Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 720: Lord Shen is here

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

In the sound of countless impacts, all the gunmen in the front row were knocked off.

The enemy's heavy riding was too dense, resulting in no one in the first row being spared. Those spearmen were either hit or killed by subsequent horseshoes.

The enemy riders began to wave their swords.

The knife flashes.

A Song Jun commander stood in front of him, with countless swordsmen behind him.

He raised his sword and shouted, "Cut!"

Innumerable swords and axe slashed away.

The so-called heavy armor became papery in front of heavy weapons.

The horse was slashed by the big axe, the cavalry was cut into two pieces by the waist, and the sky was torn through the scream!

However, the enemy's long sword was easily chopped into the heavy armor of the swordman by the rush, and then gently pulled out, and the horse was killed.


Daoguang was like a horse, and Chongqi who rushed in was beheaded and killed.


The armored horse was caught by a hook sickle gun, and then pulled, the horse fell heavily.

The commander cut off the horse's head with a knife, and his face was spurted by horse blood, looking like a ghost.

At this moment, his left and right were compressed, and the ground was full of the bodies of the enemy and Song Jun, almost untenable.

"Kill the enemy!"

He easily avoided the impact of heavy riding and took advantage of the situation to kill the Liao army on the horse.

"Shenwei Crossbow ... Let go!" The shouting behind heard the heartbreak.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The Shenwei crossbow was fired again, and the black cloud covering the sky rushed towards the rear of the Liao Army.

A heavy horse was slain and killed, and after falling off, one turned up and someone exclaimed, "It's a warrior!"

The armored clothing of Chongqi is very heavy, and can climb up immediately after falling. The power of this heavy riding can crush countless people.

A knife and shield soldier rushed over, just a face-to-face, was beheaded by heavy riding.

Re-ride the gaze shuttle patrol, grinning, and then straightened the knife.

The bravery of the Liao people has not been decadent because of long-term peace.

They still have the power to dominate the East.

The two sword shield soldiers rushed to the left and right, re-riding without fear, slashing and killing one person on the left, then turning to the right, then Song Jun looked white and shouted: "Kill!"

The long knife was chopped on the armor, and the heavy ride was just a stagger. With a stab, the long knife stabbed into Song Jun's stomach.

Chongqi grinned and stirred a little.

In the wailing sound, Song Jun threw himself over.

Heavy riding stunned. He vowed that this disturb would definitely disturb the intestines of the Song Jun.

Under such severe pain, he dare to counterattack?

Song Jun exhaled the last breath with blood when he threw himself on Chongqi's body, but he had a smile on his face.

"I say Nima!"

The tearful Tang Ren raised his long knife and threw it over.

He witnessed this murder.

Witnessed the tragic and sorrow of Song Jun!

His hands have never been so stable.

Chongqi's eyes were amazed.

He discovered the intention of Song Jun who died on himself.

The Song Jun wanted to use his own sacrifice to fulfill the follow-up robe.

Kill him!

At this moment, Tang Ren had only this thought in mind.

Heavy riding armor, even face mask.

But his eyes were not protected.

The long knife stabbed into Chongqi's eyes.


Tang Ren held the knife in both hands, and at this moment he felt immensely powerful.

The long knife stabbed in, and Chongqi made a wailing noise, then held the long knife with one hand and pushed hard.

Tang Ren was pushed away and staggered under the feet of Chongqi, his only intact eyes were blank.

"Shenwei crossbow ... let go!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Black clouds washed up to the sky.

Tang Ren pounced again, slashing with a long knife.

For the convenience of movement, the arm of Chongqi was not protected by armor, and his right hand was cut with a knife.


Chongqi Yangtian screamed, his head just lifted up, revealing a gap in his neck.

The knife flashed.

In the blood spurt, Tang Ren raised his sword and shouted: "For the Song!"

Countless swords and axes are hacking, but heavy riding has penetrated the defense line.

Zji Jizu looked at all this without moving, because the Xixia people came.

Under the left and right, Song Jun was in danger.

Su Jizu suddenly sighed and said, "Cavalry can go back."

There was pain in his voice, and he understood what he meant.

The cavalry of the Fuzhou Army can escape back alone.

But what does this mean?

The remaining pawns can only be slaughtered by the enemy.

This is a trade-off.

Do you want to leave your pawns to keep the cavalry, or the whole army wiped out.

If you keep the cavalry, you can now run away while taking advantage of the opportunity in front of you.

Zui Jizu's face is ever-changing.


All eyes are on him.

Su Jizu suddenly relaxed and said, "Wubaiqi returned to report, made Fuzhou City to defend, and immediately passed the Yellow River to report, asking the other side to come to aid immediately, otherwise ..."

He looked at the northwest direction and worriedly said: "Otherwise Linfu Road will become history."


This was a brave decision, but as an ancestor, it was a bit impulsive.

He pulled out his long sword, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Assault! Let's defeat the Liao people!"

At this moment he chose to hang with Liaojun's heavy horse.

As for the Xixia people, in the situation of Song and Liao fighting, they can only fight soy sauce around.

In despair, someone choked: "Should not attack!"

Zui Jizu scolded: "Is it all waiting for this time? What are you doing? Let's chaos some army's heart, kill!"

