Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1898: Troubles of Nolan

At this time, at Nolan's house, Nolan was looking sad.

"Really no way?" Jenny asked.

Nolan nodded: "It's completely over. The machine is too old."

Jenny worries: "What should we do if our farm does not have a pump? I should buy a new one."

After hearing this, Nolan frowned: "We don't have enough funds to buy a new high-power pump. Our last money is to send John to the 4K education class in Wichita. Both of us have no education, but we can't let it go. The same goes for Little John!"

Jenny shook her head after hearing this: "But that would also cost too much money! Isn't it good for the public?"

Nolan sighed: "Jenny, but the public 4K queue is too long. When we get to John, he will have graduated from college."

"University? John is going to college?" Jenny's eyes widened.

Nolan said: "Education is really important. Look at the lives of the two of us now, we don’t know anything, we have to learn slowly! We must let John go to university! That is to say, our current economic situation is too bad. , Or the two of us have to go to school. Jenny, you suffer with me."

Jenny shook her head and said: "No, with you by my side, I am not afraid of anything. Since we came out, I have learned too many things that I didn't know before, driving, manipulating machinery, playing baseball... It's just me. I feel sorry for Little John. By the way, when you helped those two people just now, you didn't seem to ask for gas money?"

Nolan said distressed: "I want to come, but their lives are more miserable than ours. I am embarrassed to ask them for money."

Jenny nodded and said, "Oh, that's what I said. Nolan, what I like most is your kindness."

Nolan scratched his head and said: "We can afford more than thirty dollars, so let's help them. Look at them. They drive a car that doesn't know any other brand. It is so small that it can't be loaded. And it's better than ours. Their cars are dirty, and every gas station has a car wash service. They don’t even have money to wash the car?"

Jenny added: "And look at their clothes, alas, they are all cheap. I haven't seen their clothing brands in second-hand clothing stores."

Nolan looked proud when he heard it: "That's right, no matter how poor we are now, at least we can wear Nike, right?"

If Xiao Peng and others were here, they would definitely be dumbfounded. Why do many people buy luxury goods? Isn’t it just for X? But there is no way to meet Noren and Jenny-----They don't know each other!

They have been living in a closed space and have no access to the outside world. In their eyes, Nike Adi Levi’s is the best clothes; the pickup trucks in the Stars and Stripes are the best cars, with luxury goods in front of them Install X? That's really called playing the piano against the cow.

Think about it. A girl frugally bought a Gucci backpack and ran out to find someone to show off, but she didn’t know her. She answered: You’re 200 yuan, right? This is definitely enough for that girl to be depressed for half a year.

And now Nolan and the others are facing the preschool education of Little John? Well, this can be said to be a problem that puzzles most of the parents of Stars and Stripes.

The kindergartens in the Stars and Stripes are different from Huaxia. The kindergartens in Huaxia are divided into ‘small classes’, ‘medium classes’ and ‘large classes’. What about in the Stars and Stripes Country? Children can be sent to kindergarten within six weeks of birth.

Children between six months and two years old are called nurseries, and they are adapted to those between six weeks and two years old.

child. Their task is to take care of the children, develop the children's behavioral norms and self-care ability, such as eating and drinking by themselves, and playing toys with other children.

The three-year-old and four-year-old children are called ‘preschool education’, which is similar to Huaxia’s kindergartens. They start preliminary teaching and let the children participate in group activities. And when you are five, you have to go to elementary school.

Like the schools in the Stars and Stripes, the kindergartens in the Stars and Stripes are divided into public and private schools. Most public preschool education is free, and a few are very cheap. But there are many holidays, in addition to federal holidays, there are winter and summer vacations, as well as various local holidays.

This sounds very good, but there are several problems. First, it only accepts children after the age of four, so it is called '4K'; second, it is said that it is registered for school every spring, but there are too many queues. ; Thirdly, because there are too many vacations, if you are a dual-employee family, you should make the habit of taking time off to see your children. This is why we watch the film and television works of Stars and Stripes, and often see that parents are going to work, so we hire a nanny or neighbor Older children help with their children; the fourth and most troublesome point is that some public schools need to provide proof of residence from the parents of 4K, which is the house deed or regular utility bills. Like Huaxia, the school registration is also linked to the household registration. of.

And all nurseries and pre-school education for three-year-old children are private! What does it mean to be private? expensive!

