On the large feather bed, Baron Andrei, with white hair, wrinkles on his face, and weak breath, fell asleep in a deep sleep.

Looking at the familiar face on the bed, the corners of Lu Feng's eyes became moist unconsciously.

The second brother in his memory was still a young, energetic and handsome young man.

Time passed by, and when we met again, the second brother Andre was already old and terminally ill.

For a moment, Lu Feng was in a daze.

The power, wealth, wealth and beauty in the world are all fleeting and fleeting, and will not last forever. When time passes, they will eventually turn into a handful of loess and dissipate between heaven and earth.

Witnessing the power of time with his own eyes, Lu Feng became more determined to pursue immortality.

Lu Feng was thoughtful about the changes in his heart, came back to his senses, and quickly checked his second brother's body.

Opening up the down quilt, under the silk pajamas, Andre's body was so thin that he was reduced to skin and bones, and his limbs were like numb poles.

If it weren't for the life seeds born from the knight's training still exuding weak vitality in his heart, Andre might not have been able to survive Lu Feng's return.

During Lu Feng's examination, Andre had a vague feeling. He woke up a little and opened his cloudy eyes with difficulty.

Lu Feng's blurry face came into Andre's sight.

Brother, brother, you've come back to see me! My father is gone, my eldest brother is gone, is it finally my turn? At the last moment of my life, I can dream of my brother, and I will die with no regrets! It's just, I Those useless sons.

Andre's unconscious nonsense reached Lu Feng's ears in a weak voice.

After checking Andre's body, Lu Feng already had a treatment plan in mind. Listening to his second brother's nonsense, Lu Feng smiled and said:

Second brother, stop talking nonsense. Your brother, I, am really back. After I cure you, you can slowly deal with your unfilial sons!

Lu Feng came close to Andre's ear and whispered softly.

Andre's body is obviously old. As you get older, your body naturally ages and collapses.

Although Lu Feng didn't have the ability to make Andre live a long life, he was sure to restore Andre's body and live for two or three more years.

When he was planning to come back, Lu Feng considered his second brother's situation and spent one-tenth of his family's wealth from the [Botanical Garden] to buy a bottle of medicine that could extend his life.

[Deteriorated version of Tears of Life Potion]

The genuine Tears of Life potion can extend the life of a third-class wizard apprentice by twenty years. One bottle of the potion requires tens of thousands of magic stones.

Lu Feng only spent 3,000 magic stones on the degraded version of the Tears of Life potion, and its life-extending effect was far inferior to the genuine version. However, it was still possible to use it to extend Andre's life by two or three years.

Lu Feng's original plan was to use a potion to keep Andre alive for a while, and then guide Andre to break through the realm of knighthood and become a great knight, so that he could live another twenty or thirty years.

Lu Feng, a third-class apprentice, could probably live to be 140 or 50 years old, and his second brother Andre, who lived to be 70 or 80 years old, could be considered dead.

However, now he has discovered the world of Earthly Immortals and obtained the Green Wood Sutra of Immortality. This technique has a first-class effect in extending life.

If only he could study this technique thoroughly, localize it and transform it into a method suitable for spreading in the wizarding world.

When the time comes, let the second brother Andre learn, even if he only learns a little bit, he will be able to live longer than the great knight if he gets started.

May you live a long life and have a promising future.

While Lu Feng was thinking about the Qingmu Sutra of Immortality, he kept moving his hands and lifted his second brother Andre's old body out of the bed.

After finishing cleaning up his eldest brother's men, Houston rushed to Andre's room not long after.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his father, Andre, sitting in the bathing barrel, soaked in a barrel of emerald green potion.

And his Uncle Lester was casting a spell, raising a flame in his hand to heat the emerald green potion in the barrel.

The warm water vapor diffuses, adding a freshness of vegetation to the room.

Houston felt warm all over his body after just one whiff, and his breathing was a little faster.

While sighing in his heart about his uncle's power, Houston looked at his father in the barrel and opened his mouth to ask about his father's situation.


Lu Feng put his finger on his lips and pointed at Andre in the barrel, signaling Houston to keep quiet.

Seeing Uncle Lester's gesture, Houston quickly swallowed his words and tiptoed into the room.

As he got closer, Houston saw his father in the wooden barrel, in the steaming mist. His old face was a little more rosy, and his complexion looked much better.

As his chest rose and fell, his breathing became stronger.

Uncle, can you really save your father?

Seeing Andre's changes, Huston looked at Lu Feng with great expectation, hoping that his uncle would have a miracle happen to his father.

Lu Feng looked at Houston's changes and nodded.

The second brother's third son, this boy named Houston, looks pretty good. Although he is not very powerful and doesn't know how to scheming, he can still be an heir.

Being weak, Lu Feng could still help, but with a dark heart, Lu Feng could do nothing. He could only send them to see his old father and let the previous Baron Hongye teach them.

Two hours later, the emerald green potion in the barrel gradually became clear as Andre absorbed it.

Andre's body was too weak and his energy was exhausted. Any medicine would be too strong for him.

Lu Feng had no choice but to dilute a bottle of vitality potion into a barrel of warm water and let Andre slowly absorb the plant essence in it to replenish nutrients.

Clean your father clean and put him to bed!

Lu Feng ordered Huston.

Hearing this, Houston gently wiped the water off Andre's body, then carefully put his father on the bed and covered him with a down quilt.

I gave Andre a bottle of vitality potion to supplement some energy and nutrients, which can restore some vitality to his aging body. You stay here and let Andre have a good sleep, and wait for him to wake up tomorrow morning. Come, let me know again! I still have some things to do!

Looking at Houston's actions, Lu Feng warned.

Uncle, I understand! The butler is right outside the door. If you need anything, just ask him.

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