Golden Summoner

Chapter 1,217 The King of the Seven Seas

Xia Ping'an climbed up the steps to the top of the central mountain range of the island, and breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at the door of the magnificent palace. He had thought that he might encounter some test along the way, so he was very cautious. Came here smoothly.

The door of the palace was open. Looking over, the steps of the palace were decorated with gorgeous decorations such as ivory, agate and coral. What surprised Xia Pingan the most were the things planted in the garden outside the palace.

It stands to reason that for such a magnificent palace, the things planted in the garden outside must be precious exotic flowers and exotic herbs. But what Xia Pingan didn't expect was that the things planted in the garden outside the palace were all... The most common thing for Chinese people, the garden things are planted in categories on both sides of the road. Each type of crop occupies an area and is very easy to identify.

On Xia Pingan's left hand side is a large fig garden, then a lettuce garden, and a pumpkin garden. On Xia Pingan's right hand side, there are a loofah garden, a watermelon garden, a bitter melon garden, and a melon garden. The fruits in these gardens grow They are all very good. Extending from this garden, you can also see large areas of pistachios, walnuts, sunflowers, corn, tomatoes, sesames, potatoes, peanuts and other crops planted in the adjacent gardens.

Xia Pingan wouldn't be so surprised if these common fruits and crops in China appeared here, but if so many things appeared here, it must have another meaning.

Xia Pingan looked at these things, his mind moved, and he suddenly thought of something. He glanced at the open palace door, calmed down, and strode directly into the palace.

At the end of the palace, there is a huge rotunda hall. It is already on the top of the mountain, overlooking the sea on all sides of the island. When Xia Ping'an came here, he saw a tall figure standing with his hands behind his back. In front of the huge stone wall, which is more than 10 meters high and more than ten meters long, he seems to be meditating on something.

On the huge stone wall is a map of Wa Star. On it are the six characters Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and All Nations. The rivers, lakes, seas and land on the map are all filled with gold, silver, glazed jade and the like, making them lifelike. And the precious light overflows.

The figure standing in front of the stone wall wears a soap-colored gold-embedded middle-ranking official hat on his head, a red four-claw python robe on his body, an exquisite white jade belt around his waist, and a pair of civil and military soap boots on his feet, which makes him look extremely handsome. Xia Pingan was imposing, and the official uniform he wore was the style of the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty. Hearing the footsteps behind him, the man turned around, looked at Xia Pingan, and smiled slightly, No one has been here for a long time. It is not that easy for those who enter Yuanji Temple to leave here. If you cannot pass this level, I can only send you out of Yuanji Temple!

Xia Pingan looked at the man. His face was white and beardless, his features were strong and dignified, his features were clear and compassionate. Xia Pingan clasped his fists and bowed deeply to the man, Xia Pingan has met Mr. Zheng!

Since you know me? The man looked at Xia Pingan with an expression of surprise and interest on his face. Countless people have come here in the past, but no one knows me. How do you know?

Xia Ping'an said calmly, The fruits and vegetables planted outside the palace were all brought back to China by Duke Zheng from all over the world. The Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms in front of me was painted by Duke Zheng during his several trips to sea. , after the Book of Mountains and Seas, Zheng Gong completed the feat of connecting the universe and the nations for China, and drew the first global map, which will shine forever. The four-clawed red python suit worn by Zheng Gong should also be the one worn by the Yongle Emperor in Zheng. I gave it to you when you came back from your third voyage to the West!

Yes, the man in front of him is Zheng He, and he is also the well-deserved King of the Seven Seas of Wa Star in Xia Pingan's eyes - a great man who opened up the global age of navigation and great geographical discoveries!

Where are you from? How can you know my past so well?

This junior is from China!

No wonder! Hearing what Xia Ping'an said, Zheng He's face showed nostalgia and memories. After a while, he asked, Are the Chinese people still growing the crops I brought back?

Still planting! Xia Pingan nodded, The lettuce, pumpkin, loofah, watermelon, bitter melon, melon, pistachio, walnut, sunflower, corn, tomato, sesame, potato, peanut, etc. that Mr. Zheng brought back from China. The crops are now eaten by Chinese people almost every day, and they have become a common thing on the tables of descendants of China. They are grown in many places!

