Golden Summoner

Chapter 100 Great Change

After bidding farewell to old Zhou Anqing and the others, Xia Pingan drove the car directly and returned to Xinchuan overnight.

This car has been so modified that even Xia Ping'an can't recognize it. The seats in the cab are like sofas, very comfortable and well wrapped. There are more than 20 centimeters high curbs and bumpy potholes on the roadside. On the road, the six wheels of the car passed by, and the suspension of the car bounced a few times, and the car passed steadily without even feeling much fluctuation.

This car was running on the highway, and the fastest speed was over 200. The six wheels gripped the road steadily and powerfully, and it was like a large piece of steel plate floating on the ground.

There were very few vehicles on the highway. Xia Pingan drove this six-wheeled pickup truck and drove all the way. It took only two hours to return to Xinchuan City from Xianghe.

It was only a few hours before and after Xia Ping'an left Xinchuan City, and everything in Xinchuan City was fine.

Only at night, you can still hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions coming from around the two permanent space cracks in the city. From time to time, there are balls of fire on the ground in those two places, like sparks in the dark night. The sky lit up in bursts.

At first, the sound of gunfire and explosions coming from the city and outside the city would be difficult to adapt to. It felt like being on a battlefield, but gradually, Xia Pingan got used to it.

He still lived in the undecorated, semi-finished room. The army had assigned two guards to Xia Pingan before, but after those two guards stayed with Xia Pingan for half a month, Xia Pingan was in the gymnasium every day. Busy work back and forth between the two points and the front line from his residence is basically equivalent to living in the military camp every day. It is not necessary to have two people around him to protect himself. After Xia Pingan and Tang Guofeng reacted, it happened that the army was lacking people everywhere. The security guards were also transferred.

There was another power outage in the room, but luckily there was water. Xia Pingan took a cold shower and fell asleep with the sound of gunfire on his pillow.

After sleeping until three o'clock in the middle of the night, Xia Pingan was suddenly awakened by an unprecedented feeling of heart palpitations.

The feeling of heart palpitations was so intense and terrifying that Xia Pingan, who was still sleeping, broke into a cold sweat in just a few seconds and woke up suddenly.

Xia Pingan, who woke up with a start, gasped, touched the sweat on his forehead, immediately came to the window and looked out the window.

I saw the night outside the window was like blood, and the gunfire in the city was still ringing. The heart-pounding and dangerous feeling came from the permanent space crack in the center of Xinchuan City.

Xia Pingan used his remote viewing ability to look over and saw that the battle was going on in the permanent space crack in the center of Xinchuan. From time to time, magic rats or magic fire spiders rushed out of the space crack, but these As soon as the space invasion creatures come out, they will be torn into pieces by the crossfire arranged around the space cracks.

The 87th Legion has deployed a full three-layer defense circle around this space crack. The nearest layer of defense circle is the ground unmanned tracked combat vehicle near the space crack. The size of the ground unmanned tracked combat vehicle looks like It is about the same size as a toy car that children can drive. It is more than one meter long and half a meter high. It can be controlled from a distance. Various weapons such as rocket launchers are installed on the tank, and it can self-destruct if necessary.

These ground unmanned tracked combat vehicles can get very close to the space crack and complete the attack as soon as the invading creatures emerge from the space crack.

500 meters behind these unmanned ground tracked combat vehicles is a steel defense line composed of tanks and armored vehicles. Those tanks are hidden behind a circle of tank defenses more than three meters high. Once there is a space crack, When the invading creatures rush out and break through the defense lines of the unmanned tracked vehicles, those tanks and combat vehicles will open fire.

Behind these tanks is a three-dimensional defense network composed of various solid fortresses, bunkers, trenches, barbed wire, fortifications, and secret passages. In this small core area of ​​a few square kilometers, the 87th Army has enough A heavy armored division and a mixed mechanized infantry brigade were deployed. Nearly 20,000 soldiers were stationed here, defending at all levels.

The defense circle around the space crack in the southwest of Xinchuan City is similar to this. It is also heavily armed and impregnable.

On this battlefield of several square kilometers, the steel fragments of various tanks and the flesh and blood fragments of space invading creatures were mixed together, making them inseparable.

Nothing seems to be abnormal. Things that run out of the space cracks will be blown to pieces at most when they approach the second line of defense. The troops stationed around the space cracks firmly control the battlefield situation.

But Xia Pingan's heart palpitations became more and more intense.

Suddenly, without any warning, after several demon rats that rushed out were blasted to pieces by rocket launchers on the unmanned track battlefield, a pale white light suddenly appeared in the dark space crack in the city center.

That pale white light looked particularly dazzling in the dark space crack.

This abnormal situation immediately aroused the vigilance of the surrounding defense forces. The various weapons on the unmanned tracked combat vehicles on the ground near the space crack were unknowingly aimed at the place where the white light appeared.

The white light flashed, and suddenly, a translucent blood mass crawling like maggots emerged from the white light.

