Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 2212: Speed ​​of resolution

It is more difficult to completely destroy the survivors of the West Liuliu or to rush back to the ruins.

Not only is there an endless stream of ghosts, but when the ordinary people in the Western nations are successfully bewitched, the difficulty suddenly becomes higher.

Even if the army of North Xinjiang went south, these ordinary people would not only greet them in a welcoming manner, but also produce stubborn resistance.

"Even if I'm willing to help Xiliu with all my strength, it's difficult to push too far," Turanto finally shook his head. "Perhaps only waiting for them to invade the West Hammer."

Whether starting from the facts or from the national conditions, Turanto is difficult to send troops to the West.

This is something that will provoke anger.

Rather than go to the Xiliu Kingdom for battle, he would rather continue to send troops to the West Hammer.

If the winter passes, the strong ice of this strait will melt, and the Legion of Legacy will have difficulty crossing the sea.

If he sticks to it, he also has a little bit of experience, and he has a little stability in his heart.

The army of the remnants of the West Liuliu can hold the regiment north, and he can pull people when he arrives.

As far as relations are concerned, the Northern Xinjiang Empire is much better than the West Liuliu’s popularity.

Coupled with the previous victory, there must be someone willing to help.

It is not that, like the Western nations, they have lost the battle again and again, that is, if they want to help, they have to think about whether it is worth it and whether they will take it in.

He is willing to assist the West Liuliu in some ways, but he is also unwilling to use his old foundation to help West Liuliu.

"But now that you have the experience of winning the battle, we haven't won one game..."

"So you can learn from the experience of winning battles."

Amelia just muttered, and Turan shut her mouth.

North Xinjiang is not the kind of blunder in the parliament of the West Liuguo. If he is caught by the flaws in his discourse, he can be qualitatively dead in one sentence.

The only one who suffers a little is probably the son-in-law who does not know whether there is or does not.

This is a guy who can't fight, can't fight, can't scold or scold.

The other party leaned back against Dongyue, he had no difference, it was really difficult to clean up, he could only close it when he was good.

But Amelia has no such possibility.

In any case, it is impossible for Ujarantes to marry Amelia, nor can he find Amelia as his wife, and he should not think much about it.

"Come on, then I will learn from you some experience."

Amelia recalled the words Wang Dong had instructed in her mind, and only felt that everything seemed to deviate from Wang Dong's budget.

"If the dead ghost came, his mouth would definitely be better than me, but unfortunately he did not have the qualification to decide the West Liuguo, and he did not have the master's practice, so it was difficult to fly so far."

Amelia murmured, and eventually she could only stop.

Unable to pull the Northern Xinjiang Empire into the water, she can only listen to the experience at this time.

"The experience of winning the war..."

Turanto just started a tone, and then looked to the corner and Xu Zhi of Ye Fulin whispered whispered.

"Come on!"

He pulled Xu Zhi up.

Turanto felt that he could talk about a hammer. Although he fought smoothly in this battle, he had little experience.

It is a protracted battle if the ghosts of the Legion Legion are not resolved, the true commander of the opponent is not judged, and the opponent is killed.

The command of the battlefields by the various countries is not much different from each other. The top-level cultivators can hardly have a mediocre under the overall situation. At least it will be enough.

The real turning point in this war was in the few times Xu Zhi's troubles.

But he also didn't understand how Xu Zhi discovered the enemy's truth and reality, and how he could kill him in hard.

Turanto felt that he was at great risk of doing the dangerous work.

Amelia's injury confirmed the result, and the risk of the Grand Master of the second ladder was indeed quite high under the raid.

If you don't find the right location, there is no small trouble.

Beheading is not easy. Under the blow of the corresponding master, it may even overturn the ship.

"You asked me to talk about the experience of winning a battle. It was not a joke. I am not a military commander. I am only a foreign aid to come to your side. No one speaks."

Xu Zhi's words made this anxious Amelia notice Xu Zhi who bowed her head in the distance.

Although he has participated in many major events, the art industry has specialized in it, and the general can speak of winning the battle, and speaking like him can only be regarded as exaggerated.