A pleased smile appeared on Zheng He's face, and he nodded, That's good, that's good. Our country, China, should gather the best of all countries and make the land rich and fertile, so that the people will no longer suffer from hunger and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment. good!

There are now more than 1.4 billion Chinese descendants, and everyone eats these things brought back by Zheng Gong almost every day. These things, after Zheng Gong brought them back to China, have benefited Chinese descendants for hundreds of years, and will continue to benefit in the future...

Zheng He gently touched the map on the huge stone wall in front of him and said proudly, The Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and All Nations in front of me is the map of the Ming Dynasty fleet that I led and fought with tens of thousands of naval officers and soldiers through thousands of years. The painting, which was painted over many decades after painstakingly traveling around the world, symbolizes the pinnacle of the Ming Dynasty’s national power, craftsmanship and civilization, and is proud of the world!”

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At this point, Zheng He sighed slightly, It's just that things have changed. After my death, the traitors in the court colluded with the foreign missionaries who coveted my Chinese national treasure and stole the Kunyu Wanguoquanquan from the secret vault for their own selfish purposes. Picture, stole all the precious information that I and tens of thousands of Ming Dynasty navy officers and soldiers had painstakingly gained during decades of sailing, and took it as their own, causing China to lose this important treasure. So that a hundred years later, foreign missionaries took the Picture stolen from the Ming Dynasty. The Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and All the Kingdoms comes back, and the merits of greed are said to be painted by foreigners. However, the descendants of the Chinese people are ignorant and think that the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and All the Kingdoms is painted by foreigners. It is really sad and lamentable. I This level is the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and All Nations in front of you. If you can tell from the map seven points of evidence that this map was drawn by me and the Daming Navy, you will pass!

After hearing this, Xia Pingan also sighed secretly. The materials that Zheng He and the Ming Dynasty fleet left behind, which can be called national treasures, were placed in the secret vault of the palace until Ming Xianzong, who wanted to take a look. When I went to the secret treasury to check the things Zheng He left behind, I found that all the national treasure-level materials left by Zheng He had disappeared. This incident shocked the imperial court and made the emperor furious. But at this moment, official Liu Daxia jumped out and said that he had burned all the materials on Zheng He. He said that this was done to prevent the emperor from thinking about going to sea again, so as not to waste the people and money. This kind of thing was placed on the emperor's head. The moral kidnapping made Ming Xianzong unable to find a reason to get angry, and the matter ended up being abandoned.

I don’t know whether Liu Daxia burned those materials, but almost 60 years after Zheng He’s death, Columbus, who set out with only a few people, discovered the “New World” in the vast sea. And around 1602, the missionary Lima When Dou came to China, he held the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms in his hand and said that it was painted by a Westerner. Later generations took this as true and thought that Westerners had accomplished this feat.

As a person who is familiar with Chinese history, Xia Ping'an can't help but sigh when he thinks about this period of history. The great achievements of Chinese ancestors have shocked the past and the present, but most of the descendants of later generations have been deceived and deceived by brainwashing propaganda. They don't know the history. The truth makes many people regard thieves as their ancestors and blindly worship foreigners. It is really sad and lamentable.

Under Zheng He's gaze, Xia Ping'an walked to the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, scanned the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms with a solemn expression, and finally spoke, Since this level requires me to say After the Kunyu Wanguoquantu was published as evidence for Zheng Gong and the Ming Navy fleet, the junior boldly spoke out. This is also the historical truth that every descendant of China should know. If there is any inappropriateness, please correct Zheng Gong. !”

Zheng He nodded, Okay, you say it!

