God Prohibitions

Chapter 311: blood!

Robben didn't know if it was dawn, but Su gently shook it. "After that, he has already called the sleeping Zhengxiang's Sasha."

This sleep makes me feel very comfortable. The soft vines are very warm, and will deform slightly with the shaking of the body. When the body is not moving, it will lightly stick to the body. It feels bound, but it feels very comfortable. Yesterday, before going to bed, I always wondered whether it would be directly **** in the air in the middle of the night. Now it is the sweetest sleeper. Su called out for a long time. Sasha slowly opened her eyes, looking dazed, obviously wanting to sleep for a while.

Called everyone one by one, and after everyone returned to the ground, the vines automatically began to twist slowly. After a while. It changed back to the silk ribbon that swayed in the breeze.

Su seemed to say a few words gently, these vines swayed back and forth a few times, and the vines beside Su even gently rubbed against Su's cheek a few times. Silently, he slowly rose into the air again.

The light gradually dimmed, watching the crystal-like vines disappear silently on top of their heads, and all of them were still surprised.

Robben only felt refreshed, and the fatigue accumulated along the way seemed to have all been eliminated this night. "Let's go, we have to walk one day today. In the evening, we will reach our dark elf village!" Su was still leading the way, and Robben followed suit.

After a night’s rest, the wound on Metz’s foot has been healed by Robben’s magic. Although the wound is not shallow, it is no longer visible at all. It’s just that Metz is still struggling to walk. Robben had no choice but to Stroking.

"Su, can I get some light to illuminate it? It's too dark here!"

I don’t know how long it has been, the surrounding light has almost completely disappeared. Robben had to ask Su who was still at the same speed in front of him. Now, Robben looked at Sasha and Fanny beside him. Blurred. Robben couldn't help but wonder whether the elves are all living in such a dark environment.

"Roben, do you want to light it?" Su stopped and looked back at Robben with a serious expression on his face.

"Of course not, I just want to put a few **** of light in the air. Our human vision is still much worse than your elves. I can hardly see you now!"

"Oh, I ignored this, of course, Robben, you are a friend of the forest!" Su just smiled, turned around and walked forward.

It seemed that there was no problem. After receiving the affirmative answer from Su, Robben had a spectrum in his mind. Between the flick of his fingers, several small milky white **** of light were bounced into the air. The surrounding area finally turned into a piece of light. .

Robben suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Although it is still a bit difficult to walk on the ground, it is better to be able to see things now.

"Roben, then I" can also use wind magic? "Fanny saw Robben throw a few small **** of light, so she couldn't help but ask.

Although she usually does a lot of exercise, Fanny is a mage after all, and her body cannot be so strong. She has suffered a lot while walking along the way, and Robben is not allowed to use magic after entering the forest, Fanny Now I feel a little stiff in my legs.

"Go honestly, there are vines hanging down from the trees everywhere in this forest. You can't see far away. You may be entangled by the vines when you fly up. There is not much distance left anyway, Su said. Now you can get to the village at night."

It's not that Robben hasn't flew without flying and pay attention, but this forest obscures the sky, there is not a trace of light, there are branches and vines everywhere, and the trees are extremely dense, even if they fly up, they will not be fast. Peace of mind

"Su, why is it so dark in the Elf Forest? I heard that the Elf Forest is very beautiful. There are all kinds of flowers blooming everywhere, and the vegetation is shimmering, and there is sunshine and wind, and there are even lakes, but

A few people rushed on the road with their heads dull, and the atmosphere inevitably fell down. When everyone stopped to eat at noon, Robben finally couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart.

"Well, what you said is almost the same, it is indeed like this in the fairy forest inside!" Su's face finally smiled today, holding a strange fruit in his hand and eating it with a small bite.

Robben didn't know how Sue found this kind of fruit in this forest full of towering trees. Along the way, Robben did not see a plant with fruit hanging on it, but although the fruit looks strange, it has a rough appearance and has no fragrance, but when you bite it, there is a sweet flesh inside. The fragrance gradually diffused around a few people, some salsa, and everyone was holding this fruit and eating it with relish. All the dry food they took out was put aside, even Fanny took the fruit in just a few mouthfuls. I ate it all, my cheeks were bulging, and I blinked at a few people, as if I wanted to eat another one."

"Here, it didn't actually belong to the Elf Forest." Su put down the fruit, a little sad and angry.

