The granary in Chang’an City was built near the Dongwei Bridge Pier in Northern Part of City. The huge Ch_ng’n warehouse covers an area of nearly a thousand acres and is very large in scale.

After the grain was transported to Ch_ng’n from the Wei River, it was transported to the nearby Ch_ng’n warehouse for storage. The grain stored here not only needs to supply the needs of millions of people in Chang’an City, but also needs to be transported to the entire Guannei Road and Longyou areas.

In the entire history of China, transportation of grain is one of the most headaches. Restricted by the means of transportation, one hundred shi of grain is often transported. People on the road eat and chew, and the final grain delivered to the destination is only 70-80%.

Moreover, the transportation distance is long, the greater the loss.

For example, this time it takes eight hundred miles to transport grain from Chang’an City to Yinzhou. Under normal circumstances, it takes about ten days to walk on the road.

For one thousand shi grains, more than one hundred small households need to be requisitioned. In ten days, more than one hundred people will eat fifty shi grains, plus the consumption of cattle, only a lot more .

After being shipped to Yinzhou, one thousand stone grains will consume about 20%.

This is a short-distance transportation with a relatively short distance. If you want to transport grain from Ch_ng’n to Longyou or beyond, the journey will only take one or two months. More terrifying.

Dingzhou Village is enlisting corvee this time, transporting grain to Yinzhou, and finally as long as it can pay 800 shi grains in the warehouse in Yinzhou, it is considered complete.

The extra one hundred shi grains were their rations when they returned.

More than thirty four-wheeled Carriage discharged the grandiose dragon, and walked straight to the Ch_ng’n warehouse of Dongwei Bridge under the surprised eyes of pedestrians on the road.

Old Village Head took out the receipt issued by Ch_ng’n County and handed it to the subordinates of Ch_ng’n warehouse. After confirming that they were the small households who transported the grain this time, they began to arrange the distribution of grain for them .

This receipt must be stamped in the Ch_ng’n warehouse. After arriving in Yinzhou, the other party must stamp the receipt confirming the receipt of grain, and finally take the receipt to Ch_ng’n. The handover of the county proves that they have completed their corvee mission this year.

The subordinates in the warehouse of Ch_ng’n saw Li Wangyou and they only rushed to more than 30 weird four-wheeled Carriages, and they looked puzzled: “Village Head Qian, you are going to transport one grain this time. Sengoku, why did these vehicles come here and they are all Carriage? Didnt the county prepare bullock carts for you?”

Old Village Head smiled: “No matter, no matter, it can be installed Next, our Carriage is big enough.”

The subordinate staff has a weird look, but this matter is not his responsibility. He only needs to take out enough food according to the receipt. As for how Dingzhou Village is shipped It has nothing to do with him.

After checking that the receipt is correct, the ride stitching, hidden tricks, and stamping are correct, and the subordinate staff called the laborers in the Ch_ng’n warehouse to start carrying grain and loading the truck.

To the surprise of everyone in the warehouse of Ch_ng’n, each of these Carriages was filled with 30 shi of grain, making the Carriage full.

“With so much food, I am afraid that I will exhaust these horses? This horse belongs to the county. If it dies, you will have to pay.” The subordinate reminded me kindly.

He has been a subordinate staff in this Ch_ng’n warehouse for many years, and has never seen a car that can hold so much food at once. Even if its an ox cart, its just a matter of transporting ten stones at a time. Thirty stones and a cart of grain is crazy!

Old Village Head just smiled, but didn’t answer.

After more than 30 four-wheeled Carriages were fully loaded, he checked around to make sure that the grains were all sturdy, and stepped on the Carriage, high-spirited and vigorous waved: “Go!”


Ch_ng’n all the subordinates and laborers craned their necks to read the jokes, such a heavy carriage, I’m afraid that the horses can’t be dragged because of exhaustion?

Don’t say it is four horses, even if it is replaced by four bull deer.

But when more than 30 four-wheeled Carriages all started slowly and drove out of the Ch_ng’n warehouse, the eyes of the subordinate staff and the workers in the Ch_ng’n warehouse almost fell off. , This Carriage really started running with thirty stones of grain!

The four-wheeled Carriage convoy drove onto the post road and headed towards the north Yinzhou.

This is the first time Li Wangyou has traveled far in Great Tang. Even the former owner of the body has never left Hu County and Ch_ng’n, let alone his origin from more than a thousand years ago. Modern people.

Niu Wu drives the Carriage and walks in the middle of the convoy, Li Wangyou sits aside, curiously glanced around.

In Great Tang more than a thousand years ago, the northern Shaanxi Plain was not the loess high slope of later generations, and the vegetation and natural environment were well preserved.

Li Wangyou quickly discovered that since the simple version of the four-wheeled Carriage drove onto the post road, it was not as bumpy as before.

This batch of four-wheeled Carriage does not have any damping equipment at all. In order to avoid crimes, Li Wangyou also brought a bear skin pad from home.

The bear skin is the black bear that scratched Niu Yong in Taibai Mountain.

The black bear was cramped and peeled after being killed by Niu Wu. After Li Wangyou rescued Niu Yong, the brothers tanned this black bear skin and gave it to their Master.

However, even with this thick bear skin as a cushion for shock absorption, Li Wangyou took this four-wheeled Carriage, which was nearly a hundred miles away from Dingzhou Village to Ch_ng’n warehouse. Dizzy, miserable.

The roads of Great Tang are not the Cement asphalt roads of later generations. The degree of bumps on the dirt roads can be imagined.

When I thought of running back and forth for 5-6 days on such a bumpy road, Li Wangyou’s face turned pale.

Hu County Li Clan, I am not over with you!

Because of Li Clan, I was driven to travel thousands of miles. For this crime, Li Wangyou hated gnash the teeth.

But didn’t expect, after the four-wheeled Carriage filled the warehouse of Ch_ng’n with grain and walked onto the post road, it actually stabilized a lot.

Looking at the post road in front of you carefully, Li Wangyou couldn’t help but feel happy.

Great Tang Post Road, the quality is very guaranteed. With Chang’an City as the center, Great Tang has built an extremely dense road network.

The “Yuanhe County Chronicles” written by Li Jifu of Tang Dynasty clearly and detailed records of the so-called “eight tos” in the Tang Dynasty states, that is, the conditions and mileage of roads extending to all directions centered on this place .

These post roads are generally paved with bluestone or cobblestone, and the roads are very smooth. The main function is to transport grain, march, and deliver documents, a bit similar to the national roads of later generations.

Since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, the cars have the same track and text, and then the Carriage ox carts have uniform specifications and the same width.

In this way, after the wheels are repeatedly rolled, two hard ground lanes with the same width as the wheels will be formed on the post road, a bit like the railway tracks of later generations.

The wheels of the four-wheeled Carriage running in such a lane can significantly reduce horsepower consumption and axle wear, just like modern vehicles walking on an asphalt road.

Dingzhou Village’s fleet of more than 30 four-wheeled Carriage ran very smoothly on the post road. Within an hour, they ran more than fifty miles, far beyond their previous expectations. speed.

The convoy stopped to feed the horses with fodder, and when they rested their horsepower, Old Village Head smiled brightly: “Small master, at this speed, we can reach Yinzhou in two days at most. Lets go on business.”

Li Wangyou suddenly remembered something and asked Old Village Head, “Old Village Head, if we can reach Yinzhou in two days, we wont consume much food on the road. We only need to hand over 800 shi grains to Yinzhou, and will the rest be ours?”

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