The only thing moving was to occasionally go out to the monastery yard to warm up a little.

It was also hard to endure the itching if I lay in bed all day.

Although this is not a hospital, I felt as if I was hospitalized and treated as a patient.


As I sat on a chair and watched the scenery, I saw familiar faces coming out of the yard.

It was Elika and Tom… and Heron.

The three also found me, but they didn’t come and say hello because they were far apart.

A book was in Heren’s hand, and a wooden sword was in each of Elika’s and Tom’s hands.

The two men holding swords relaxed briefly and soon began to clash with each other.

‘Is it Dalian?’

I’ve seen a few other kids wielding wooden swords in the yard besides them. Do you want to become a paladin in the future?

It was only one day, but based on the atmosphere we have looked at, it seems that the monastery does not impose strict lifestyles and disciplines on children.

Heren sat down on a nearby rock and read a book, while Tom and Elica clashed their swords fiercely.

I silently watched their fight.

【Lv. 11]

The level of the girl named Elika was higher than the two boys.

He seemed to have learned how to build up magic, the only thing he could feel even a very slight amount of magic.

All of them seem to be about the same age as Rigon, so I had no choice but to think of Rigon in my head.

Compared to Lygon, the level was shabby, but he was not something that could be compared in the first place.

It may not have been systematic and properly taught like the children of a prestigious family, but that level was quite high.


Shortly thereafter, Tom’s sword flew into the air.

Having missed the sword, he clapped his hands loudly and grumbled.

“Hey, please be gentle. You almost ripped your hand.”

At that, Elica snorted and looked back at Heren.

“I’m not yet relaxed, would you like to have a fight too?”

“I’ll give it to you.”

They chatted for a while and then turned to where I was.

Then he moved and came closer.

“Hello, uncle!”

I wanted to know what was going on, but Tom greeted me vigorously first. I nodded.

“Why are you here because you can’t even move your body?”

He responded briefly to Elika’s question.

“I came out to get some air.”

Hmm, she let out a snort and put her hand on her waist.

“If you don’t want to get suspicious, you’d better not wander around too much. You’re a suspicious stranger. I’m not the only one who thinks that way.”

“········There has never been a particular time around.”

At the very least, all I had to do was come out and sit in the yard, but what?

And he was already aware that when he came out, he was always getting the attention of the priests and paladins around him.

It seemed like it would be bothersome if I dealt with him more, so he got up to go back to his room. And it was time to turn around.

“Oh, wait a minute.”

Suddenly, Elica reached out and grabbed my shoulder and pulled me. In an instant, his body lost his balance and staggered.

It wasn’t even that strong of a hand, but it was because he didn’t have enough strength to walk.


As I was about to lose my focus and fall, Elica quickly grabbed me.

Even if I stood still, my body ached, but I had a pain in my back. The impression was completely distorted.

I turned my head with a puzzled look.

She also looked at me with a bewildered face and lifted her hand from the back of the support.

“·············· didn’t give me much strength. Anyway, what makes you so weak?”

“Hey, Elika.”

Heron stopped her from speaking blatantly.

I bit my tongue and asked.


“Please don’t go deep into the forest behind the monastery by any chance. You can’t go there.”

······Where you can’t go?

This was the moment I was about to ask the reason, wondering what it was again.

“Elika, Tom!”

From the side of the monastery building, a nun approached this way, shouting.

The two of them became desperate, and immediately ran to the other side and ran away. Heren sighed and followed after him.

A nun who came close soon asked me, holding my breath.

“I wonder what those kids were doing here?”

“I trained swordsmanship, but…”

“Okay. Excuse me.”

She nodded and ran again in the direction they escaped.

Hearing a murmur as he moved away, he seemed to have been playing around while he had other work to do.


Nearly a week has passed since I had been at the monastery.

I still spent each day focusing on my recovery.

Although there was still stiffness in moving, the constant stabbing pain was almost gone.

It was when I was walking down the hallways, walking around the inside of the monastery after lunch.

In front of me, I saw a priest picking up books and documents that had fallen on the floor. It was Priest Thein.

I watched it, then came closer and raised my hand.

“We’re here to help.”

“Oh, Ethan. Thank you.”

He smiled and thanked him.

“You seem to be leaving the room more often than before. Have you recovered much?”

“Yes, thanks for your convenience.”

I picked up the fallen books and scanned the titles naturally. It must have been a book like the Bible.

“Are you moving all of this by yourself?”

“Haha, yes. Stop trying to take it all at once because I’m too much…”

I am curious as to what I am moving so many books for, and he explained that he had read such a sign of me.

“I need to copy the scriptures, but before that, I have some things I need to organize.”

······The scriptures?

I immediately understood why I wanted to do such a thing.

There is no printing press in this world, and in order to print a book, it would have to be written by hand.

‘Or do you want to have a typeface or something?’

I picked up all the books, picked up papers, and skimmed through the contents.

A quick glance reveals that it is a compilation of verses from the scriptures.

This world is a world in which a transcendent being who can be called a god really exists. So, my interest arose all of a sudden.

As I read the verses arranged on the paper for a moment, Thein, who had all the books organized next to me, asked in a surprised voice.