Xia Ping'an first came to the place where China was located in the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, pointed to the northern part of China on the map, and said in a deep voice, One of the evidences is that in the Complete Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, Yuan'an Town in northern China, Qinglu After a hundred years of political changes, these places, including Weilu Town, Tula River, Shahu Town, and Onan River, no longer had any special geographical significance around 1602. They were just small places. Matteo Ricci could not be on the map. Mapping out the place names of these meaningless small places in northern China, but these places are the route of Emperor Yongle's northern expedition, is meaningful and memorable to Zheng Gong and the Ming Dynasty Navy fleet. That's why Zheng Gong wrote it in These places are marked on the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms! (Note 1)

Especially the place Yumuchuan on this map is even more inconspicuous, but it is clearly marked on the map. There is only one reason why Yumuchuan appears on the Kunyu Wanguo Complete Map, and that is because Yumuchuan is The place where Emperor Yongle passed away. Duke Zheng was grateful for Emperor Yongle’s kindness as a monarch and his ministers, so he specially marked this place on the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms...

Zheng He looked at the place at Yumuchuan in The Complete Map of Kunyu and All Countries with sadness and nostalgia in his eyes. He didn't say anything, but nodded lightly.

Xia Pingan pointed to the area in southern China in The Complete Map of Kunyu and All Nations, The second evidence is that in the third year of Xuande, that is, 1428, Jiaozhi broke away from the Ming Dynasty and was renamed Annan. From that time on, the Ming Dynasty On the map, Jiaozhi was marked as Annan. By 1602, during the Wanli period, all maps marked Jiaozhi as Annan. If this map was drawn by missionaries in 1602, then it would also be Annan on the map, but in Kun In The Complete Map of Kunyu and All Nations, this place is still noted as Jiaozhi, which means that the place names in The Complete Map of Kunyu and All Nations were drawn before 1428, not after 1428, let alone 1602!

Xia Pingan came to the European part of the huge map again, pointing to the European cities that appeared in the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, Evidence three, judging from the European map part, the cities in The Complete Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms The city still retains its shape around 1420, but the major European cities around 1600 after the Renaissance do not appear. There is no papal territory on the map - the Papal States, no Tuscany, and no Florence, which were the most influential cities in Europe at the time. There is not even Marchetta, the birthplace of Matteo Ricci, because Marchetta was still part of the papal territory in 1420 and could not be marked!

Xia Pingan came to the American part of the map again and pointed to the geographical signs of the mountains and rivers in the interior of the Americas. This is evidence four. Some geographical signs of the Americas appeared in the Kunyu Wanguo Complete Map. Europeans in Matteo Ricci's time I don’t know yet, but Europeans gradually came to these places 200 years later, so this geographical information about the Americas could not have been brought by Matteo Ricci!”

This is the fifth most significant piece of evidence! Xia Ping'an came to the map of Australia. According to clear historical records from the West, the Spanish navigator Torres was the first Westerner to land on Australian soil in 1606. , it is impossible for Matteo Ricci to draw a map of Australia in 1602, so the people who landed and drew the map of Australia must have been before Matteo Ricci. The Kunyu Wanguo Complete Map first marked Australia as the Southern Land , 'Land of the South' was translated into Latin as Australis, and later translated into English as Australia, which is how Australia came to be.

Xia Ping'an pointed to the astronomical symbols on the map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, The sixth evidence is that the astronomical symbols on this map are the ancient Chinese concept of the five planets of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, not the Western concepts of Merus and Mars. , Jupiter, Saturn, etc., this shows that the original author of this map is China, not Matteo Ricci of the West!

Xia Pingan pointed to the Americas again, The seventh evidence is the time and ability to discover 'America'. Zheng Gong's seven great voyages, a total of 200,000 people were dispatched, and the exploration ability was a thousand times that of any European voyager. As mentioned above, each time he went to sea, he took multiple routes and it took 2-3 years to make a discovery. However, in 1497, Columbus' three ships and less than a hundred crew members discovered America ​​in only 3 months. Logically speaking, Columbus was not Instead of discovering the Americas, he sailed directly to the Americas with a map. The map Columbus obtained came from the precious information that disappeared in the Ming Dynasty's royal secret vault. The two are comparable in time!

The eighth piece of evidence on the Complete Map of Kunyu and All Nations is the 1,114 place names on this map. Many of these place names were unfamiliar to the West in 1602, and no Westerners had ever been there! Xia Ping An's finger traced on the map, Actually, there are more than seven pieces of evidence. On this island called CAPE BRETON, which is adjacent to the North American continent in East Canada, before the arrival of the Europeans, the East Coast detachment of Zheng Gong's fleet was there. People have lived on this island for a long time and built the first artificial canal in America. The costumes of the indigenous residents on CAPE BRETON Island still retain the costume characteristics of Zheng Gong’s hometown of Yunnan!”