"That. At that time, there was no such place as the elven forest. Our elves were mixed with other races all over the continent, but later, our races annoyed the **** king and were all exiled. Our elves were imprisoned here. An enlarged forest, and outside of this sea of ​​trees later called the Elf Forest, the King of Gods used his divine power to create a new tree wall to hold the forest firmly... He noted that in the past, the crowds All are imprisoned by magic. We are so smart and cannot get close here. It has been five thousand years. We elves have just walked out of here, but the world on the mainland has undergone earth-shaking changes. Humans have ruled the continent. The expansion of power also made ambitions and beginnings swell. After we walked out of the forest, we had many conflicts with human beings. In the end, we failed and had to retreat to this forest that had imprisoned us for five thousand years until Present

Su’s face showed a little bit of pain, "We elves have taken this place as our home for granted. Although we know that this place is actually just a prison that imprisons us, we still can’t help but regard this place as our home. Besides, our elves are on the mainland, "There is no place for them." "

Robben didn't want a little question of himself to cause Su's so many words with a little bit of anger and helplessness, so he couldn't ask again. Sasha and several others also fell silent.

"After thousands of years, this wall of trees that once imprisoned us, after losing its magic power, has gradually merged with the Elf Forest. Now, it is nothing more than tall and dense trees. Because these trees are extremely dense, tall, and impervious to light, they have played a role in protecting us under the conflict with humans and the current situation. You see, if there were no me to lead the way, you would have been lost long ago. Up!"

Su smiled on his face, but Robben didn’t smile. Su’s smile was so full."

"But even so, our elves will be driven back to this forest again, but we will still fight internally. Although our two elves have different beliefs in the past, we respect each other very much. We are even more united than the dwarves. , But after being chased back to the Fairy Forest again, everything has changed

"Anger, disappointment, unwillingness, even hatred, all these make us mad, but there is nowhere to vent it. It is ridiculous that at such a time, we did not comfort each other, but raised the bow and arrow in our hands in a turbulent mood. Aimed at his former compatriots, for faith?"

"This is obviously crazy!" Su raised his hand in pain to cover his face, and began to sob softly.


Sasha moved to Su's side, put her hand gently on Su's shoulder, and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say next.

"After thousands of years of internal fighting, we, who had been recuperating for five thousand years, have declined to the extreme. Even Fang Yu’s poachers sometimes seem weak. Our elves are born excellent. The warriors, but sometimes they can’t resist the human squad with less than ten people. They have to watch their people kidnapped, sold into the human world, destroyed by those disgusting humans, and torn by those ugly orcs. Shattered limbs, was

Su finally sobbed and couldn't speak


Sasha quietly stopped Su's trembling shoulders, gently hugged Su's body, silently comforting.

"Sorry, Su, I" I don't know what to say, as a human being, Fu Gen is sorry! "Roben's tone is a bit heavy.

"No! Robben, don't apologize. This has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry, I've lost my mind!" Robben suddenly apologized, but he awakened Su all of a sudden and glanced at Salsa thankfully. Su quickly raised his head to explain. "Actually, these are all our elves' own faults. If it were not for the endless civil strife, we could have lived quietly in the elves forest. I'm really sorry for these things, making you feel uncomfortable for staying with me."

Su Fei quickly rubbed the tears on his face and stood up, how is it, are you full? We still have half a day to go to the nearest village to us. If we are full, let’s go.

While talking, Su has already turned around. I walked to a place far away from everyone and stood still, still wiping my face.

"Let's go! Let's hurry up and get to the village as soon as possible!" Robben's fruit was only half eaten, and he took the ring directly, stood up from the ground, and Shasha did not speak. He quickly stood up from the ground and walked behind Su silently.

"Let’s bear it, everyone, wait until the village. We will definitely entertain you, as long as we are friends, our elves are always very friendly!"

After regaining his senses, Su's face already showed another smile, and he said something encouraging. Su turned around again, and walked forward. Robben silently followed with a few small **** of light floating in the air.

The forest was dim, only some light around Robben, illuminating the world full of life. Occasionally, some curious little animals ran into Robben's small aperture. The cute appearance of looking at a few people stunnedly made the girls very excited. However, these little animals tend to slip away the first time they notice Maomao."

Maomao is very innocent. Since entering the forest, Maomao has been sleeping besides eating...

"The front is coming soon, and I will see my people soon!"

His feet were speeding up unconsciously. Following Su's reminder, Robben felt that Su's footsteps were a little faster.

Now, the surrounding light seemed to be slowly increasing. After eating at noon, Robben felt that the surrounding light was gradually brightening up, now. Even if you put away those illuminated light balls, the surroundings are no longer so dim. You can see something clearly.

