Said, Li Ang spread his hand and looked ridiculed. “Is this the football spirit of Barcelona?”

His words can be regarded as anger.


“Who knows if Carlos was a fraud at the time?” The journal of SPORT immediately retorted.

“Go to your mother!” Li Ang screamed directly. “If you don’t have eyelids, just blink your eyes and speak with your conscience! Carlos will swindle? You ask your own conscience!”

Carlos won’t swindle!

Many people in the journal’s journalist are nodded, and even some Spain journalists agree with it. Not to mention that Carlos is Espanyol, it is Spain’s international, and it is a neutral point. It has to admit that maybe Carlos is moving on the court. Even sometimes there are a lot of little moves, which makes adversary hate, but this is a tough guy, swindling this kind of thing, Carlos has not had it before, there will be no future, he disdain for it.

“Is this your courtesy? Export Mr.!” The “journalist” of “SPORT” is blushing and thick, but still screaming at the neck.

“Friends have a good wine, and the villains have a shotgun.” Li Ang said the Chinese proverb.

Sky TV Station’s “Europe Sports Focus” will use the important report of this week’s Europe game to review the scene of the game after the game. After reviewing the various events of the game, the press conference will be streamlined. Picture.

“This is Inter Milan’s 4:2 defeat in Barcelona at the Camp Nou Stadium away game venue. Inter Milan has captured the most difficult Camp Nou, but there have been some uproars in the game and after the game. Inter Immediately after the game, Milan Club filed a complaint and protest against UEFA’s Red Card and penalty in the game. They requested to cancel Carlos’ Red Card and investigate the law enforcement situation of Germany’s main referee Stark… In addition, the match After the Inter Milan celebration, the Camp Nou Stadium’s ‘Rainstorm Fountain’ attack also caused strong dissatisfaction with Inter Milan Club. The Italian media slammed Barcelona for losing, but Barcelona said it was the computer that controlled the sprinkler’s main gate. The program was wrong, ha!! Before the TV, Li Ang, who had already returned to Milan’s home, sneered at the mouth when he heard the host say: This excuse is really not creative, but rather “indignation” The temporary workers did it.

Chapter 1027 provokes public outrage

As reported by the news media, Inter Milan Club officially filed a protest and complaint with UEFA in writing on the night of the game with Barcelona.

Request to cancel the Red Card penalty for Carlos.

UEFA was asked to investigate the major law enforcement mistakes made by Germany’s main referee Stark in the match against Barcelona.

Generally speaking, UEFA rarely pays attention to the protests of the main referee law enforcement issue. At most, it is a formulaic response to perfunctory things.

However, this time things are a little different.

First of all, this game is world-famous. After the game statistics show that there are close to 500 million fans in the world watching this game, this is amazing data.

Secondly, the Red Card that Lord Referee Stark showed to Carlos is indeed debatable.

Subsequently, Inter Milan Club announced the first time Carlos’s injury, Spain’s international foot fractures, which shows that there is no fraud, Carlos is seriously injured, at that time simply can not hide.

In addition, the media also generally questioned that if the main referee Stark can stop the game for the first time, there will be no subsequent events: according to the rules, there is a player injured in the penalty area, the main referee should be interrupted for the first time. game.

In addition, it must be mentioned that the few seasons of Barcelona seem to be taken care of by the referee in the UEFA Champions League. This makes Barcelona a cheaper one. It is also a lot of grievances. Opportunity, that can’t afford to be a scorpion. In a slightly exaggerated way: Barcelona is irritating.

Other teams have more or less “if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves” feeling. Everyone wants to play in a more objective and fair game. No one wants Barcelona to continue to be “loved.”


Inter Milan Chairman Moratti, the old man of the football team, also fired fiercely, saying that if UEFA is not able to deal with this matter fairly and fairly, the fair play spirit and humanistic care of the football field will disappear. In the future, there will be players. Injury, the situation of the active interruption of the game will be less and less: “Let the eyes have only the game wins, no warmth, what is left in the football game?”

Don’t doubt that Moratti’s words are actually Li Ang’s handwriting, but he is sensitive. If you anger the UEFA at this time, you may be banned, and Moratti’s words are very appropriate and weighty.

Inter Milan’s appeal is simple: cancel Carlos’s non-existent Red Card and severely punish the referee Stark for his dereliction!

The most immediate goal is to ensure that Carlos can participate in the UEFA Champions League finals on May 21.

As for the semifinals competition in Barcelona and the second round of the week, Carlos is still recovering and will definitely not be able to play.

In addition, the media’s critical voice for Barcelona’s injury in the case of Carlos was not interrupted, but the critical voice of the continued attack was also awkward, and Barcelona’s mortal enemy Royal Madrid also stood up and criticized Barcelona’s behavior.

Caldón, the president of the Royal Madrid, sarcastically said, “It’s no surprise that such behavior appears on Barcelona…”

In this regard, Barcelona said that they only had a match in the eyes, and the concentration was so high that it was not the first time that Carlos was injured. This is an accident.

This response naturally leads to a mockery.

The fans of Inter Milan also ran to the social account of Barcelona’s young Football Star Messi, asking if Messi knew he had kicked Carlos.

In this regard, Messi remained silent.

This even led to the fans of Manchester United FC’s Football Star Cristiano Ronaldo running over to mock and slam Messi hypocrisy.

In addition, Inter Milan suffered a water cannon attack from Camp Nou Stadium at the celebration time after the game, which also caused an uproar. Barcelona was questioned and could not afford to lose, and lost bigshot.

Li Ang then sneered at the Barcelona Club on his personal website.

However, for Messi, Li Ang did not say anything. With Messi’s position and angle, he did not respond to any question. Keeping silence is the only way.


The competition between Inter Milan and Barcelona is one of the semifinals.

Another semifinals first leg event was an English Premier League civil war between Red Devils Manchester United FC and The Blues Chelsea.

In the end, Chelsea played a zero-to-zero match at home ground Stanford Bridge Stadium and Manchester United FC, and the two sides will be in a row and will move to Manchester United FC home ground Old Trafford Stadium in a week.

Away game venue Challenge Chelsea, Ferguson’s team is like a game with Roma’s away game venue, posing a dead end. However, the opening only 3 minutes, C Ronaldo singled out Chelsea’s entire defense of the line of defense, almost let Ferguson get the unexpected 3 points. Although Cristiano Ronaldo failed to penalize penalty, Manchester United FC failed to beat Chelsea, but Ferguson was particularly tolerant of Ronaldo after the game: “The opening of only 3 minutes of penalty is a challenge for anyone, Cristiano It’s just a little unlucky.”

Although the penalty was lost, Cristiano Ronaldo was still the most threatening to Chelsea. 7 minutes before the opening, he was fouled by 3. Whenever he took the ball, Barça was on the verge of enemies. In the upper and lower half, Ronaldo once broke into the penalty area and fell to the ground. Among them, Terry’s impact made the Kuwait people fall and there was a suspect, but the referee did not have the courage to judge the penalty.

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