In the annotations of the Kunyu Wanguoquantu collected in Japan, there is a record that 'the king gave birth to a son at the age of thirty, and the king gave birth to him'. Studying Japanese history, Emperor Gomatsu of Japan reigned for 30 years, in 1412 He passed the title of Emperor Guang to his son in 1412. Emperor Guang reigned from 1412 to 1428, which happened to be the era of Zheng Gong’s global voyage. Also, Zheng Gong’s last voyage to the West was in the fifth year of Xuande. During this voyage, Zheng Did the Duke send envoys to North America and give the local indigenous people a bronze medal engraved with Xuande Commission of the Ming Dynasty?

Yes, there is such a thing! Zheng He nodded.

The Xuande Bronze Medal that Duke Zheng had given to the natives of North America has been discovered locally by later generations! I will not list them one by one here. This period of history will not be buried forever. The illustrious achievements of Zheng Gong and the officers and soldiers of the Ming fleet will be revealed by the sky and the sun and the moon. There will be a day when the truth will be revealed to the world and will be remembered by the descendants of China. Future generations of Chinese descendants will surely be able to rectify the origins and restore the historical truth to comfort our ancestors and warn future generations!

I didn't expect that future generations would still remember it! Zheng He saluted Xia Ping'an, looked at the empty hall in front of him, and asked, Brothers, have you heard this? The descendants of China have not forgotten our voyages to the West. Thanks to our credit, some people still remember what we have done, and this Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms is the best proof!

As soon as Zheng He opened his mouth, streaks of light and shadow suddenly appeared in the originally empty palace. In just the blink of an eye, twenty to thirty thousand people appeared in the hall, crowding the hall. The people were all wearing Ming Dynasty costumes of various colors, some were wearing swords and firearms, and some were holding various tools.

Xia Ping'an looked over and saw among the light and shadow of the two to thirty thousand people, there were the officers' school of the Ming Dynasty fleet, flag troops, warriors, sailors, fire chiefs, civilians, helmsmen, squadrons, generals, etc. Worker, scribe, yin and yang official, healer, anchor, wooden pile, building materials, etc.

Everyone from the Ming Dynasty fleet who accompanied Zheng He on his seven voyages to the West came.

Mr. Zheng, this young man can do it. If the brothers think he can pass this level, let's give him a ride! In the light and shadow, a thick-looking sailor with a dark face said directly, and then the other lights and shadows nodded.

Zheng He nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the stone wall in the main hall and the Comprehensive Map of Kunyu and All Nations disappeared. At the position of the disappeared stone wall, a space passage exuding five colors of brilliance slowly slowly Appearing in front of Xia Pingan, behind the passage was a vast sea in the void and a port. A majestic fleet with more than 400 ships was stationed at the port.

Among the fleet, the most eye-catching ones are several treasure ships - the treasure ship is the largest ship in the fleet. The treasure ship is 44 feet long and 18 feet wide. It has 9 masts and 12 sails. The masts are towering into the clouds. Above is a 4-story palace-style building, which is exquisite and luxurious, like a palace on the sea.

Get on the boat, brothers have decided to sail the boat to escort you and take you through this sea of ​​chaos in the void... Zheng He said to Xia Pingan.

Thank you! Xia Pingan did not refuse. After thanking him, he and Zheng He walked directly into the space passage and boarded the largest treasure ship. After a short period of preparation, as Zheng He said With the order, the treasure ship issued a flag order, and with the long sound of the horn, the entire fleet set off, sailed out of the port, rode the wind and waves, and entered the Sea of ​​Chaos...

Note 1: Dr. Li Zhaoliang's Decryption of the Complete Map of Kunyu and All Nations and Xuande Gold Medal Revelation. Other reference materials involved include 1421: China Discovered the World by Menzies, commander of the British Royal Navy submarine fleet, and Yale The research results of Paul, a doctor of architecture from the university, on the CAPE BRETON Island Canal...

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