Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1893: Ugly people, the destruction of Liao

Yelu Hongji ran all the way until he reached Linhuang Mansion, which relieved him.

After he entered the city, the first command was alert.

Then came the bath.

After bathing, he ate a sumptuous dinner and brought two young girls under his hands.

"His Majesty……"

Then there is enjoyment.

When men are hit hard, women are the best antidote.

When the day was bright, Yelu Hongji woke up, and after driving away the two girls, he received good news.

"Your Majesty, the divination department has come to King Qin."

Yelu Hongji couldn't help but burst into tears, but the emperor's suspicion made him lightly say: "Bring their leader."

Later a few leaders were brought.

"Bolot has seen His Majesty."

There was an upper-level change in the divination department, and Bo Luote successfully killed several old leaders and became a new leader.

Yeluhongi looked at the young man and asked, "What is the divination department thinking?"

Bo Luote said: "Your Majesty, the forbidden people are worried about the madness of the Song people. If they enter the Shangjing Road, our forages will be stained with blood, the cattle and sheep will become their military food, and the forbidden people will have nowhere to live. "

This is a statement.

Before the threat of Da Song, the divination department and Daliao were one.

This statement is very realistic, and Yeluhunki said with satisfaction: "So ... banquet."

Whatever loyalty cannot be compared to such reality, Yelu Hongji is at least half relieved.

He now needs to envelope these tribes. After losing the essence of Daliao, he also lost grain and grass supplies, and the divination person is the best resource.

So no matter what, he now has to be kind to the abolishers.

The fat sheep were slaughtered, and then a large pot was cooked, and a large pot was installed.

With a knife on the side, a little salt, and drinks, this is a good meal.

The fat lamb makes people drool, and the wine from the Song Dynasty makes people intoxicated.

"Forbidden to live and die with His Majesty!" Borot said excitedly after drinking too much.

Yelu Hongji moved his heart and thought it was a good sign.

"Come." Borot cut his hands with a meat-cutting knife, and then dripped blood into it.

If there are people from the Song Dynasty, they will definitely say that this is to cut the chicken head and drink blood wine!

Yeluhunki did not hesitate to do so, the two then exchanged wine bowls and drank the other's blood mixed with wine.


Borrot raised his head and laughed, then fell to the bowl.


There was a fight outside, and Yeluhongi was furious. When he thought about it, he felt sore. He pointed to Borrot and fell to the ground swaying.

His bodyguard was hacked and slashed by the intruder who rushed in, and Borot stood up and said, "What Daliao! It has become shit!"

Afterwards, the army was prevented from entering Linhuang Mansion, and it was cleared in the city.

When he completely controlled Linhuang Mansion, Borot led the men and set off.

"Let's try the Song people." Borot's eyes were full of ambition.

Observers want more sites and need more servants.

On the third day, they encountered a group of Song troops, and they were defeated by a scout. They came back and told him, "The Song people are vulnerable."

Bo Luote shook his head, "If it is vulnerable, why would the Liao people be defeated?"

Someone said: "Liao people have already eroded."

This is the case.

The dignitaries of the Liao people followed the dignitaries of the Song people to learn and enjoy. As a result, they learned that life was eroded and there was no fighting spirit.

When more than 10,000 Song troops were encountered, the forbidden people carefully dispatched 20,000 people to go. As a result, Song Jun collapsed with a touch.

"This is ... the opportunity is coming."

Borrot rejoiced: "Bring Yeluhunki."

After Yelvhungi was brought in, Borot asked: "Can the Song Army be strong?"

Yelu Hongji said coldly: "Strong, extremely powerful!"

"Hahahaha!" Borot couldn't help laughing, and said: "If the Song people are really strong, you will say weak. So ... the whole army attacked!"

This idiot!

If he had n’t been careful to prescribe medicine, he would be able to crush all the aborigines as a king.

He just knew that this would inspire the ambition of the soothsayer, and then rushed to kill.

Go for it.

If you can defeat the Song people, I can be considered dead.

When the army arrived in Fengzhou, it encountered the scouts of the Song army and said that it had discovered the army of the Song people.


The forbidden people have been suppressed by the Liao people. This time the reorganization is to turn over and become the master. At this moment, it is messy, and then driven by the little leaders.

"Song Jun fifty thousand!"

This discovery delighted the forbidden people.

"Our army is 60,000, we are not afraid!"

Observers think this is an opportunity.

"Who is Song Jun leading the army?" Bo Luote asked people to check.

"It's Shen An."

Ha ha!

Borot thought of the last time Shen An had taken medicine and couldn't help but want to die.

The opportunity for revenge is coming!

The two armies gradually approached.

Shen An smiled and watched the forbidden people approaching and said, "In those days the forbidden people sought support. Da Song gave some weapons, but not many. But they successfully inspired their ambitions. This time the Liao people destroyed the country, they really I was so moved that I wiped out Shangjing Road, but I did n’t know where Yelu Hongji was. If they were killed by them, it would be beautiful. "

Da Song ’s goal was to sweep the caves of Liting. He had to get Yelu Hongji, whether it was a corpse or a living person, and when he got it, it meant that the Liao Kingdom was destroyed.