The systems are different from each other, and the amount of speech is also different.

Great cultivators and military leaders have extremely high occupations and abilities, and it is the same thing to obey.

In South Australia, there was a strong pressure from Wenwei Wei, which forced many grand masters to set up a blood contract. Xu Zhicai took over.

As for the peeing urinary nature of the parliament of Israel, Xu Zhi felt that those people would have a good discussion.

It’s okay if you win a victory.

However, if a defeat is fought and the scourge hits some major practitioners, Xu Zhi feels that he will be scolded by radicals in the parliament for several years, and even suffer hostility from some people.

This is a thankless thing for him.

Amelia's big mouth will definitely shake everything up and poke him out.

If there is no problem in interspersing communication, but with the name of winning the battle experience, he can't speak at will.

There are some minor contradictions between the Northern Xinjiang and the Western Liuliu all the year round, and now it is rare to make a show. Turanto obviously has two points of self-satisfaction, and his words are also condescending when facing Amelia.

Turanto probably also used him as a Northern Xinjiang native, and he didn't have any worries in his words.

The trouble comes from the mouth, Xu Zhi feels that he still needs to avoid some.

"Then you can't let me talk, I have some things that I haven't figured out yet, and it's unclear how this victory was won," Turant said.

"That's your command, and take the initiative to take the initiative to attack in time." Xu Zhi smiled: "I don't know how to win."

"You... how are you?"

According to the situation of Dongyue facing the relics, Xu Zhi should be in the stable rear of Dongyue at this time.

Now that the world is beginning to change, Dongyue will not have fewer relics to discover the remains.

In Dongyue, the inspection department has many responsibilities including sweeping the remains.

In normal reasoning, the chief of the inspection department should sit in Dongyue. If it encounters a special accident, it will initiate a coordinated mobilization and removal operation.

Amelia didn't expect Xu Zhi to come to North Xinjiang, but also to the West Hammer.

"Have you become a family?"

She looked at Xu Zhi and looked at Wu Ya Ye Fulin, but she couldn't help but have two points of envy.


"not yet."

Turanto and Xu Zhi spoke back and forth. Amelia was a little confused, and then her head nodded, seemingly unintelligible.

After being taught many times by Wang Dong, she has now stopped participating in this multiple choice question.

As Turantuo counseled Xu Zhi again, Xu Zhi asked Amelia.

"Grandma I don’t know if you have any arrangements to practice "Small Jump Straight"?"

"You also know that the war situation on our side is tight, many resolutions are mixed, there is a lot of discussion, and many cities are under panic..."

After Xu Zhi asked the last sentence, he spread his hand at Uyaturanto.

According to Amelia, "Small Jump Straight Secrets" did not become popular in the West Liuliu Kingdom at all.

However, among the many aids that various countries participated in, it is indeed the most practical "Small Jump Straight Secret Technique".

As long as there are enough people, this can at least save a lot of hot weapons and firepower, and even form a mutual restraint with the survivors' heroic tide.

""Small Jump Straight Secret Technique"?" Turanto questioned.

"A secret technique dedicated to killing undead and jumping, a single blow, there is no threshold for cultivation..."

Xu Zhi gave a brief introduction to the mystery, and then nodded at Ranran.

"You can't make a difference, this "Small Jump Straight Secret" needs to give us a copy. So, can the "Straight Jump Spell" also give us a copy."

"No problem" Xu Zhi nodded and said: "I will send you two documents in a moment."

"Then I will arrange it today. As long as the people of Northern Xinjiang can learn, they must learn it, and be prepared."

As a word, as long as it is good for the national conditions, Uyaturanto’s resolution will be extremely fast.

Dongyuedu also had to discuss which departments should go first, and Uyaturanto has decided to popularize the masses.

Regardless of whether North Xinjiang will face that day or not, whether or not these two secret techniques are used, it is clear that there is no problem in preparing in advance.

Otherwise, when slaughtered by the survivors, no one would ask why the deceased did not learn some abilities at that time.

When Amelia looked at Uya Turanto with such a quick resolution, she seemed to understand some key issues when she looked bitter.

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