Li Wangyou did not expect that there would be rubber grass in the sand pirates nest, beside Swan Lake.

He doesn’t actually know Rubber grass, after all, not many people have seen this thing in future generations. Even the name Rubber grass, Li Wangyou is occasionally seen when surfing the Internet.

It was not until that day that he collected wild grapes and brought them back to the Sand Pirate camp to prepare to make wine. He didn’t notice the corners of his clothes. I don’t know when he rubbed some milk-white gelatinous substance.

He tried to wipe with his hands, but found that the gelatinous substance had solidified.

And this kind of elasticity solid matter made Li Wangyou’s mind immediately flashed a flash of lightning-natural Rubber!

Of course, natural rubber will not appear in the unfathomable mystery in the sand thieves camp.

The only possibility is that when he went out to collect wild grapes by the lake before, his clothes rubbed against the glue flowing out of the Rubber grass, and this small piece of natural Rubber was left after it solidified.

Thinking of this, Li Wangyou immediately rushed out of the sand pirate camp in a whirlwind and ran to the area where wild grapes were collected before.

After a careful search, Li Wangyou finally found a plant that looked like a dandelion. One of the stem veins had been broken and there was also a milk-white elasticity jelly on it.

Li Wangyou was overjoyed. After determining the appearance of Rubber grass, he searched around in the vicinity, but found a lot of Rubber grass silhouettes.

This unexpected joy suddenly gave Li Wangyou hope of escape.

It has been a whole year since he was caught by the sand thief. His wife in Ch_ng’n should have given birth to his child long ago. The thought of going home is always stimulating him, almost to let him Go crazy.

Li Wangyou secretly collected a lot of Saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal by giving the sand pirates the opportunity to make wine, and the manufacturer produced some explosives.

He even thought about using these explosives to threaten the leader of Sand Pirates in exchange for a chance to escape.

Only when he calmed down, he reluctantly gave up the idea of near courting death.

In any case, as long as he is alive, there is hope of going home.

The accidental discovery of Rubber grass reminded Li Wangyou immediately that he and Su Changqing had figured out the same means of transportation when he crossed the desert for the army. That was the sand boat.

When Su Changqing was playing in North America, he once saw someone playing this novel thing called sand boat in the desert.

In simple terms, a sand boat is like a sailing boat in the desert.

The structure is also very simple. The lower part is a wooden board with four rubber wheels, and a sail supported by a movable mast is installed on it.

Driving a sand boat is like driving a sailboat, using wind to drive the sand boat to move quickly in the desert. Driven by the wind, the sand boat can even run at a speed of nearly 80 kilometers per hour in the desert.

Li Wangyou finally did not choose a sand boat as a tool for the army to cross the desert, just because there is no Rubber tire, it can only be given up.

Now that he found Rubber grass in the Sand Pirate Camp, it means that he can collect natural Rubber manufacture tires, and then use the sand boat as a tool to escape the Sand Pirate Camp.

As long as the timing is good, the speed of eighty kilometers per hour, and those sand thieves are exhausted, and it is impossible to catch him.

After all, when a camel runs, the fastest speed is only about 40 kilometers, and it does not last long. As long as the sand boat has wind and goes downwind, it can quickly escape.

There are only two issues that need to be resolved today.

One is how to collect Rubber manufacture tires, and the other is that he doesn’t know how to control sails and needs to explore slowly.

These two problems are not difficult.

First of all, he does not need the inflatable professional tires of the later generations, but only needs to manufacture four solid tires with elasticity.

Although untreated natural Rubber is not resistant to aging, what impact does this have on Li Wangyou not at all? He manufactures tires just for escape and does not require long-term use.

The way he can think of is to manufacture several tire molds, and then collect rubber grass glue every day, inject it into the mold, and let it solidify into natural Rubber.

When the glue fills the mold, the result is a round natural Rubber tire.

Although the tires manufactured in this way must be extremely low in strength and durability, Li Wangyou also ignores that many.

As for learning to drive a sail, he also figured out a way.

Swan Lake occupies a very wide area, there are a lot of fish resources in the lake.

But these sand pirates are lazy people, otherwise they wouldn’t live by robbery, so they would naturally not do things like fishing.

So Li Wangyou asked Du Qing to help plead with the leader of the sand pirates. He was willing to go down to the lake to fish for the sand pirates to improve their food.

Sand Pirates will naturally not refuse this kind of thing.

Anyway, Swan Lake all around is a vast desert, and there is no fear that Li Wangyou will escape by boat.

The leader of Sand Pirate happily agreed to Li Wangyou’s request and asked the artisans who had been captured by them in the camp to build a small boat for him in accordance with Li Wangyou’s request.

Different from the traditional Great Tang wagging boat, Li Wangyou asked the craftsman to install a sail on the boat.

His purpose is very simple, that is, to practice how to maneuver the sails by helping Sand Pirates fishing.

Li Wangyou has never touched sailing. When practicing at first, the sailing boat was not obedient at all. It kept spinning in the water, but it made the sand pirates look at it as a joke. Pointing fingers to make fun of it Endless.

He ignored the ridicule of the sand pirates, and repeated daily trips to the lake to practice boating, and to collect rubber grass glue from the lake and inject it into tire molds.

After practicing for almost half a year, Li Wangyou’s ability to maneuver sails has also become brought to the point of perfection, and four rubber tires have been manufactured, and the conditions for escape are finally ripe.

He originally wanted to take Du Qing and his daughter to escape together, but after Du Qing learned of his escape plan, he shook his head and refused.

“Sir Duke, if you take the slave and the father, you will have two more burdens, and you may not be able to escape from the sand thief. The slave is willing to stay and cover for Sir Duke, waiting here for Sir Duke to lead The army came to rescue the slaves.”

Li Wangyou knew what Du Qing said was not wrong. The speed of the sand boat with three people would definitely be slower, and you also had to prepare food and water for three people. heavier.

Du Qing’s father still lacks a leg. If he wants to escape with him, it is indeed inconvenient.

Li Wangyou is not a hypocritical person, and immediately assured Du Qing: “You can rest assured, Li Wangyou, I swear to the sky, when I successfully escape to Great Tang, I will lead the army immediately and come. Suppress the sand thief and rescue the young lady! If you violate this oath, the sky will thunder and you will not die!”

Du Qing quickly bowed down: “Sir Duke is serious, the slave naturally believes in Sir Duke.”


So, Li Wangyou finally chose to escape alone.

Neither he nor Du Qing could have expected that Li Wangyou successfully escaped from the sand pirate camp within dozens of days, the old gangster Cheng Yaojin led the Great Tang cavalry, like a god Descending, the sand thief was wiped out with a thunderous force, and Du Qing father and daughter were rescued.

In other words, if Li Wangyou stays in the sand pirate camp and is already saved, he can return to Ch_ng’n to see his wife and child…

, Li Wangyou didn’t expect, because he ran away for dozens of days, he went out of the wolfs mouth and entered the tigers den again…

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