Just as Zhang Ze opened his mouth, he exhaled a breath of hot air.

At this moment, the talisman on Zhang Ze's waist suddenly trembled.

A pale yellow glow instigated, almost no one noticed.

A strange wind blew in the tomb, rolling the black mist together.

"People do not see the wind, ghosts do not see the land."

Zhang Ze suddenly realized something.

This is the role of the human symbol.

Wind is an intangible substance that people cannot "see" with their eyes.

Therefore, people have no eyes, but they can control the wind.

The Eyeless Talisman is helping himself!

Immediately afterwards, the black mist all drilled towards Zhang Ze's feverish internal organs.

Everyone only saw that the black mist was like a stream of water, constantly converging towards his mouth.

The gluttonous tattoo suddenly changed.

Liuku Immortal launched!

The turbid gas produced by rotten jade is all discharged from the pores at the first time.

Immediately after that, there was the extracted dragon qi, which drilled towards the meridian bones all over the body.

Not only that, Zhang Ze felt that the five liquids in his body were boiling.

The most powerful part of the Six Kuxian is finally here.

Through the five liquids, the plunder of the surrounding resources can be completed.

It's just that his current strength is still very limited.

When it is really powerful, it can fuse the sweat in the body with the moisture of the air.

It turns into a ghost-like gas formed by rotting jade.

Everything that is covered in it is directly decomposed, digested and absorbed.

Therefore, in the Inhuman plane, almost all the owners of the Six Ku Immortal Thieves have used this method to "eat" people.

But that's the alien plane, and talent is the highest quality "food".

Barron, who never "eats" people, sticks to the bottom line, but is almost digested by his own junior brother.

There are still some residual insects flying restlessly in the air.

There are not many things that can make these terrible insects feel afraid, and Zhang Ze has mastered at least two of them.

The thousand-year-old corpse king beside him swallowed two skeleton generals and stood on the side contentedly.

The originally shriveled skin has become fuller, and the complexion has gradually become closer to that of a normal person.

If you let this zombie stay in Bottle Mountain and grow up, I don't know what kind of terrifying monster it will be in the future.

"Those ghost fogs with worms, just like that... Eaten? "

The Red Girl is looking for the mechanism for the tomb to leave.

Unexpectedly, the organ has not yet been found, but it is no longer needed.

"The Zhang family is really all 'monsters'."

Jin Abacus remembered the other Zhang family members he had seen in his early years.

"Senior, have you seen the other Zhang family members?"

The existence of this family has always been the most curious thing for people.

There are too many curious secrets in this family.

And many of these secrets, once known, have the potential to upend the world.

"Seen, 20 years ago, I met a man with a black gold ancient knife behind his back, and I was very impressed."

The characteristics of the Zhang family are very obvious, especially the cold temperament and the appearance that does not age.

Hearing the Zhang family that Jin Abacus said, Zhang Ze was basically sure that what he saw should be the Zhang family patriarch of the previous generation.

The patriarch died in a family rebellion and was sealed in an ancient tomb in the shape of a scorpion.

Even the Zhang family patriarch's token Zhen Soul Bell was found by the little brother with a few of them when he was first released into the wild.

After dealing with the ghost fog, Zhang Ze looked at the original location of the Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Black Buddha.

There are two long lights next to it, and the one on the left is vaguely half an inch lower than the right.

He stretched out his hand and pressed the left lantern hard.

A flip door slowly opened.

"What about these treasures outside?"

The red girl stared at so many golden jade objects outside.

Even that gem-encrusted coral tree.

"I'll take care of it."

In the dim environment, Zhang Ze opened his hand with his back to several people.

Form a whirlpool.

The heavy gold around was sucked into it by the whirlpool at the same time.

Including that three-meter-tall coral tree.

What was hidden in the entire tomb was almost all the treasures before the destruction of the Western Xia Kingdom.

In these war-torn years, gold itself can be used as money as inflation occurs.

It can be converted directly into silver dollars at any bank.

"It's all gone?"

The red girl had never seen this kind of method, and she thought of tricks in her mind.

But the trick is all deception.

She has seen a lot of this kind of quacks, and the gold in front of her can be calculated in tons.

Suddenly all disappeared, unless it was an illusion.

"This is the means of the Zhang Ze brothers' mustard Nasuya."

Partridge Whistle patiently explained: "It is possible to send something into an unknown space. "

"So powerful?"

The red girl couldn't imagine what kind of concept it was.

"It's hard to imagine that there really is such a method in this world?"

"Naturally, there is."

The partridge whistle took out the family heirloom parchment book.

Just turned the first page.

Compared with the family secrets that are difficult to open later, this page is just for better explanation.

"A similar method of mustard Nasuma has appeared in the place where our Zagrama tribe originally lived."

"We, the Zagrama clan, after leaving Mount Zagrama, a famous ghost cave tribe that is said to come from the underground occupied there and established the Elite Kingdom."

And speaking of which, Hua Ling also remembered this ancient legend.

"Senior Brother, are you talking about the Exquisite Queen and the imaginary space?"

She looked at the red girl and explained, "In the Zagrama Mountains, there is a mysterious space called the Ghost Cave, also called the imaginary space

And the Exquisite Queen has the ability to open this space, and her eyes are called the Unbounded Demon Pupils. "

Such a large amount of information made the red girl digest it for a while.

"You mean that Zhang Ze's ability, similar to that of the Elite Queen, can open up imaginary space?"

After some discussion, the three of them explained the problem clearly.

Zhang Ze also saved to elaborate.

He agreed, "That's right. "

He turned his gaze back to the tomb.

There is a jade letter in the tomb, which contains the Dragon Keel Heavenly Book.

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