Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1837: Joan's family problems

"It's better to follow the navigation!" Xiao Peng complained a bit against Qiong.

It’s tens of kilometers from Santa Monica to Los Angeles SKIDROW. It’s actually very fast to take the city expressway, but Joan has to tell him that there is a shortcut and ask him to take the ordinary road. As a result, he goes around and takes a lot of detours. After driving for nearly an hour and still wandering around in the Southern District, Alessi fell asleep.

Qiong smiled and said, "It's okay, just as a river cruise. Xiao, do you have a cigarette? I want to smoke a cigarette."

Xiao Peng was happy after hearing this: "You said earlier that I want to smoke along the way, so I am embarrassed to mention this. But you really don't seem to smoke."

Joan nodded: "Of course I will smoke. There are not many women in Star Stripe who have not been exposed to cigarettes, but they have quit long ago and now I want to have one."

Xiao Peng understood after listening, oh, she was annoying. Handed her a cigarette. He couldn't help his curiosity and asked, "Joan, you can say that I gossip, but I can't help it. Is Andre Brian's biological son? Why did the son have such a big incident? He just left?"

Qiong glanced at Xiao Peng: "Of course Andre is his own son. Don't you think his actions are excessive?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "The first time I saw such a father, his son almost died but he left."

Joan shrugged: "This is not surprising, does he still let you stay with me?"

Xiao Peng was taken aback: "Yes, I left the car."

Joan said, "Actually, it's very simple. He turned out to be my patient."

"Uh." Xiao Peng stopped talking. What kind of disease is the psychiatrist's patient? Of course it is a mental illness. Xiao Peng didn't ask any more. The basic professional ethics of doctors in Star Stripe Nation was to keep the patient secret, and he asked for nothing.

Qiong suddenly asked Xiao Peng, "Do you know what he does?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "I heard that he is a great investor? The chief analyst of an investment company?"

Don’t underestimate these investment companies. The wealthiest people in Stars and Stripes are theirs. To give a simple example, let’s say Apple. The equity of such a large company is actually very scattered, and all of the top ten holdings of their shares are investment company. And to be the chief analyst of an investment, it is definitely an astronomical number to share the investment.

Joan took a cigarette and said, "Many people envy me for finding a good husband, but who knows the pain in my heart? Do you know any circles that are messier than the entertainment industry?"

Xiao Peng shook his head and said that he didn't know. Qiong said, "That's the financial circle."

"Oh, our country has a similar saying." After hearing Joan's words, Xiao Peng laughed and said: "Our country has a jingle, "investment banks love about P, ​​brokerage companies love PIAOCHANG, funds like to sleep at the front desk and sell, and there is trouble within the system. Extramarital affairs, foreign banks and private equity funds know everything about the periphery'. Of course, I personally don’t agree with this sentence. These situations cannot be said to be absent, but they are definitely not as exaggerated as those said outside: Think about it, yes. People who have climbed to such a high position must know that position is much more important than women. If you are entangled with women, you will pay a lot of money and rights to make peace, or you will lose your job, or your family will break up. It's not necessary for them."

Qiong asked Xiao Peng a irrelevant question: "Will you let your fiancee have a girlfriend of the opposite sex?"

Xiao Peng's head shook like a rattle: "It's impossible."

"Why?" Joan asked back.

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Of course it's because men know men best."

Joan nodded: "So women also understand women. Men in the financial world are a group of highly educated, high-level, high-quality groups, and the group with the highest annual income. Isn't such a man the existence of countless women? So there is never a shortage of women around them, and no matter how nice a man says, it is an animal whose lower body thinks about things, so it’s not surprising that there is a mess in the financial circle. After all, there is a vanity fair, especially money. Here we are. A well-known cheating website called VictoriaMilan has done statistics, and financial practitioners have the highest rate of cheating."

Xiao Peng didn't understand what Qiong meant by this, but you do know how to play in the city, and there are special cheating websites? Will there be a special statistics?

After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, I have a different view on this matter. I used to run business, sit in sales, and have exposure to the financial industry. The concentration of resources in this industry is good, but one person’s position is determined by segmentation. There is also a big gap in this person’s way of doing things. The situation you mentioned generally appears in those sales. When fighting for performance, you will do everything you need. Those eager to climb up will find all kinds of 'Shortcuts', there are some people who think that betraying their bodies is not a problem, and there are one or two such things. But this also has to be divided. Of course, if someone takes a shortcut, someone will be jealous, and someone who is jealous will follow the trend. But I The evaluation of these people is: They are not unable to control the lower body, but their own thinking mode that is wrong determines their lower body."

