“Let’s go down, Tiyong.”

I checked the condition of the fortress and descended to the ground.

The attack was stopped, but I didn’t intend to end it here.

The Black Sea Empress has crossed the line.

You have to pay the price for it properly.

“Mr Ron.”

Achel, who came closer, quickly scanned my body. A look of concern was evident.

In her eyes, it must have been a complete head-on collision with a swarm of worms, so it was worth it.

“I’m fine.”

I used a little too much blood, but thanks to the super regeneration, it was okay. There was still energy left.

I looked around the fortress and ordered Ashel.

“You keep guarding the fortress.”

“Yes? Then Ron-sama….”

“It’s not over yet.”

Leaving Ashhel and Tillong behind, I approached the army of the Black Sea Empress beyond the horizon.

As they approached using space leap successively, the distance quickly became closer.

Where is the Black Sea Empress? Well, it’s probably in the largest moat.

When I concentrated my senses there with my extra senses, I could feel a huge presence.

I have no intention of dealing with her.

As I approached the military ranks, I gradually activated blood magic.

uh uh

The mist of blood that began to erupt from my body again slowly covered the worms.

Even the little guys the size of a human, and the bugs as huge as the fortress, died as soon as they came into contact with the blood and collapsed.

These are not goals.

I continued to scatter blood mist as I approached the nearest moat. The surrounding insects could not even approach and continued to die.

– ········Stop it!

The voice of the Empress of the Black Sea resounded again.

It was a voice full of embarrassment, the opposite of what had been heard only pleasantly.

For the Black Sea Empress, the queen is the key to sustaining her huge army.

But if you ask me why I only have a few dozen, the reason was of course simple.

That’s why it’s so difficult to make a queen.

So I was planning to kill all the queens here.


When the thick fog of blood touched the tower, the huge magical reaction disappeared and it twisted like a rotten old tree.

Having dealt with one, I immediately turned to the next goal.

The surrounding insects flocked more violently than before.

Some of them fired webs or magic cannons from afar, but to no avail.

Those who came close were killed in the bloodmist, and ranged attacks didn’t work for me.

I continued moving, avoiding attacks that could be blocked or avoided with a floating shroud with space leaps.

It was the time when he killed the 6th Queen body while navigating in the middle of the army of the Black Sea Empress.

“Seven Lords woo woo woo woo!”

From the huge tower in the distance, the Empress of the Black Sea flew in with a breeze.

I opened a floating curtain to block her attack, and then space leaped into the distance again.

She followed me straight, but I ignored it and continued doing my job.

Blocking and dodging her attacks, they killed the queen one by one.

She didn’t know it, but if you look at it, the Black Sea Empress was the worst match for me among the monarchs.

The mass offensive that she is proud of is useless in an instant kill.

However, even a simple protective shield is not enough. Because she wasn’t a wizard like the King of the Dead.

The bugs that grew up eating her magic would be durable enough to withstand any attack, but my instant killing ability means nothing unless it prevents them from being touched.

Also, except for the military, the Black Sea Empress’s personal abilities are the lowest among the monarchs.

The reason she is a monarch is because she dominates this huge army of insects as if it were one body.

In terms of individual abilities, she has lower physical abilities than the tyrant, who was the lowest level among the monarchs.

It’s not like she’s mastered how to handle the body as professionally as the warriors, though.

Even though she is now persistently chasing after her, I was able to stop it with little difficulty.

“Stop, Seven Lords! Stop! Stop!”

One day, just by chance, a demonic monster with powers overflowing with intelligence and fury.

That is the essence of the Black Sea Empress.

None of her abilities work for me.

The Black Sea Empress was overcome with evil and tried to stop me, but nearly half the queen had already died.

She suddenly changed direction, thinking that this should not be the case, and rushed towards the fortress.

“If you don’t stop, I will slaughter the humans of the fortress! You damned human!”

······It’s a bit difficult for me to come out like that, right?

I had no choice but to shift my attention, but then someone stopped her from running into the fortress.


It was Ashhel who stopped the Black Sea Empress.

She, who dyed her whole body white by using her own unique qualities, faced the Black Sea Empress with all her might.

“You cheeky bitch, you dare!”

In the blink of an eye, in the midst of dozens of battles, Ashel, who blocked the fist of the Black Sea Empress with her sword, was thrown away.

No matter how weak the physical ability of the Black Sea Empress, it was not enough to face Ashel, who was still at level 90.


But Ashel quickly stood up and blocked the Black Sea Empress again.

Even if the opponent was not, it seemed possible to take the time for a while.

I said to the Black Sea Empress with a sarcastic tone.

“Hold on for a while. I’ll take care of the rest and come back soon.”

When I teleported while saying that, the Empress of the Black Sea had no choice but to urgently pursue me again.

Of course, nothing changed.

I immediately annihilated all the rest of the queens while she was watching.


Amidst the piles of corpses of worms, the Black Sea Empress sank to the floor with a half-excited face.

I stood in front of him and looked down at her.

She stared at me with a look of despair and anger, as if to kill me.

“Hey, there was no need to do this. Only because of those people… Yes, you….”

“Eight Lords.”