This is the biggest goal of this battle.

"my brother!"

Borot narrowed his eyes at the array of Song people and said, "What did they mean by using foot soldiers to form an array?"

"You Liaojun said what kind of firearm is very powerful."

"Then give it a try." Bo Luote said: "They will be 50,000 people, defeat them, we are the master of this grassland. Then they can attack Zhongjing Road all the way.

At the moment, the grassland tribes have great hearts. For example, in the future Jin people, thousands of them dare to attack the tens of thousands of Liao troops and win.


Because they have always lived on the grassland, arch horses are skilled and wild.

However, the Liao Army is used to maintaining respect and superiority, where will it be their opponent.

Now they have an advantage over people, but their experience in using troops is not enough.

How did the Jin people defeat the Liao Army in the future?


Just one word: fight!

No matter how many people you come, I do n’t have to plan, just fight all the way and eventually defeat you.

This is a typical one-force drop ten meetings.

The sophisters are also pee-like, and immediately they attacked first.

The sound of horseshoes shook the ground, and Borot rejoiced: "Beat them, let's go to Zhongjing City!"

He went to Zhongjing City once, and the prosperous scene there made him obsessed.

There are countless food, countless wealth, and countless beauties.

What are men greedy for in this world? Power, wealth, beauty, and food are the four biggest temptations.

Song Jun raised his gun.


Borot saw the artillery, and then smoke spread.

Boom Boom Boom ...

The iron bomb rushed out, and the warhorse of the forbidden man began to panic.

The iron bomb swept through everything, and the formation of the blockers was chaotic.


Boom Boom Boom!

If there is no firearm, no matter whether it is the Liao Army or the Song Army, if you want to fight with the abductors, you have to pay a huge price.

But at this moment, the artillery had disrupted the formation of the forbidden people.

"Shotshot ..."


The dense black spots flew out.

"This is the firearm of the Song people?"

The blocker in front was dead and wounded, and Borot said pale: "We ... rush to kill!"

He wanted to say that we were afraid we were wrong.

But these words would hurt morale during the battle, and the so-called one, the tears had to be finished.

At this moment, the forbidden people thought that they had met a beautiful woman, but who knew it was a burly man. This sturdy man also carried two axes, what a terrible thing!


The rifle fired a volley, and the fortuneteller suffered another blow.

They are wild, but this also means no knowledge.

Under the blow of two kinds of firearms, there were already abductors shouting the dignity of the gods, desperately preparing to escape.

They regarded firearms as artifacts, and the resulting death and injury was punishment.

"Wait a second, we can rush up."

Borrot screamed.


The second round of volleys arrived as scheduled, and the third round followed.


The artifact can kill people continuously, what else can it fight?

The forbidden people began to collapse.

"That's not a defeat!" Yelu Hongji was guarded by a team of blockers in the back. When he saw the collapse in the front, he couldn't help laughing. "Fool, Shen An's use of soldiers is the most cunning. Just want to coax you idiots, ha ha ha ha! Now you are defeated too, okay! Okay! "

What a loser likes most to see is another loser, so his despair will be comforted.

The forbidden people are fleeing. The coalition just formed has not been polished by countless victories. Once it collapses, it cannot be stopped.

Shen An raised his hand, and the horn sounded long.

Black lines appeared on the left and right sides.

"Song Jun's ambush!"

Someone was exclaiming, Borot just felt cold all over. ~ He knew he was given a lesson by the good brother.

"That was a deliberate defeat, which made me think they were not strong enough."

"They are more than 50,000 people, but he is very confident and feels that 50,000 people can be used to defeat me, and then surrounded ..."

This is a complete defeat!

In front of Shen An, Borotte and the forbidden people had no chance at all.

Song Jun on both sides was accelerating and gradually overwhelmed.

"Crossbow arrows ... let go!"

The rich Song Jun began to wash the ground with crossbow arrows.

The forbidden people fell off, and the encirclement formed.

"Abandon the knife and knelt down!"

There were shouts everywhere, and the forbidden people who hadn't made a synthesis were dismounted.

Borot looked at Shen An galloping blankly on his horse.

"My good brother, see you again." Shen An Han smiled: "Thank you for capturing Yelvhongi, I will plead for your majesty, so that you can have a good result.

Yelu Hongji was brought up and laughed as soon as he met: "I deceived this idiot and made him think that Song Jun was not strong enough, ha ha ha ha!"

"No, he knows that Da Song is powerful, but he feels that wild performance beats any powerful." Shen An calmly said: "Just Da Song defeated wild with another powerful."

He smiled slightly, "Emperor Daliao, Your Majesty is waiting for you in Zhongjing City, and the entire Song Dynasty will cheer for you."

"Wan Sheng!"

Cheers everywhere.

This is a hearty fight.

Yelu Hongji was captured, which means that the Liao Kingdom no longer exists.

Then it was slowly cleared, turning this land into a pasture of the Song Dynasty.

As for ambitions, the big firearms will be a good cooling agent, which can cool those ambitions.


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