Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1901: Arrived at the end

"Xiao, why are you doing this?" Alesi looked at Xiao Peng and asked puzzledly, "Why are you so generous in repaying one of them?" After she finished speaking, she lit two cigarettes and handed Xiao Peng one. .

Xiao Peng was smoking a cigarette: "Because I am happy!"

Alessi said silently: "You belong to the prodigal, right?"

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "This belongs to the prodigal? Then I really lost."

"Didn't anyone tell you that you talk like a nouveau riche?" Alessi pouted.

Xiao Peng nodded and said, "I was originally a nouveau riche. A few years ago, I had no money and my family was almost bankrupt."

Alessi shook her head: "Are you not afraid of letting others know about this and calling you a good reputation?"

Xiao Peng smiled: "That said, I have too many people to go! I have a charity fund in China, which is to help build hospitals and schools in backward areas. As a result, I was scolded for this matter."

"Why does this make people scold?" Alessi asked puzzledly.

Xiao Peng explained: "It's very simple. According to our country's charity regulations, schools built by charitable funds like me should be named after me. What is "Xiao Peng Hope Primary School", "Xiao Peng Charity Primary School" And so on. In the end, many people said that I did this to gain fame. If I listen to such silly X, then I don’t want to do anything. If I let those people know about it today, I know it. What would they say? For example, I’m trying to catch my fame, oh, if it spreads to China, some people will say, “There are so many poor people in the country, you don’t help, you go to help foreigners. Western countries are flattering. And so on."

Alessi's eyes widened: "Someone really said that?"

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Of course, when I adopted Gina and the others, someone said that, saying that there are so many orphans in China that I can’t see. I went to Uganda to adopt-adopt-child-children. These people are nothing but brains. Huh? I saw Gina and the others when I was in Uzbekistan. If I don't adopt them, their life will be over! Let me just watch them die?"

Alessi said: "Then you should explain to those people!"

Xiao Peng helplessly said: "Explain? Explain what? Can you see the ants on the ground on the plane? These sprays are like ants in my eyes. I really take myself seriously by seeing those sprays spraying around on the Internet. , But only people who are like him can listen to their voices and believe their opinions. I use them to teach me how to spend money? Who do they think they are? They are not my sons! Alas, people are the easiest I made two mistakes, one is that it’s too easy to take myself seriously, and the other is to take others too seriously. Do you really think how important you are? I listen to them farting? What I did today is to tell everyone: good people There is a reward! Kindness is right! This is regardless of nationality and race. As for what others say? Do I care? In the eyes of these people, I can pick out the fault no matter what I do ------ unless I give them the money."

Alessi smiled and said: "I suddenly felt wronged for myself. I knew you were such a person. What kind of personality should I pretend? I ask you for money every day!"

"Then you think too much. Look at the two plans between me and American Express. One is to provide tools, the other is to give education opportunities, and neither is to give money. This is the style of our Huaxia people. People are fishing' and give them the opportunity to live on their own. Of course, they can also sell tools for money, but that has nothing to do with me. That is their third choice, and people can’t always go and other people can arrange it. There is always one's own choice, right?"

Alessi shook her head: "You always make sense. Anyway, it's your money. Just be happy yourself!"

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "Of course I am very happy. Doing good deeds always makes people happy, especially this kind of self-satisfied vanity. Tsk tsk, I am very beautiful."

After hearing this, Alessi was speechless for a moment: "..."

Xiao Peng snapped his fingers: "I black myself, so that the spray is not black to spray. Let's go to Staunton to cheer now, and then rush to the finish line in one breath!"

"You are the driver, you have the final say, I admire your energy now, don't you sleep? God, poor Emilia, she will make you toss to death!"

"Uh, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence."

"You don't need proof, I'm driving."


And just as Alexi guessed, Xiao Peng's help to the Nuo Lun family of three quickly appeared in the major media. This is thanks to the American Express.

The reason why American Express says Xiao Peng is the ‘most valued customer’ is really not because of how much money Xiao Peng has. Xiao Peng didn't use the American Express card much. Express does not make much profit on him.

However, they took a fancy to Xiao Peng’s position. Now the various credit card issuing agencies in Star-Tangled Country are fiercely competitive. American Express wants to promote Xiao Peng’s cooperation with American Express to help others as soon as possible. It is to let people know,'Your uncle It’s your uncle’, American Express is still one of the best credit card issuing companies —— Didn’t you see that Samuel is our customer? Haven't you seen Samuel trusting our customer service so much?

