Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 45: Frost Creation

After half an hour's time.

Rello quickly selected his mercenary mercenaries and began his first life trip.

"Uncle Luo Ji, this trip, I would like to trouble you to lead the way."

Lei Luo looked at the elder uncle politely.

This is a middle-aged fighter with some white stubble. It is noticeable that his half face was completely disfigured for unknown reasons. It seems that he was licked by some terrible Warcraft, and the sharp barb on his tongue was easily scraped. Half of the face's skin was lost, and it looked terrible.


Uncle Luo Ji did not say much, giving a very calm feeling, like a sword around his waist, dark and bulky, but just leading the way silently in front.

I don't know why, from this uncle, Lei Luo felt some father's feeling, the jungle hunter's breath.

"Autumn Black!"

the other side.

With the crisp cry of the ponytail girl, a majestic black hairy dog ​​appeared on the dirt **** in the distance, and then ran at an amazing speed. The perfect body showed explosive power. It jumped from seven or eight meters away in an instant. Then he rushed to the girl's side, licking the girl's arm non-stop.

Seeing this, Lei Luo took a deep breath.

Tip: The juvenile body is black wolves.

This turned out to be a black wolves. Although it is only a juvenile body, the power it possesses is definitely not that ordinary people can easily fight!

Remember that when the mercenary was selected at the door of the mercenary association, the 16-year-old girl named Lulu jumped out with the black wolves, and Reloe's eyes were almost staring.

Is this an E-class mercenary?

Although she didn't know the reason, Lei Luo chose her as her mercenary.

"Giggle, don't mess with Qiuhei, we are performing tasks!"

Lulu and the black wolves ran and laughed, the girl rolled over and leaped on the black wolves, and soon chased to Lei Luo.

"Lulu, why are you an E-class mercenary, don't those mercenary regiments want you?"

Rello asked with curiosity.

The girl put out her tongue and whispered: "I don't want to join someone else's mercenary regiment, I want to build my own mercenary regiment!"


Rello turned his head and looked at the girl in amazement.

Memories of the past, Lulu originally smiled with the happy faces of two small dimples, and gradually showed some loss.

"I have been practicing martial arts with my grandfather in Snow Mountain since I was a child. Later, my grandfather died and left me with a sword called Frost Creation. This is Grandpa's relic, very important, but then ... I lost it!

Grieved sadly, Lulu grunted.

"Later, I remembered that when Grandpa was alive, there was an organization called" Curse "who tried to **** the Frost Creation! So I came to St. Grand Fort, hoping to form my own mercenary group, find the curse organization, and recapture it. My frost creation, but the receptionist of the Mercenary Association told me that the establishment of a D-class mercenary regiment requires a pledge of ten gold coins ... "

Frost creation?

Didn't know what sword it was.

Lello listened to Lulu's experience, just like listening to legendary novels, and involved a mysterious organization.

"How much are you still missing?"

Lulu looked at Lei Luo, grieved: "I only have thirty-five silver coins."

"Cough cough cough."

Rello did n’t know what to say. Was n’t this what he was when he was studying two months ago?

Lulu suddenly said: "You need at least four members to build a D-class mercenary regiment, Brother Lei Luo, wait for me to save enough gold, you add my mercenary regiment, OK, then you will be our chief magician!"

"Uh ... hehehehe."

Lei Luo smiled and dealt with it.


Many principalities of mankind, the six principalities are the strongest.

Among the six principalities, the Grand Duchy and the Grand Duchy competed against each other, and the war between the two countries almost never stopped.

It is for this reason that although the scholars of Glenn College of Nature and Zeeland College of Nature learn from each other in academic pursuits, they are also born with a competitive relationship. From the mutual hostility of the royal family, the hostility between the two countries has even expanded to the mercenary association. , All aspects of the arena, merchants, etc.!

The Forge Mountains, which should have been a holy place for enlightenment students from both countries to collect natural specimens, but also because of the hostile relationship between the two countries, have cast a shadow for hundreds of years. Peep.

Into the night.

Uncle Luo Ji, the elderly mercenary, plus Lulu and Qiuhei, the night was very peaceful.

Until noon the next day, the three finally came to the edge of the furnace mountain.

What I saw was the snow on the top of the mountain, which stretched into pieces!

Active volcanoes farther away, billowing thick smoke, emit a low-pitched sound of "buzzing and rumbling". It seems that it may erupt at any time, and it seems to bring about a devastating disaster. This state has lasted for decades.

Had to admit that climbing a mountain is an individual effort.

After a while, Lei Luo “whooped” and “whooped” sweating gasping for breath, every step was extremely difficult.

Wiped the sweat on his forehead, and Lei Luo rested a little.

Looked at the uncle Luo Ji, who was steadily in front, and Lulu, who was playing with Qiu Hei while jumping, and the two were full of energy.

Not all scholars' physical strength is as weak as Lei Luo at this time.

On the one hand, because of congenital reasons, Lei Luo's physique is relatively poor among his peers. On the other hand, many scholars who study evolutionary mysteries and mysteries of the human body have strong physical strength, even far above the fighters of the same level. Only in this way can these scholars rely on the absolute strength of tyranny to easily defeat the fighters who have rich combat experience and blessings.

"Take a break when you are tired."

Uncle Luo Ji noticed the state of the magician ’s employer behind him, stopped and said calmly.


Raylow answered.

Looking at Lei Luo's young face, Uncle Luo Ji, who has rarely spoken for a long time, suddenly sighed.

"Hey, the biggest shortcoming of the fighter is that once the strength does not break through at its peak, it will gradually decline with age, and there will be no chance. Unlike your magician, the older the magician, the stronger the strength. . "


Inattentively listening to Uncle Luo Ji sighing, while resting, Lei Luo casually looked at the tender green buds under the stone cracks not far away, and the prompt of the star core appeared in his eyes!

Tip: Peiying strain was found.

"Peiying strain?"

In "Basic Pharmaceutics", the "Baby Cry" herbal material is provided ~ ~ This is a hallucinogen. After poisoning, it will produce the illusion of crying baby. Although it is not a powerful agent, it is It is colorless and tasteless, and it is easy for people to be poisoned unconsciously.

Surprise and surprise, Lei Luo could not rest, took out the shovel special for digging plant specimens from the space box in his breath, and dig up the seedlings between the stone joints.

"what are you doing?"

Running and playing with Lulu who followed her, curiously looking at Lei Luo, this was her first close encounter with a real magician, and she was really curious.

Luo Ji can't help but frown, can't see this ordinary-looking grass, what is special, can only sigh in his heart, the magician is really full of mystery.

after awhile.

Wang Wang Wang!

After Lei Luo dug out the Pei Ying plant, Lulu exclaimed suddenly, and even the autumn black on the side barked unsteadily, wagging his tail back and away from Lei Luo.

The roots of this plant in Lei Luo's hands, like countless tiny bugs, squirming nonstop, and followed the instinctive change of winding to Lei Luo's palm, the scene was terrible!

Lei Luo was indifferent to this. Meizi smiled, wrapped it around the fibrous root of his palm, and received it in a special wooden box.

Lulu's eyes widened.

"What the **** is this?"

Raylo clapped his hands, Meimei said: "Good luck, it is a magic plant, should be able to sell some silver coins."


Rellow had just finished explaining, and the distant volcano suddenly burst into a strong shock. The huge buzzing sound made the three people who had climbed the mountainside look over, and saw that the plume of smoke from the furnace volcano was thicker.

Had already prepared for this phenomenon, knowing that this volcano has been the same in recent decades, and did not care, the three continued to climb up.

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