The translucent blood mass had eyes everywhere on it, which was extremely weird.

The moment he saw the blood mass, Xia Ping'an thought he was dazzled, because it was impossible for that thing to come out of the crack in space. It was the phantom monster's demon spirit.

The Phantom Monster's demonic spirit is only found in the British Isles. It is the wave body of the Phantom Monster that has been baptized by nuclear weapons. It is very dangerous and terrifying. One Phantom Monster's demonic spirit can affect and control several people within a certain space. It possesses It can cause terrifying hallucinations in people, and it can also swallow and absorb the essence of the human body. That thing is the favorite of the members of the Devil's Eye. The member of the Devil's Eye who was killed by Xia Pingan was parasitized by this thing. Son, why does this thing appear here?

Only invading creatures from other worlds will come out of the space cracks. This has been common sense for countless years, and is something that all children know.

Demons are distortions of Bose-Einstein condensates produced by alien creatures under specific circumstances. There are very few of these things and they are only found on earth. Why are there demons like Phantom Monsters? Come out of the cracks in space?

Perhaps, that is not the Phantom Monster's demon spirit, but just a space-invading creature that is somewhat similar to the Phantom Monster's demon spirit...

This thought flashed through Xia Pingan's mind instantly.

But reality shattered the little fantasy in Xia Pingan's heart in the blink of an eye.

After the translucent meat ball covered with eyes emerged from the crack in space, it suddenly looked like a hound that had smelled the scent. Without hesitation, it moved towards the tanks and armor at the second line of defense in the distance. The vehicle flew past.

The unmanned tracked combat vehicle on the ground has opened fire.

Rockets and bullets swept towards the mass like raindrops.

A hail of bullets passed through the thing's body like a mass of disembodied smoke, having no effect on the thing.

The rocket exploded when it was close to the target. The fire, shrapnel and the shock wave of the explosion tore and ravaged the body of the thing into various shapes, and even tore the body of the thing into pieces. However, the thing still returned to its original shape instantly and was blown apart. Bodies blinked together again.

The thing passed through the explosions and flames, like a streak of red smoke and arrows, and continued to rush towards the tanks and armored vehicles in the second line of defense.

Tanks and armored vehicles opened fire.

Snipers on the third line of defense opened fire.

Shells, bullets, flames, explosions, scattered shrapnel...

The violent explosion could be heard in half of Xinchuan City.

The thing passed through all the weapons' attacks without any hindrance. In a short time, it flew over a distance of several hundred meters and got into the barrel of a tank.

Xia Pingan's remote viewing ability could not allow him to see clearly what happened in the tank. What he could see was that just two seconds later, the tank that had been penetrated by the phantom monster suddenly started to move. Retreat, rotate the turret ninety degrees, aim at the side body of another tank next to it, and fire a shot...


Amid the violent explosion, the tank hit by the shell emitted thick smoke and burst into flames...

The tank that had been penetrated by the phantom monster opened fire continuously, and it was aimed at other tanks and chariots around it. In the blink of an eye, three tanks were destroyed and injured.

An anti-tank missile flew from the third line of defense, penetrated the crazy tank, and exploded.

The phantom monster emerged from the explosion of fire again, and entered another tank through the barrel. Two seconds later, the tank started firing at its teammates again.

Facing this phantom monster that was immune to all thermal weapon damage, chaos began to arise at the second line of defense.

At this moment, more and more dots of pale white light emitted from the pitch-black space cracks.

The second one, the third one, the fourth one... More and more Phantom Monster demon spirits emerged from the cracks in space, rushing towards the tanks and vehicles. A tank that was penetrated by the Phantom Monster Demon Spirit car, and after a few seconds it will begin attacking nearby vehicles and people.

The entire defense line was suddenly indistinguishable from the enemy and we were in complete chaos...

In just half a minute, more and more phantom monsters emerged from the cracks in the space. Thousands of them, like a blood-red tide. In just a moment, this tide wiped out the three The defense line was completely annihilated.

Once affected by the Phantom Monster's demonic spirit, a person will fall into a terrifying illusion and begin to attack those around him.

There are also several summoners stationed here, but those summoners are faced with so many phantom monsters all at once. They are also using mantis arms as chariots. After killing a few monsters with fireballs just now, those summons The division was blown to pieces by several tanks.

More and more tanks and armored vehicles came out of the defense line that defended the cracks in the space, turned their guns, rushed out of their positions, and drove into the city, aiming at the reinforcements, buildings, and houses, and firing fiercely.

In just a few minutes, the several solid defense lines that defended the space cracks in Xinchuan City collapsed. The entire city and the troops of the 87th Army stationed in Xinchuan City were suddenly in chaos.

There were gunshots and explosions everywhere.

In this chaos, more and more demon rats and demon fire spiders emerged from the cracks in the undefended space, crossed the chaotic defense line, and killed everyone on sight...

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