This matter also caused an uproar. Netizens started active discussions. Some people said that the Nolan family is too stupid. What kind of education fund do they want? How good is it directly? Some people, like Alesi said, said that Xiao Peng was trying to get his reputation by doing this; there were many people desperately wanting Xiao Peng's contact information, saying what kind of difficulties they encountered and that they needed Xiao Peng's help. . . . . .

The Internet is the same all over the world, and the quality of the Internet in the Stars and Stripes is not much higher.

Of course, there are more people who are more ‘smart’, even though their American Express company did not disclose their family’s information in order to protect the privacy of Nolan’s family. But the power of netizens is endless. Even if the Norren family has mosaics on the faces of the report, netizens still judged that they were in Kansas based on their clothes and surrounding addresses, so many people arrived in the first place. Kansas, they didn’t know which road Xiao Peng was on, so almost all kinds of poor people appeared on Kansas’ highways. Some people even more simply held up the cardboard with the words'Samuel, I need help. 'Like words.

It's a pity that all of their pains were in vain. Xiao Peng had already arrived at Hua Sheng Dun DC at this time.

But now he strictly abides by the traffic rules. This Hua-Sheng-Dun DC is also the capital of the Star-Stripe Nation anyway, and the public order here is really not blown out.

As the founding father of the Star-Spangled Nation, the word Hua-Sheng-Dun can be seen everywhere in the Star-Spangled Nation. Hua-Sheng-Dun DC is the abbreviation of Hua-Sheng-Dun Columbia Graduate District. It is an independent administrative district located in the east of New York. Coast; while Hua-Sheng-Dunzhou is on the west coast of Star-Stripe Nation, Seattle belongs to Hua-Sheng-Dun State, and when you go to Star-Stripe Nation, don’t say you are going to'Hua-Sheng-Dun City’, Stars and Stripes There are twenty states with Hua-Sheng-Dun-City, but as for "Hua-Sheng-Dun-Street"? Almost every city has such a road called "Hua-Sheng-Dun", just like many cities in China have "Zhongshan Road".

The reason for this situation is also very helpless. When the federal government of the Star-Spangled Nation was first established, the North and South wanted to place the capital of the Star-Spangled Nation in their own territory, which caused a fierce quarrel. In the end, there was no alternative, and President Hua Sheng-Tun chose the two sides. The natural boundary line of the Potomac River is an area 16 kilometers long and 16 kilometers wide. French engineer Pierre-Charles-Langfang was then asked to design and plan. However, before it was completed, Hua Sheng-Dun would die. It's a little bit. In order to commemorate him, people named this place as'Hua-Sheng-Dun DC'.

Then why is the capital in the west of the current Star Stripe country not in the east or west?

In fact, it is very simple. The Star-Stripe Country is the country with the largest territorial expansion since its founding. To be precise, only the 13 states on the eastern coast of the Star-Stripe Country belong to the earliest Star-Stripe Country, with only 710,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to China is three quarters of the size of Inner Mongolia, and the remaining 37 prefectures of more than 9 million square kilometers are all later expanded!

We know that Alaska was bought by the Stars and Stripes from the Bear Country. In fact, the central territories such as Louisiana were also bought by them. As for New Mexico and California, they all snatched them from Mexico. Yes; Texas is a Star-Spangled Nation that it joined independently from Mexico. Later, it wanted to retreat and couldn't retreat. Now, like California and Texas, they are independent all day long because of this reason.

But let's be honest, want to experience the wonderful star-stripe country in Hollywood movies? Come to China-Sheng-Dayton DC is right. Xiao Peng saw many people reading with books in their hands along the way. This is definitely the place where Xiao Peng has seen the most people reading. There are people holding books and reading on the benches, on the grass, and even when waiting for the bus.

But to say something funny, when Chinese people travel to Star-Tangled Country, they will first consider places like San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Boston, Hawaii, Saipan, etc. Few people come to China-Sheng-Dayton DC. This is because many people find it boring here-besides the monument, it is the memorial hall. The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Martin Luther King Memorial are all here.

Washington DC National Mall stretches for two miles, almost all museums and art galleries, and these places are open, most of them are free to visit. Including the White Palace, there are visitor centers that allow tourists from all over the world to come and visit, but you must first apply to the embassy of your country in advance, and you can only enter through the application and time permits.

However, the traffic here is very poor. The roads are almost one-way, and there is often martial law. Driving here is actually not convenient. It was under such circumstances that Xiao Peng drove slowly to the end of the race.

But Xiao Peng is a little confused now: "Huh? Is this really the end? Why is there no one?"

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