the hell! What is it? Let’s go back first, and there will be class tomorrow morning!" Fanny was puzzled, showing a bit of irritation. Today Robben has always been weird, with an unpredictable look on her face. It made Fanny a bit annoying, and now she left her three and ran away!

  \"You two go back first, I will stay here today. See what the **** is going on with him!" Fanny stared at her and started chasing Robben!

  \"Fanny!" Before Angel could speak, Fanny had flashed a blue light on her body and quickly disappeared into the woods!

   Both of them disappeared in the blink of an eye"

   Rowling and Angel, look at me, and I look at you, but in the end they all looked helpless.

  \"Forget it, let the two of them go crazy here, let's first ask Danny's medical officer, what can Danny eat, then go back to make it and bring it over tomorrow!"

   In the end, Angel had made up his mind, and the two of them looked for someone to ask for the way, and ran directly to the medical officer building of the sanatorium.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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