"You think too much!" I stared at Wu Qingqing.

"Am I really thinking too much?" Wu Qingqing also stared at me with a serious expression.

"Go to sleep, it's already so late, I'm messing up enough, you want to add more trouble?" I shook my head, and began to complain with a speechless expression, "I've been so busy lately, things have been one after another, and now Tang My aunt was bumped back to 17 years old inexplicably. Although it is always good to save a life, I have no confidence in treating her. Zhao Yawei is looking for faults in me at this time. You think I should stick to my face and smile. To please her, Director Zhao, to explain, to beg? Come on...that's it!"

After complaining, I lay down.

Wu Qingqing didn't respond. After a while, the sound of her light footsteps sounded in the corridor, followed by the sound of turning off the lights. The world in front of her suddenly darkened. After a while, Wu Qingqing's plump body slowly leaned towards me. , like the night before, she slept with me.

"Don't be angry anymore, did I have something in mind for you, you are really tired..." Wu Qingqing's soft voice suddenly whispered in her ear, "It's Senior Sister that's wrong!"

I moved my body slightly, turned my head, stared at Wu Qingqing with big eyes and small eyes in the dim vision, then buried my head in her chest, took a deep breath and sighed, "Then what? Don't say it, let me get a good night's sleep!"

"Well..." Wu Qingqing hugged me and stroked my hair, as if she was a mother.

Under her tenderness, I quickly fell asleep. Maybe I was really tired. I haven't even had a dream recently, and I don't have the leisure time to feel someone's tenderness and warmth. Wu Qingqing suddenly showed this. On the side of responsibility, when I woke up in the second half of the night and stared at her sweet sleeping face, I couldn't bear to startle her!

Even I admire myself. I slept with her hugging me like this, but I really held back and didn't mess with her. Could this also prove that I'm not really a complete scumbag?

I took Wu Qingqing's arms and hugged me, then took off her legs that were around my waist, and then helped her unbutton a few buttons and covered the white part, I quietly I took a look at Tang Yu in the intensive care unit, her mental state was fine, everything was normal!

Everything was normal in the hospital. I quietly walked out of the corridor, and at the back door of the hospital, I waited for less than ten minutes when Zhang Qiuming appeared quietly!

"The information about the person you want to check is all here!" Zhang Qiu Ming handed me a package.

I opened the package, looked at the thick stack of documents inside, and sneered: "It's simple, since I was the director of the Pearl Hotel four years ago, it's reasonable to drink alcohol after falling out of favor, but such a person is unreasonable. Duan Duan had a car accident with Aunt Tang, which is unreasonable... The Cui family is still ruthless!"

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Qiuming sighed worriedly, "That's all I can find out, and this alcoholic has a daughter studying abroad, so he can make sense if he lacks money, so he killed him for that. , the role it can play should be limited, right?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't want to do anything to him, but to demonstrate the result. I study Chinese medicine, and both practice medicine and work on syndrome differentiation, so the coincidence of this guy is the key to the problem. , the Cui family is not giving up, as soon as Cui Ruhai comes back, how can he immediately mobilize the people who were neglected by the Cui family a few years ago?"

"Even if the Cui family did this, so what?" Zhang Qiuming asked.

"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!" I gritted my teeth and said with a savage smile, "The Cui family hurts my Aunt Tang, so I will try to hurt one of his Cui family members, what else is there in the Cui family's ability to suppress the bottom of the box? , I want to see it!"

Zhang Qiuming shook his head and sighed: "I'm really tired of the things in the world, Yang Yan... I don't have a hard-won life now, and there are not many people who can help you. I hope you don't think I'm not funny!"

"It's okay, you can go back!" I patted Zhang Qiuming on the shoulder.

After Zhang Qiuming shook his head and left with a sigh, I called Zhang An and asked, "Has anyone been caught?"

"I got it. When we went, this **** was having fun with a group of men in a nightclub. He seemed to have taken a lot of drugs, and his whole body was red. When we went, no one was wearing it at all. Clothes, but speaking of it..." Zhang An couldn't help laughing, "This woman's skin and figure are really superb, I just can't figure it out, how can she be so good?"

With a gloomy smile on my face, I said, "I cut off one of her tail fingers, scratched her face, then tied her with a sack, and threw her into the Cui family's compound. Photos, like the one you took of her and these guys in a nightclub!"

"Okay!" Zhang An quickly agreed.

I sneered and hung up the phone, thinking coldly in my heart, I want to see how long Cui Yingjie can stretch, what is he waiting for, and what is brewing? Barrel, doesn't Lu Qingfeng think I'm breaking the balance?

Then, let Hangcheng be completely out of balance. How turbid the murky water can be, then how turbid it will be!

The art of war cloud, surrounded by three Que one.

I quietly went back to the corridor, went to bed and hugged Wu Qingqing and continued to sleep for an hour. When it was dawn, I suddenly felt a sense of drowsiness coming from my mouth. I, who was not asleep before, took advantage of Wu Qingqing's desire When I was running away, I hugged her directly and asked her for debts as if I bit her, and teased her with a smirk: "Senior sister, someone seemed to have said yesterday that if you want to kiss, you should be upright, right?"

Wu Qingqing panicked and refused, trying to run away, but I couldn't control it anymore, and after she acted recklessly, she bit her and released her!

Although Wu Qingqing was so angry that she beat and kicked me, but seeing Wu Qingqing's shyness and fleeing, my mood finally improved a lot. I wiped off the blood stained lips bitten by Wu Qingqing, and I got up. I originally wanted to wash up, but the door of the ward opened at this time, and the nurse who had been there all night suddenly ran away from me with a blushing face. I was inexplicable!

After washing up, Tang Ruoxue came!

Tang Yu pretended to sleep all morning and didn't want to face Tang Ruoxue, until I let Tang Ruoxue go to the ward and excused her by asking for acupuncture, then Tang Yu opened her eyes with a strange expression and smiled bitterly, "What is this called? Well, I can't accept it at all, I have such a big daughter!"

"Get used to it slowly, at least don't break her heart!" I said seriously looking at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu sighed faintly, and smiled bitterly with a complicated expression: "How do you make me accept the reality of being in my 30s with a 17-year-old mentality?"

I was about to speak when my phone rang!

The call was made by Liang Shuling, who said in a crying and panicked tone: "Han Yun was taken from the hospital to a black Audi, and those people left a note saying that if they want to exchange Han Yun's Let me go to a certain place in person..."

I sneer!

Is the Cui family jumping over the wall or can't think of another way?

I told Liang Shuling not to worry, I will find a way immediately!

Then I called Lan Bing directly and told Lan Bing that Han Yun was kidnapped by the Cui family. If I couldn't make it, Han Yun might not be able to see the sun tomorrow. I was cut off immediately. I imagined the two possible consequences on the other end of the phone, and I couldn't help frowning and hesitating. Can this matter go in the direction I set?

At the same time, I was also a little worried, what if something happened to Han Yun?

I have imagined all the possibilities of this happening, and I can't rule out the worst kind of prediction, but Han Yun can't have an accident. This is also a step in my plan. Although I have thought about some things in advance, if If things really go wrong, can my conscience be okay?

After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly felt that I should call Qiao Donglin, I still need his help in this matter!

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