Great Nobleman

Chapter 695 Destruction is much easier than repair!

When Brand and others were cutting it on the mountainside of Black Stone Mountain.

A rear camp located outside the Collapsed Mountains area.

Several left-behind mages are arranging and activating the extremely valuable portable space array.

Because the army had sufficient strength and they were emergency personnel for the main force of the coalition, they did not attack with the army.

When the change occurred, they immediately contacted the coalition command.

Immediately afterwards, they received the order to immediately arrange the space array!

This thing can also be regarded as an insurance measure.

Every time the main force of the coalition attacks, emergency personnel will be carried with them in case of emergency.

Soon, in the activated magic circle, a warrior wearing silver-white full-body armor and a pure white velvet cloak on his back walked out of the space magic circle in a hurry.

After briefly sensing the surroundings for a moment, he didn't bother to say hello to others.

The figure flashed and then disappeared.

Not long after, on the edge of the mountain collapse area and on the high cliff.

Looking at the extremely vast mountain collapse area in front of me.

There is also the Black Stone Mountain in the far center.

He couldn't help but curse!

Immediately afterwards, he flashed and flew towards the center of the battlefield!

"What's going on? Why is the ground of the fortress tilting?

It doesn’t seem to be due to combat fluctuations? Who did what? What's happening outside? "

I heard Master Claude's surprised voice.

Inside the phoenix, which is riding the wind and escaping the orc pursuers.

Brand was about to explain.

However, Mr. Cecil, who was in the sky battlefield, spoke first:

"Brand and the others are cutting into the mountainside.

From here, it looks like the mountain is about to fall! "

Upon hearing this, Master Claude said with a look of disbelief:

"Brand? You have collapsed such a big mountain?

This mountain is protected by totem power! "

Hearing this, Brand responded matter-of-factly:

“Although this mountain is indeed very big, the earth, wood, sand and stones strengthened by the totem’s protective power are very strong.

But for us, it's easy to collapse as long as no one gets in the way.

At first I just wanted to eliminate the orcs inside the mountains.

But then I thought about it, what better option is there to knock down this mountain directly?

Just take out the orcs that haven't come out yet!

We can also free up our hands to do other things! "

Feeling the increasing slope of the ground on the top of the mountain, Master Claude said with confused thoughts:

"Of course this will bring disaster to the orcs, but our soldiers will definitely be affected too, right?"

As soon as these words came out, before Brand could respond, Mr. Holland interjected with a serious face:

“Don’t be indecisive!

The situation can't get any worse than it is now!

If the mountain collapses, at most, our warriors and the orc warriors will perish together!

Now there are more orc warriors than us at the foot of the mountain, which is more beneficial to us!

In addition, if the mountain collapses, the orc fortress at the top of the mountain will most likely be destroyed too! "

Just when I was about to say something more.

Master Claude suddenly discovered that the slope of the mountain was gradually slowing down.


Inside Phoenix, in Brand's field of vision.

Perhaps he realized that chasing the Phoenix was completely useless.

Ever since.

The strong orcs following Phoenix stopped one after another.

——They started flying towards the collapsed mountain!

Some of them tried their best to exert their willpower to try to support the mountain and slow down its tilt.

Some people cooperated with other orcs inside the mountain and took out various materials to fill the gaps inside the mountain and prevent the mountain from tilting further.

There are also some people who are guarding the mountainside with vigilant faces, ready to resist the Phoenix's next attack.

Brand didn't know if the orcs would be able to stop the mountain from collapsing if they were allowed to do so.

But one thing he knew very well was:

As long as their library is willing, it is absolutely impossible to prevent the collapse of this mountain!

——It is much easier to destroy than to repair!

After a flash of thought.

While Brand drank the potion to recover, he also directed the phoenix to stop in mid-air.

Then, he followed the slope of the mountain and looked at the battlefield at the foot of the mountain.

There are many elite warriors of the empire fighting to the death with a large number of orc legions, hindering the advancement of the orc legion.

Of course they had also discovered the collapsing mountain.

But they have no intention of evacuating at all!

I don’t know if he is confident that he can face all this, or if he is ready to sacrifice himself and trade less for more with the orcs.

Brand doesn't care about the answer to that question.

Because he was never ready to give up on these people.

Because the soldiers below were grouped together everywhere, they were spread out over a wide area.

If the mountain collapses, in their current state, it will be too late to rescue everyone.

Therefore, Brand said to the people around him:

"While the orcs are ignoring us now, everyone should use the wind element barrier to superimpose the power of transcendence as soon as possible.

Then incorporate the magic force field into the mage group's framework and increase the scope of influence of the magic force field in the mage group's framework structure! "

Hearing this, everyone in the library was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, they quickly realized that Brand was preparing to use the wind elemental magic force field to rescue the soldiers below.

While he was taking action, a library member reminded him:

"Although our mage group framework also designed the access structure of the magic force field.

However, the access to such a large number of magical force fields has never been practiced.

Junior, you may be under a lot of pressure! "

After hearing this, Brand responded:

“Now you’ll know it by practicing it.

If it doesn't work, we will reduce the number of connections. "

While saying this, Brand's hands were not idle.

He took out a bundle of spell scrolls from the space necklace.

After untying the rope of this bundle of scrolls.

Brand took a spell scroll and held it tightly.

Immediately afterwards, the scroll began to shine.

After a moment, the light extended back and forth, turning into a red-gold spear with silvery white lines.

With it as the center of the circle, the surroundings of the phoenix surrounded by the sun and stars spread out layer by layer!

After the first layer of the solar disk is fully formed.

The second and third layers of solar discs quickly appeared behind it!

From front to back, each floor is larger than the first floor!

——Sublimation Spell·Phase·God’s Giant Spear!

As Brand threw the spear in his hand towards the gap halfway up the mountain ahead.

The spell is officially released!

With the spear as the vanguard, the three-layer Sun Disk's Sun Star Ring followed closely behind, and the blazing golden flames connected together!

The huge golden spear roared, suppressing and retreating the strong orcs who wanted to intercept.

A large-scale scorching explosion erupted just before it was about to touch the mountain!

The surrounding large battlefields were printed in a blazing white color!

Before the results appeared, another spell scroll turned into a red gold spear in Brand's hands.

The three-layer solar disk composed of the Xilu star ring unfolds again!

Before the previous explosion had subsided, another huge golden spear came down towards the gap in the mountain!

Followed by the third, fourth, and fifth shots!

Despite the all-out defense of the strong orcs, many explosion aftermaths still affected the mountain structure.

The mountain that had stopped collapsing was slowly tilting again due to the vibration!

It seems that he is not satisfied with the speed of this tilt.

Brand threw the sixth and seventh giant spears of the gods among the increasingly powerful Storm Legion around him.

More and more mountain structures are being destroyed, and the strong orcs feel more and more powerless!

Immediately afterwards, it seemed as if a critical point had been reached!

As the cracks spread, the upper and lower mountains, including some special building structures inside, were completely disconnected!

Amidst the huge roar, the upper part of the mountain began to slide towards the gap.

Although the strong orcs tried their best to stop it.

But as the cracks spread, pieces of rubble kept separating.

Everything is irreversible!

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