“Ethan, can you read the adult language?”


Oh right. Come to think of it······.

With those words, I remembered one of the settings of Lhasa that was beyond my memory.

‘In the denomination, apart from the official language of the continent, the adult language was also used.’

The denomination had their own unique script that they used for a long time, and that was the word.

Although it is basically based on the official language of the continent, it is a character that is much more esoteric and difficult.

So, did you say that mastering those words completely is one of the biggest difficulties for those who walk the path of a priest?

‘········Why do I read well?’

I glanced over the notes on the paper again.

Looking at it again, I realized that it was similar to the official language of the continent, but clearly different. However, it read well without any problems.

This is basically the continent’s official language, so can it be interpreted?

“Yes, I can read it.”

Tane’s eyes widened at my answer, and he looked at me anxiously.

“Can you read the adult language, maybe Ethan-san…”

It was then that I realized that I had made a pointless misunderstanding.

This is because the sacred language was a character that could not be learned unless you were a priest.

I quickly shook my head.

“No, I am not a priest.”

“Then why do you use the idiom…?”

“············I have just learned it out of personal curiosity. Because I like to explore and analyze ancient languages and other characters.”

“Ah, so it was.”

Tane nodded his head as if he understood it with a slightly regretful face.

Still, I could feel that there was quite a bit of kindness in his eyes.

“Still, you put a lot of effort into it. It takes at least a few years for even the most talented people who are born with intelligence to fully master the language, and they learned it not out of piety, but simply with a spirit of inquiry.”

Encounter (5)

“No. What could be great?”

Even if he was not a priest, the fact that he had learned the language alone seemed to be genuinely quite willing.

I replied moderately and continued to scan the documents, then asked a thought that came to mind.

“Can I help you?”


“It’s about organizing these sutras to be copied. Looking at the documents, it just takes a lot of time, but it seems to be a simple task that is not particularly difficult.”

At a glance, it was simply a matter of organizing and classifying the scriptures.

Therefore, it was a task that anyone, even non-members, could do if they could only read the adult language.

Thein blinked and answered.

“It’s true, but I’m still asking Ethan-san to do that…”

“You’ve given me a lot of convenience, wouldn’t this be difficult? And it’s okay because I’m saying this because I really want to try it.”

My daily routine was all about lying in bed or looking at the scenery in the monastery yard.

It was tedious to spend so much time doing nothing.

And, as I said, I owed a lot to the monastery, but this kind of help was not insignificant.

“If I divide the portions in half and organize them, wouldn’t the priest just check one last time?”

Tane seemed to have been in trouble for a moment.

However, seeing faint dark circles under his eyes seemed to be a helping hand that he could not refuse while he was still busy.

He immediately smiled and nodded.

“Okay. Then I would like to ask you a little. Thank you very much.”


I returned to my room with the scriptures, paper, and pen handed to Thein.

I sat down at a desk on the other side of the room and started working right away.

He laid out the sutras on one side, put a piece of paper on the other, and wrote down a pen dipped in ink.

‘Even if it is long, it will be over within tomorrow.’

Find, categorize, and record verses.

It was close to simple labor, but it was far less tedious and productive than doing nothing.

And it was fun to look at each verse of the scriptures one by one.

Suddenly, I filled up one side of the paper, and I took a break and thought about it.

‘It’s God…’

There were many religions on Earth, but in this world, religion had to come with a very different feeling.

Because they really believed in and served a transcendent being with a definite existence.

God of light, Rael.

The only denomination that is accepted by everyone in the Rasa worldview is the Rael Church that worships him.

It was also the official religion of Saintea, and it was difficult to find anyone who did not believe in Rael, at least within the realm of Saintea.

There was a clear reason and a starting point for the fact that the Raelian religion was much stronger than in the past and had more absolute belief in the existence of a god they believed in.

The Great Invasion of the Demon Powers, and the Appearance of the Holy Sword.

In the depths of despair, where nothing but destruction awaited, that transcendent being performed a miracle on mankind with a single sword.

And the game of war was completely turned upside down.

The only human who was chosen by the Holy Sword cleared the dark clouds that had spread across the continent with transcendental power, and humanity finally succeeded in sealing the demon king and driving the demons out.


The current master of the holy sword, a being praised as a great hero by all.

In the official setting, she was the strongest in this Lhasa universe.

The existence of such a hero could be said to be the central axis of balancing the current four major forces.

The reason why the mighty Calderic did not invade Seintea and maintained a certain level of peace on the surface, and the fact that the demonic forces with superior power over such Calderic did not run rampant were all because the hero was still alive and well.

So, when the hero disappears, it was a predicted future that a huge chaos would come again on the continent.

And there wasn’t much time left until that moment.

She suffered serious aftereffects from the final battle with the Demon King, and she was still losing her vitality.


When I thought about it up to that point, I felt like I was in a funny situation again for nothing.

It’s not the time to be relaxed like this, but what are you doing to organize your sutras in a good way?

I need to recover my body as soon as possible and visit Ashel…


At that time, Inkichik approached the room, and the door swung open without knocking.

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