Chapter 476 Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, we are here again!

Outside the hotel where Sporting de Gijón is staying, there are plenty of journeylists.

The players came and went in the hotel lobby, looking through the glass window and looking at the long spear short cannon. They didn’t experience the players of the season and royal Madrid’s Kings finals. This is the first time I met the Royal Madrid. They have begun to feel the difference in this adversary.

A seemingly ordinary BMW X5 stopped at the door of the hotel. Hierro came down from the co-pilot’s seat. Madrid’s journalist saw him excited. They were waiting outside the hotel. Part of the reason was waiting for Hierro. The old Captain of Royal Madrid.

A group of people immediately rushed forward and handed over the microphones, mobile phones, and voice recorders.

“Fernando!Fernando!” they shouted in the Spanish with a strong Madrid accent. “Ask a few questions, it won’t delay you too much time!”

Hierro was surrounded by them and could only stop. Although he is now playing at Sporting de Gijón, his family is still in Madrid. After getting up this morning, Hierro took a vacation to Li Ang and went home. I didn’t expect to be blocked by the journalists when I came back.

“Oh, you guys.” Hierro said, there are a few faces he is familiar with in the journalist.

“First of all, congratulations on your wonderful performance at Sporting de Gijón, we have seen you younger.” Someone in the Madrid journalist gave a thumbs up.

“Thank you, I am just enjoying the joy of football.” Hierro faintly smiled, he said that he is no stranger to these journalists, one of the guys who is giving him a thumbs up, he was relieved by Real Madrid a year ago. At that time, there was a flag shouting there, saying that Real Madrid should have been driving him out.

Seeing the face of the media, Hierro has long dealt with how to deal with the media.


“Can you talk about your return to La Liga…” asked Journalist with a cough and broke the embarrassment. After Hierro returned to La Liga and joined Sporting de Gijón, there was no sound to the microphone. This is exactly an opportunity.

Hierro nodded: “Yes, I originally played in Qatar, but Li Ang invited me to Sporting de Gijón. He said that I was able to kick in the mainstream league. I was still hesitant. Finally, I agreed. Now it seems that my decision is correct. I can continue to play in La Liga and return to the familiar stadium to face the familiar adversary,” Hierro said.

“The adversary of this game is Royal Madrid, Fernando.” A journalist from “Diario AS” asked a question that would make everyone jealous. Everyone has tried to avoid mentioning this aspect before, but how can it turn a blind eye to the topic of news?

Everything about the Royal Madrid is very difficult for Hierro to face. On the one hand, it was Hierro who played for almost the entire career. He paid all the mother teams. On the other hand, after he was old, he was ruthlessly cleaned by Royal Madrid.

This time, once again facing the Royal Madrid, as an adversary, what will Hierro’s feelings be? Is that love, or should it hate?


“This game will be your revenge for the Royal Madrid?” The journalist of Diario AS added that this is what everyone cares about most.

Hierro looked up at the other side and had no smile on his face.

Li Ang appeared in the hotel lobby. He was going down the stairs. Sitting on the sofa, he turned his head and saw Hierro surrounded by the journalist through the glass window. He heard some questions and asked Hierro’s face. changed.

Li Ang called a cup of coffee, and then looked at it all sneaky.

Hierro shook his head and looked serious. “I will go all out in the game. There is no revenge. Royal Madrid is my favorite. This game is very special for me. If I can help the team to be satisfied.” As a result, the best win game, this is my tribute to the Royal Madrid.”

After that, he opened the crowd and bowed out.

Hierro said that although Barry said the love for Real Madrid, but heard from his mouth that he would win Real Madrid, it really made these journalists both surprised and somewhat uncomfortable. But the old Captain of Royal Madrid, a group of Madrid journalist look at each other in dismay.


In this game, it seems that Hierro will be treated very seriously.

“It’s an unacceptable scene… the one who loves the Royal Madrid, but it’s a blow.” Someone muttered.

“Yes, Hierro is in good shape now, which is a pity. If he is still in Real Madrid, he will greatly help the team!” Someone said.

Others looked at this person at a glance. This person was one of the most powerful journals of the original Hierro. At the time, he described the old Hierro as a cancer of Real Madrid. He sarcastically said that Hierro loves Real Madrid. You should decisively leave, don’t drag Real Madrid anymore.

This situation is indeed what they did not think. They thought that when interviewing Hierro, because of Hierro’s love for Real Madrid, they could hear a lot of affection.

They have forgotten a little, love is deep, and responsibility is cut.

On the one hand, because of the last cold-blooded practice of Royal Madrid, Hierro was sad. In addition, Hierro still insisted that Florentino’s Zidane + Pavón policy was unsuccessful and unreasonable. Now he has the opportunity to face Real Madrid as an adversary. What I did was to help Sporting de Gijón to fight, to defeat the Royal Madrid, to tell everyone with practical actions, he was right, Real Madrid, despite the need for Superstar, but more need for Spain’s own player, and Sporting de Gijón It is such a grassroots team. There are Real Madrid young people like Mata in the team. If you can beat Real Madrid, can you explain some problems? !


In the evening, the players concentrated in the hotel lobby and they will depart for the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium team. After about two hours, the game will begin.

In the car, everyone’s expression gradually became serious, and everyone knew that the time of the game was over. Not many people still have hehe haha ​​joking mood.

In the face of Galácticos Royal Madrid, this huge adversary, whether it has been the player of the season’s King’s Cup finals, or this season’s new player, no one dares to care, some people have begun to get nervous, that is Europe’s super bigshot Royal Madrid.

The atmosphere in the bus was a bit dignified.

The hotel where the team stays is very close to the Stadium, and the price of this hotel is not cheap.

The season, Sporting de Gijón Athletics returned to La Liga, the team’s advertising revenue has increased, and other incomes have improved, Club’s financial situation has improved, although it is still not possible to provide Li Ang in the Transfer market. More money, however, when the team played the away game venue, it was already possible to provide the team with good accommodation as much as possible.

The roads that were about to arrive at the Stadium were traffic-controlled, so they did not encounter any obstacles along the way. They arrived at the Darby venue on time – the Holy Land of Santiago Madrid, the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium Stadium.

Here, there have been countless fans from both sides, and Sporting de Gijón is fighting at the away game venue, but there are about 3,000 fans coming to Madrid to support their team.

These fans are waiting to enter.

They gave warm applause and cheers to the team bus that arrived. Of course, the Royal Madrid fans gave the Sporting de Gijón coach the bus and the middle finger.


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