Great Nobleman

Chapter 386 Holy love is so blind and fearless!

Chapter 386 Holy Love——It's So Blind and Fearless!

The sudden voice interrupted Tianian's movements, and both Andy and Finn felt a little pity.

Their "performance" only confused Tinian briefly.

If it takes a little longer, her reason can easily overcome her emotions, and she will be aware of some of the sense of disobedience.

With regret in their hearts, Andy and Finn turned their attention to the culprit who interrupted all this.

——It was a tall, handsome, burly young handsome guy with a sunny and handsome face.

At this time, he was approaching quickly with a face full of anger.

After seeing this person, Tianian couldn't help but have some headaches.

After showing an apologetic look to Andy, she scolded the handsome guy with dissatisfaction:

"Havel! These two gentlemen are guests of our Light Cult Secret Society! You should maintain enough respect and etiquette for them!

And again, it's not up to you who I'm alone with! "

Hearing Tinian's reprimand, Javier also realized that his reaction was a little too extreme, but he still questioned with a puzzled expression:

"But why are you hiding here? And you even deliberately screened off the servants?"

Speaking of this, Tianian looked at Andy and Finn with questioning eyes.

Andy shrugged and said:

"If Ms. Tinian thinks it's okay, we certainly wouldn't mind this gentleman joining in.

And we also want to clear up the misunderstanding with this gentleman. "

After getting Andy's consent, Tinian told Javier what happened.

Everyone originally thought that the matter would end after it was said.

However, after carefully reviewing the information that Andy and Finn handed over to Tinian.

Javier slapped the table and said angrily:

"You two liars! How dare you deceive Tinian, I will fight you!"

After saying this, Javier explained, seeing that Tinian was a little confused:

"Recently, Teacher Suleiman asked me to lead someone to inquire about a young man named Brand Holland.

According to the results of our inquiries, he happened to be one of the students of the Kaya Empire's Royal Wizard Academy, and he seemed to be the most talented student of the Wizard Academy.

But now there is no information about him in this intelligence, so there must be a problem! "

Hearing Javier's explanation, Tinian's eyes were serious, while Andy and Finn looked at each other.

——How did Brand’s name spread to the Secret Society of Light?

Without waiting for them to think too much, Javier slapped the table again and said to the two:

"If you are a man, come with me! There is a training ground in the station, and I will beat you up!"

Seeing that the lie was exposed, the man was still so angry.

Finn took out the information that Tianian gave them, and then persuaded:

"Actually, Ms. Tinian also lied to us, how about we get even?"

Seeing that Fenn's face was no longer honest and honest as before, and he directly admitted that there was indeed a problem with their information.

Recalling that she almost told the real information out of guilt, Tinian said angrily:

"You two are really despicable!"

Seeing this, Javier seized the opportunity and comforted Tinian with a gentle face:

"Tinian, don't be angry! See how I can help you out later!"

Hearing this, Tinian shook her head and said:

"Andy and Mr. Finn are our guests after all, so forget it."

Javier shook his head solemnly and said:

"How can that work? I can't see you being wronged!"

After saying this, Javier did not wait for any response from Tianian, and challenged Andy and Finn:

"I said, you are not really so weak, are you? Anyway, you should also be the descendants of the nobles of the Kaya Empire. You must have some courage to face the challenge, right?"

After hearing this and looking at each other, Andy and Finn stood up helplessly.

——This matter was indeed initiated by them, and it is not incomprehensible for people to want to vent their anger on the one they love.

Seeing that Tinian was anxious, Andy explained generously:

"Ms. Tinian, after all, it was the two of us who calculated you, and this Mr. Havel should be angry.

Therefore, we are happy to accept the proposal of a duel, but we hope that after the duel, no matter what the result is, neither of us will have any grudges anymore!

Actually, Finn and I kind of want to be friends with you guys. "

After Andy finished speaking, Finn also smiled and agreed:

"Andy is right, I heard that your Guangjiao Secret Society plans to establish a branch in the Kaya Empire.

Coincidentally, the families behind me and Andy are all mage families, and there may be many opportunities for cooperation in the future. "

Although the two of them had reached this point, Tinian still shook her head and said:

"I have nothing to do with Javier. Don't get me wrong. Even if there is a duel, it should be me."

After saying this, Tianian smiled and said in relief:

"This time, we were plotting against each other, because I am not as skilled as others, so I am a little unwilling, and let the two of you see a joke."

Finn responded with a smile:

"Your sincerity and kindness made us a little ashamed, please accept our apology."

While saying this, Finn took out a bunch of wood from the magic pocket and handed it to Tinian.

At the same time, Andy also explained at the right time:

"This is the heart of the Tranquility Tree, and it can improve the efficiency of meditation if you carry it with you."

After receiving the Jinglingwood tree heart handed over by Finn, Tianian couldn't help being a little surprised.

Then, she also took out two accessories with special light spells from the magic pocket and gave them to Andy and Finn.

After looking at the two guys in front of him and saying a few words, he began to have a good chat with Tinian.

Javier's expression on the side gradually became a little annoyed.

Originally, he planned to show himself well in the duel, and then win Tinian's heart!

But the rhetoric of these two guys is too good!

After thinking about it carefully, Javier interjected:

"Although Tianian has forgiven you, I haven't. I really can't stand Tianian being deceived, so I still want to fight you!"


Although Tianian's expression was very angry, Javier was unmoved.

In these years, in order to exclude "competitors".

Most of the peers who had contact with Tinian had already been pulled over by him to "discuss".

Even if he can't fight for the time being, he will find a chance to make up after he works hard and has enough strength!

But now, the two guys in front of him who were full of sweet words and were alone with Tinian had naturally become one of his targets!

——Even if Tianian wasn't deceived, he was going to find an excuse to pull him over and beat him up!

Although it is not good to do so, judging from Javier's experience, it is enough to make up for it later.

In this year, who hasn't experienced a fight and duel?

For Andy and Finn, seeing that Mr. Havel was so persistent, it was difficult for them to refuse.

So Andy stood up and said:

"Since Mr. Havel is interested in competing, we are of course willing to accompany him, but my strength may be a bit unremarkable. I only became a senior mage apprentice not long ago."

Immediately afterwards, Finn also stood up to explain his strength, and also said that he was not an opponent.

These two guys are so sincere before meeting.

Javier couldn't help feeling a little bit guilty.

After thinking about it carefully, he said again:

"Then I'm one-on-two, you two go up together."

Seeing Javier being so proud and ignoring them, the eyes of Andy and Finn couldn't help but become a little subtle.

After thinking about it and exchanging opinions with their eyes.

They also nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Tinian couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

On the way to the resident training ground with the three of them, she also tried her best to comfort Andy and Finn, hoping that they would not be angry with Javier for a while.

——Although she doesn't like Javier, she has to admit that this guy is still very powerful!

Andy and Finn are "very open"!

Holy love--so blind and fearless!

During this process, Andy and Javier also introduced themselves to each other.

They also agreed to:

Whether you win or lose, you can't have grudges in your heart.

From this, they also knew the identity and strength of this handsome guy:

Javier Landsworth, 22 years old, senior knight.

The chief disciple of Suleiman Hurst, head of the Guardian Knights of the Light Cult Secret Order.

After learning about their identities, both Andy and Finn expressed their admiration.

Javier also couldn't stand the strong rhetoric of the two, and a friendly smile gradually appeared on his face.

Seeing such a friendly and harmonious scene, Tianian unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

——Now it seems that the matter is over after the duel.

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