The average price is 1,200 US dollars per month, and the price varies according to the quality. The cheap one is 800 US dollars a month, and the expensive one is four to five thousand US dollars a month. This is really not acceptable to everyone.

Therefore, many families in Star Stripe will quit their jobs after they have children to take care of the children at home, not because of love for the children, but because there is really no way-kindergartens are too expensive!

Some people who have not resigned will hire a nanny to look after their children. It is not because the people of Star Stripe have high taste in life, because it is much cheaper than going to kindergarten.

When Noren and the others came out, they actually had some money in their hands-stole his father. But after I really ran the farm, I realized that I couldn't do anything. You need money for everything, and when I first came out, I had no idea about money. I got used to spending money lavishly. After running a farm for three years, I spent almost the same amount of money.

But because they suffer from the loss of not being educated, they must let their children receive education. No matter how hard they live, they have left a sum of money as John’s education fund. This also caused the two people's life to be a bit stretched.

But no matter what, they extended a helping hand to Xiao Peng and the others. As Yang Meng said, poverty did not make them lose their kindness.

Jenny murmured, "Anyway, today I have lost dozens of dollars. Alas."

She was still depressed because Xiao Peng hadn't paid for gasoline.

Nolan laughed and said: "God says that helping others is the greatest happiness. Now that we help others get happiness, we should be satisfied, John, what are you doing there? Do you pitch with dad?"

John took a small stick there and wrote and painted on the ground. He didn't pay attention to Norren at all. Norren and Jenny looked at each other, curiously walked over and took a look. Only a few people drew a puppy on the ground. The pen draws a little dog to life. And John was holding a stick there to imitate the puppy.

Nolan asked puzzledly: "

John, who painted this puppy? "

John looked up and replied, "Dad, this was painted by the yellow-skinned customer just now. He said that there must be puppies on the farm. But our farm does not have one."

"John, Dad has already agreed with several nearby farms. If there is a suitable puppy, I will ask you to come. Now there is no suitable size puppy." Nolan said.

John said, "Dad, today your friend said that he will give me a puppy."

When Jenny heard it, she whispered, "Where did they give John the puppy dog ​​when they were leaving? Norren, or let's buy a puppy for John. That man is right. The farm can't be without a dog. We I have ignored this."

Nolan nodded after hearing this: "Jenny, I'm really a failed farmer. We were so simple."

Jenny just wanted to comfort him, but John pointed to the dog pattern on the ground and said, "I want this dog! That uncle said, Snoopy, which I like, was created based on it!"

Noren and Jenny looked down and found that the dog painted on the ground looked like Snoopy, with big ears and a long face.

"What kind of dog is this?" Nolan asked.

Jenny shook her head: "You don't know how I knew? Didn't that person just cause us trouble? Or we will draw a picture of this child, next time you go to Wichita to give the pet there Look at the store, what kind of dog is this?"

Nolan sighed: "We can't afford the dogs in the pet shop in Wichita. The cheap ones cost hundreds of dollars. There are also some puppies sold in AKC or FCI registered kennels. Thousand dollars, and as long as it is not a non-competitive dog, it must be neutered. Otherwise, it will not be sold."

"What?" Jenny's eyes widened: "We are just buying a dog! Is this buying an ancestor? Can't we find a local dog?"

After hearing this, John was anxious: "Mom, I want this dog! I want Snoopy!"

After hearing this, Jenny said with a bitter expression: "Norren, is the person who just left a scourge? This is not causing us trouble, this is causing us a big-trouble! What should I do now?"

Noren is also a little dumbfounded now, where can I find such a dog for my child? Really go to the pet shop? That really can't afford it! But where can I find this kind of dog? Never seen it before!

But looking at John's hopeful eyes, Noren didn't know what to say.

When he was thinking about how to make him less disappointed, suddenly two cars drove in at high speed, attracting their attention.

This time one is Lincoln and the other is Volvo. Nolen knows this car, his father has it.

Noren took a look and picked up the gun directly from the side. He and Jenny usually carried guns to prevent his father from sending them back.

After the car stopped, there was a man and a woman in the car, all wearing neat suits. Seeing Nolen and his wife holding guns, they stood by the car and raised their hands: "Please don't be nervous, are you Mr. Nolen Bussinier and Ms. Jeanne Businier?"

Nolan and Jenny looked at each other and put down their guns: "It's us, who are you? Is it from the tax bureau? We paid last year's tax."

"...Are we like the tax bureau?"

Nolen and Jenny replied in unison: "Like!"

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