Su finally couldn't help but started trotting. "This is my home."

After turning around a few sturdy trees, the bright light finally shone on the faces of a few people again, and Robben was even a little uncomfortable. I blocked it with my hand, and after a short while, my eyes finally adjusted to the change in light.

Robben stared at the scene in front of him and couldn't help being taken aback.

In front of him was a small village. Robben and the others walked out of the thick tree wall; they were on a high **** and under their sight. There are more than a dozen tall and winding trees. The trees are full of various vines and luxuriant branches. On the trunks of these trees, dozens of tree houses are very delicately built with leaves and vines. Under the tree house, there are long vine ladders hanging down to the ground, and on the ground thick branches and leaves. Many tree houses are also built.

The dozen or so big trees grow in a circular arrangement, and their branches and vines stretch to the sky, forming a three-dimensional space on the trees and on the ground. In addition to these small tree houses, you can also see many daily facilities, such as a small fence yard, paved with fine stones, and many flowers and beautiful decorations on the tree houses. Robben even saw On the small net that seemed to be woven with branches on the tree, there was some strange fruit drying.

"This is the village of the elves!?"

It was the first time that Robben saw an elf's residence, and it was really unique. Seeing the intricate tree house built on the dozen large winding trees in front of him, Robben couldn't help but admire him greatly.

"Well, what is going on?.

When Robben and the others were still amazed by the elven village in front of them, a trace of terror had already climbed onto Su's face, their voice trembling, and Su's body turned into a phantom. He swept directly towards the village.

Several people were taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Su's words meant. They looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

When a few people came to the village and found Su in front of a tree house on the ground, Su's body was trembling slightly, and he sat on the ground with a trace of despair on his face.

"Su! What's the matter with you?" Sasha ran over quickly.

Robben's expression was a bit solemn, and he looked back at Metz, and he saw a bit of worry in the other's eyes.

The village was very quiet, Robben and a few people ran in, but they didn't encounter a fairy. Looking at the number of tree houses here, even if there is one elves living in a tree house, there will be about a hundred elves. And now, there is no sound here

Take a close look at the surrounding situation. Standing close this time, Robben finally found something wrong. Although it seemed to have undergone some treatment, there were still many traces of fighting left. Many of the tree houses were damaged. And on the trunk, there are also many traces of weapons, among them. There seemed to be some suspicious dark brown marks mixed in. And on the ground, there are many branches that don't seem to fall naturally, these branches are broken. Either they are incomparably neat, or they are jagged as if they were torn apart by rough life.

Feeling something under his feet, Robben kicked it with his foot, but kicked out a shimmering dagger in the fallen leaves.


Robben sighed and stepped helplessly. Walked in front of Su.

"Here" is the village where I used to live, Su said Gao, but his body was shaking more severely.

"A poacher? Robben felt extremely difficult to ask this question.

"No, it's not them." Su shook his body slightly, and slowly stood up from the ground, caressed by Sasha.

Gently pushing away Sasha's hand, Su dragged his footsteps and walked to a big tree. He gently pressed his palm on it, with endless anger and sadness on his face, "Poachers are small In action, they will only attack the elves that are alone or with a very small number of people. They dare not come to such elven villages.

Robben took a breath and heard the answer. I found myself completely unhappy. "that

"It's self-preparation!"

Su's hand tightened fiercely, even leaving five finger marks on the bark.

"When I was accidentally caught a year ago. This place has never been attacked by white elves. Their territory is not far from here, and they will not go deep here to attack us. Years later, I didn't expect that Su's finger had been bloodstained because of excessive force.

"Do you know when it is? We. Should we find a survivor?"

"No, this battle ~www.NovelMTL.com~ at least happened a few months ago. Now there is no one here. Except for those killed, they must have been evacuated. It seems that the White Elves are already here. Within the range of attack, let’s leave. Go to the next village, hope there’s nothing wrong there

Su turned around and walked out of the village without looking back. Robben looked at the **** fingerprints on the tree trunk and sighed. He made a color to Sasha, and Sasha quickly followed with his heart. After Su, he gently held Su's body that seemed to fall down at any time.

"Let's go too" Robben waved his hand and walked out.

"Roben, this is the village where Su lives, that".

"Stop talking about Mace, Sue must be sad now, stop talking

A few people quietly left this elf village that had been in silence for a long time. , If you want to know what is going on, please log in to the muscle chapter More, support the author, support genuine reading!

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