The cavalry team, a desperate and murderous atmosphere enveloped everyone.

Zuji Jizu knew this atmosphere, but he needed it.

Talent in despair will burst out its potential.

He raised his long knife and shouted, "For ..."

"someone is coming!"

Just after yelling two words, Zuji was interrupted. He said angrily: "Who is coming?"

Everyone was looking at the direction behind the Liao Army, where a burst of smoke was rolled up by the northwest wind.

Everyone is in despair.

"It is the reinforcements of the Liao people."

But the Liao people were stunned.

The Xixia people who were just about to join the battlefield were also stunned, and some people even looked back and looked at the direction behind them, their eyes puzzled.

A large flag was suddenly beaten.

"Da Song!"

A Song character fluttered in the wind on the banner.

At this moment, even illiterate sergeants are cheering.

"Long live!"

The Liao people began to withdraw from contact, and then formed a formation.

People in the distance gradually approached.

Shen An lifted his veil and scolded: "It's not a lady, what veil to wear? Bah!"

Cao Fei beside him didn't wear a veil, but looked at the crumpled face, and it was almost back that Cao Empress couldn't recognize the brother.

Cao Fei touched his molting face and said, "Someone will find some beauties, and now he has no face to see."

"You are not afraid of kidney deficiency?"

Shen An raised his binoculars and observed, his face gradually indifferent.

"It really is a Liao."

"Ten thousand people in Liao, more than three thousand Xixia people ... really trapped."

Cao Fei admired: "Sometimes you thought that your young achievements were mostly gimmicks. Yesterday, the Mongshan Army discovered the news that a large number of enemy riders were wandering around. Some thought that you would go to Fuzhou, but you actually hide behind it Waiting for this ... high! "

Liao people want the Yinfu Prefecture Army, who knows Shen An is more yin.

Shen An put down the telescope, looked back at those excited cavalrymen, and said, "Five thousand cavalrymen, this is the new force."

"The enemy is moving, Lang Jun, coming towards us."

Huang Chun was excited as if he had met a beauty, and even his voice was shaking.

Cao Fei is still asking: "How do you know that the enemy will set traps to let the Fuzhou military drill? Why not report it?"

Although his family is well-educated, Cao Fei has never experienced battle battles, so there are many things he does not understand.

The enemy ride started the whole team, and slowly came towards this side.

"Lang Jun, more than nine thousand rides, including a thousand heavy rides."

This year, heavy riding is a luxury. There are a lot of Liao people, but they are reluctant to use too much at once.

Just like the strategic weapon of later generations, once you put heavy riding into a certain direction, it represents the turning of strategic goals.

"Row array! Let Liao people know that Master Shen is here."

Shen Anxing exuberantly ordered.

Cao Fei recalled his family's art of warfare and persuaded: "Anbei, we are cavalry, what kind of formation? The assault should be."

The cavalry array has no use for hair, but has lost its biggest advantage, speed!

Cavalry without speed is not as effective as foot soldiers.

So Cao Fei felt that Shen An was smoking.

"Anbei, this battle can't be underestimated! If it is defeated, the Liao and Xixia people who had been born with ghosts will join forces, and then the northwest will rot."

Once the northwest of the Song Dynasty is in chaos, the Liaoren cliffs will go south from the north and destroy the old opponent of the Song Dynasty.

So why did the great Song Junchen dare not go to war easily?

All because of the terrain.

After losing the defense line of the Great Wall in the north, and after losing the natural defense line of the mountain range in the north, the Song Dynasty was in danger.

Once the enemy forces broke in, Bianliang would be shocked overnight.

Therefore, the great Song Junchen did not dare to go to war, fearing that in the event of a fiasco, everyone would have to roll up their burdens and run south.

Shen An proudly said: "Don't worry, Lao Cao, wait and see, wait for a surprise to the Liao people."

He turned around and shouted, "Is the trebuchet ready?"

Someone shouted in the rear: "Wait, immediately ..."

Shen An was furious: "Manima! How long has it been? Immediately? Give you ten breaths, no matter how good I am, I will rush you to rush!"

After a bit of turmoil in the back, more than ten small catapults were in place.

Cao Fei wondered: "These trebuchets are struggling to bring them together with a cart. Are you ready ... throwing stones? Anbei, stones are not as good as crossbow arrows!"

The catapult is too old. This thing is used to destroy the morale of the enemy, or it is used when siege.

The cavalry of the enemy has begun to rush into battle, your catapult throwing a dozen stones is fart!

"Wait, everything is ready!"

The trebuchet behind was ready.

Shen Angao smiled and said: "I didn't come to be bullied when I came to the northwest ~ ~ Follow me to fight, Lao Cao, you are blessed, waiting to reap military merit.

The people in front of Liao still rode ahead and gradually started to accelerate.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Cao Fei felt that his heartbeat was not scoring well. He breathed quickly and said, "An Bei, is it a heavy ride? What's wrong?"

This is heavy riding!

Faced with the invincible heavy ride, you actually used cavalry array to deal with it.

Is this crazy?

Shen An raised his hand and said lightly: "Lao Cao, look good ..."

"Catapult ... Ignite!"



good night.

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