I put my face close to her and whispered.

“Don’t you dare fight me.”


“If you do something like this again, then I don’t care what the overlord is. I’ll send you to the tyrant right away.”

The Empress of the Black Sea just shuddered once, and made no reply.

This would have made her aware of the difference in power.

I left her alone and walked towards the fortress.

Ashel came closer and bowed her head.

“Good job, Ron.”

I nodded.

“You worked hard too.”

On the way to the fortress, I saw the remnants of the remnants gathered to one side. It was Kashol.

Deliberately approaching them, they opened the way with pale weary faces.

In the middle of it was the king of Kashol.

As he stopped in front of him, he slowly knelt down with a look of emptiness and despair.

“··················Sa, please save me, 7th lord.”

I ignored him and continued on my way.

I thought I’d leave Earth Hill to decide how to deal with Kashol.

Eventually, when they arrived in front of the fortress, people gathered in front of the broken gate.

The soldiers of Earth Hill, who are all dying, look miserable. Not one of them was not covered in blood.

Among them were some familiar faces. The king of Earth Hill, and Taylor.

None of them opened their mouths and they were all looking at me with blank faces.

I looked around them and opened my mouth and declared.

“The war is over.”


After the silence passed, a tearful shout erupted from them.


I looked down at the people who were busy moving.

Inside the fortress, those who were least able to move were carrying the wounded, while outside, King Earthhill took his troops and subdue the surrendered Kashol forces.

The Empress of the Black Sea seemed to have returned at some point, and only countless insect corpses remained on the land.

Tiyong looked around for the corpses of insects, but he thought it wasn’t edible and came back to my side again.

After the situation was settled, I stood side by side on the wall with the King of Earth Hill and talked.

“How will the King of Kashol deal with it?”

he said cautiously.

“I’m going to watch and decide how things go.”

Even if it was the war that Kashol started first, he was a monarch of a country, so it was worth being cautious.

It was up to him to decide whether to execute him or capture him as a prisoner and collect compensation from Kashol.

“The Eighth Prince will not be able to interfere any more with the affairs of the two countries, so there is no need to worry. Do as you please.”

“Yes, thank you very much, my lord.”

I looked around and said to Ashel.

“Just in case you don’t know, stay here until the cleanup is over, Ashel.”

“All right.”

The king of Earthhill looked surprised at him.

“I’m sorry that you care so much.”

“No, it’s not over until it’s over. Until I return to the castle, I will leave my warriors in the fortress.”

In the yard where the power of the fortress had been severely reduced, if Kashol-kun, who could not understand the situation, came in later, there could be some trouble.

Worried about such a case, Prince 1’s expression, standing next to Longford, seemed to brighten.

I also made eye contact with Taylor once, and turned around.

asked Ashel.

“Are you leaving right now?”

“Yeah. I have to go back to the mountains.”

I couldn’t stay here until the cleanup was done.

It was because I had left the heir behind and came in a hurry. It won’t be a big deal if there is a hero, but…

As soon as he got on the belt, the king of Earth Hill bowed his head deeply.

“I have received so much grace from the 7 Lords. I will never forget the goodwill the Lord has given me today. If the day comes when I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you for your favor.”

Tails and Prince 1 also bowed their heads belatedly.

I called Taylor.


“Yes? Yes.”

“More than that, you ignored what I said. I’m sure you would have asked me for help in case of trouble.”

“Yeah? Oh, no! That’s what I was trying to ask for help, but by the time I found out it was already too late…”

At the joking remark, Taylor was very upset.

I asked with a grin.

“Are you going to stay in the royal castle from now on?”

“·········Yes, I plan to do that in the future.”


I looked at the King of Earth Hill and the 1st Prince in turn, and tapped Tiyong’s neck.

“If there’s a chance, we’ll meet again. I’ll treat you to a cup of tea, so you can come to the Monarch’s Castle.”

The boy flew into the sky with a powerful flap of his wings. The figures of Ashel and the three of them became small like dots in an instant.

I thought as I headed towards the mountain range where the hero and the heir were.

‘How will the overlord come out?’

But I wasn’t too worried about him.

This was obviously because the Black Sea Empress was the first to fight for me.

Even though I clearly stated what I meant at the last meeting, I ignored it and hit Earth Hill.

Even the overlord had expressed his intention not to interfere at all in the war between the two countries.

Perhaps that’s why the Black Sea Empress was able to support Kashol so casually.

So, it is my freedom to stop the Empress of the Black Sea.

If the Overlord held accountable for it, the Black Sea Empress should be held responsible for her involvement in this war in the first place. Otherwise, neither side can be held responsible.

Of course, it wasn’t all that reassuring.

The loss of almost all the queens of the Black Sea Empress, a one-man legion, was also a pretty big power loss for Calderik.

It could be tempting to rebuke the Overlord for overreacting.

But even in one case, there was a trump card. just a warrior.

The reason that Kashol was able to do this this time was the absence of a hero.

Anyway, the hero said that he was planning to appear in the public again soon as an official.

While she was in Seongdong, there must have been things she had done in the imperial family, and there must have been a lot of things to sort out.

If the overlord held me accountable, I could sell her a little.

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