After hearing this, Joan laughed and said, "You know it quite well, but it's not complete. You think, some young girls have entered the financial circle, surrounded by men with high double quotients with their own elite aura, those who are not deeply involved in the world. It’s not weird that the young girl in China moves forward.” She took a cigarette and continued, “Do you know what will happen if you play with too many women? And the financial industry is under great pressure. You are like those who do futures every day Handling millions and tens of millions of orders, being in a state of high mental tension for a long time, I have to say that **** and gambling are the two most stress-relieving ways."

Xiao Peng suddenly realized: "You mean, Brian has many women?"

Joan said, "Do you know what happens to a man with too many women?"

Xiao Peng shook his head desperately. Although he had had many women, there was still a gap between "too much".

Joan gave the answer: "Ordinary **** can no longer give a man pleasure, he needs more stimulation."

"Wait, Joan, are you talking about Brian? Am I prying into the patient's privacy?" Xiao Peng asked.

Joan shook his head and said, "This is just a chat about the family, isn't that my husband?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "Well, you can just be happy. The psychologist is also very miserable. So many people ask you to talk to you but no one talks to you."

Joan took a breath and looked out the window: "In ordinary people's terms, he is a pervert."

"Huh?" Xiao Peng was full of gossip after hearing this.

Joan said, "He likes fantasy and listens."

Xiao Peng shook his head, not understanding what it meant.

Joan explained: "He likes to hear the details of my **** with other men. This way

Will make him feel happy. Yes, he is a ‘cuckoo’. "

In English, the word ‘cuckoo’ is an insulting word. Because some female cuckoos lay eggs in other people's nests and let other birds take care of raising them, it is a metaphor for cheating. Later, an English vocabulary called cuckold was born, which has the same meaning as China's "green hat". (The cuckoo in English is cuckoo.)

Xiao Peng blinked. The world is too far away from him, and he really doesn't understand it, but he knows that men who fantasize about their wives having **** with others have a proper term called ‘green hat slave’.

Qiong looked at Xiao Peng's expression faintly and said, "Do you think you are surprised?"

Xiao Peng nodded; "There is no such person by my side, of course I don't understand."

Joan said: "This is nothing strange. I suggest you read David Rey's book. He explains the sex-fantasy behavior very clearly. This is directly related to the theory of ‘J-competition’."

"J's competition theory?" Xiao Peng heard a new term.

Joan explained: "If a man finds out that his X partner is having **** with other men, then he will be stimulated to produce more and better quality sons. This way, he can successfully conceive the opposite sex. It is called the J-competition theory, and sex-fantasy behavior is based on this theory. If these men behave their sexual partners enough to'attract bees and attract butterflies', they will also think that they have a higher social status. Well, accurate From a medical point of view, this kind of fantasy itself is not a problem, on the contrary, it has a certain positive effect on the happiness of marriage. Of course, it does not mean that it is correct. Many wives act like others. If they run away, or leave the fantasy environment, their desire for X will be greatly reduced."

Xiao Peng shook his head: "This is really a strange disease. In other words, is it right for Brian to have such symptoms?"

Joan did not deny: "It's very serious, and when he has a fantasy, he will want to vent as soon as he has a fantasy - not with me. You saw his assistant. There are six assistants like him."

Xiao Peng remembered that the Porsche that picked up Brian had arrived, and the girl who drove was also a girl.

"Is it the same before he got married?" Xiao Peng asked curiously.

Joan nodded: "Yes, I said, he is my patient."

Xiao Peng scratched his head: "Then why are you getting married?"

Joan held out three fingers: "First, I am a doctor, I thought I could cure him; second, he really gave me a good life, I have my own psychology clinic, and become the first-rate Los Angeles area. This is inseparable from his connections; thirdly, you may not believe what I said. Apart from his fault, we are very affectionate."

Xiao Peng held the steering wheel and coughed violently after listening to Joan’s words: "Uh, I believe I believe. But Joan, this Blaine’s world is too dangerous and too far away from my life. You said that such a person is in China. There are also, but it is really not acceptable to ordinary people like me."

Joan threw the cigarette **** out the window: "Whether you accept it or not, I just want to tell you that now Brian must be there imagining you lying on top of me."

"Uh, then he made a fatal mistake-I like to be below, I like to be passive!"

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