“Bucky, a letter from the World Government.” MR3 sees a bat deliver a letter with the World Government label on it.

“Believe? What letter? Bucky flew over and took the letter from MR3’s hand.

“Letter from the World Government?” Arrita was puzzled.

“Let me see, what letter was sent, and the world government contacted me?” Bucky opened the letter.

Everyone was looking at Bucky, curious about how the world government had written the letter, only Roy remained still.

“What do you think, the world government sent a letter to Bucky.” Arlita looked at Roy, who was losing alcohol next to her.

“How to look, lie down and watch.” Roy said.

“This is, Nanabukai’s invitation?” Bucky exclaimed.

“What?” Everyone in the Bucky Pirates was taken aback.

“Is it to invite Captain Bucky to become Nanabukai?”

“It’s amazing, Captain Bucky, I actually invited you to become Nanabukai.”

“It must have been too good to perform in the war on top, so I was invited by the Navy.”

“Do you want to agree? Isn’t Nanabukai a lackey of the world government? ”

“Yes, the world government actually wants to take us in, Captain Bucky don’t agree.”

“But Qi Wuhai is good for us, and we don’t need to be wanted by the Navy.” MR3 channels.

“No wonder there is no reward, there is no need for a reward, directly invite to become the Seven Wuhai, the bounty is completely unnecessary, the world government has calculated it.” Allita said.

“There are pros and cons to becoming a Qiwu Sea, and the benefits are naturally more, but how can the World Government invite you.” MR3 muttered, he naturally knew the benefits of becoming a Qi Wuhai, and the former boss was Qi Wu Hai.

MR3 thought, suddenly turned his gaze and looked at Roy lying on the ground, he could only think of Roy’s relationship.

Bucky wants strength without strength, ability without ability, completely relies on bluffing, there are many subordinates, and the strength is not bad, but what kind of goods Baqi is, he knows better than anyone.

The World Government invites Bucky to become Nanabukai, and Roy’s performance is indispensable.

“Hahaha, it doesn’t matter, the world government invited Uncle Ben to be the Seven Martial Seas, which just shows that they know how powerful Uncle Ben is, hahaha!!!” Bucky laughed triumphantly.

“He started talking nonsense again.” MR3 was completely speechless about Bucky’s screaming personality.

The escapees who took Bucky’s words as the Bible didn’t think that way. Having experienced the horrors of Advance City, they know how important it is to be reborn, and Bucky is their god who rescued them from Advance City.

“That’s right, it must have discovered the strength of Captain Bucky to invite Captain Bucky.”

“Captain Bucky, let’s refuse, go to the New World to kill the Whitebeard Pirates and take the position of the Four Emperors, the Four Emperors are much more powerful than the Seven Wuhai.”

“That’s right, Captain Bucky is the one who wants to become One Piece, how can he become Nanabukai.”

“Let’s not be lackeys of the world government.”

“Under the leadership of Captain Baki, kill the remaining three emperors first, and then become One Piece.”

“That’s right, don’t want any garbage Qiwu Sea.”

One by one, the escaped prisoners were impassioned, and they were already holding weapons and preparing to fight with the four emperors.

Only the members of the pirate group who followed Bucky at the beginning did not dare to speak one by one, Deputy Captain Mochi closed his mouth, and Chief of Staff Kabaji was also panicked, and they realized that these people in front of them did not follow Bucky from the beginning.

The escaped prisoners who entered the city were all vicious and dangerous pirates.

“Their ideas are too dangerous.” Mochi Road.

“These people are crazy, are they crazy? Is it bad to be Nanabukai? Kabaji said.

“Little ones, don’t get excited first, our current strength is not enough, do you know what it takes to become One Piece?” Bucky was also frightened by these people, although he was very stunned, he would not die, and Nanabukai’s invitation was not harmful to him, and he could even bluff people with the help of Nanabukai’s name.

A good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, he Bucky is not a fool, so he will not want to refuse, the thinking of these escaped prisoners is too dangerous.

“What does Captain Bucky need?” Where do the escapees know what it takes most to become One Piece.

Bucky must know this as One Piece’s crew, and he knows the key to becoming One Piece.

The escaped prisoners stared at Bucky and waited for Bucky to speak.

“Of course, it’s wealth, you need money to recruit troops, you don’t think that our people are enough to gallop to the new world, you look at the Whitebeard Pirates, how many people, more than forty pirate groups, but Whitebeard is not One Piece, but Captain Roger became One Piece.” Bucky Road.

“How many of Roger’s men are there?”

“Captain Bucky used to be the crew of One Piece, he must know, but he didn’t expect it to be wealth.”

Bucky laughed, “Captain Roger’s men at his peak were a million men. ”

“A million?”

The escaped prisoners were shocked, they didn’t expect that Roger actually had a million men, really worthy of One Piece.

Bucky lied without a draft, and came with his mouth open, “That is, do you really think that with a few people, Captain Roger, you can become One Piece?” Which of the four emperors of the new world does not have tens of thousands of subordinates, how did Captain Roger and the Golden Lion Pirates win the Battle of Atvor back then, because we have many people, so kill the Golden Lion or not, pirates are not fighting and killing, but also development, power wealth, are very key. ”

“Captain Bucky is right, compared to the Whitebeard Pirates, we still have too few personnel, and we don’t have much money and no weapons.”

“It’s really worthy of Captain Bucky, really thoughtful.”

“But what does it have to do with Nanabukai?”

“Stupid, Qi Wuhai can make money, we have the right to legally plunder, no matter who we plunder, the navy will not attack us, so that our wealth will not come.” Bucky laughed.

“It makes sense, it will not be caught by the navy, and the wealth will not come.”

“It’s still Captain Bucky’s thoughtfulness.”

“Then we accept the invitation of the world government.”

“Roy, what do you think, do you want to accept the invitation of the world government.” Bucky still asked Roy’s opinion, and after this series of things, Bucky valued Roy very much.

Bucky looked at Roy, and the escaped prisoners were convinced of Roy except themselves, and then Roy needed to come out and say two words.

Don’t look at Roy lying on the ground now, his state is actually very good, but he thinks it is very convenient to lose alcohol like this, how good it is to lie on the ground and drink.

The escaped prisoners also looked at Roy, Bucky asked Roy’s opinion, they kept their mouths shut and didn’t ask, unlike others who could question, Roy was honest to convince them, except for Bucky they obeyed Roy.

Roy’s opinion is very important, and if Roy does not agree with him becoming Nanabukai, Bucky needs to think about it.

“No problem, Captain Bucky is right, our becoming a Qiwu Sea is conducive to our accumulation of wealth, now we are very poor, the weapons in everyone’s hands are also brought back from the headquarters of the Navy, more weapons and equipment are needed, we still need ships, one ship cannot accommodate so many people.” Roy said.

“Hear no, wealth is the most important, we become the Seven Martial Sea, we can go to the whole world to find treasures.” Bucky laughed.

He still can’t forget about the treasure, especially after he got Luffy’s armband, he now only thinks that treasure can get wealth.

There are really few pirates who can do business, and Doflamingo is counted as one.

One by one, they only know about plunder, which pirate will want to run a business.

Therefore, Doflamingo is the pirate who is the least like a pirate, he has the majesty of a pirate, and he has the strategy of a traitorous male, but he loses to the brilliance of the protagonist.

Who would have thought that Bucky’s idea of becoming Nanabukai was so simple, that is, I would never be captured by the navy again in the process of finding the treasure.

Since he decided to be invited, Bucky wrote a letter to the other party back, agreed, and the world government announced it, then he is the new Nanabukai.

“Qi Wuhai’s identity is quite good, and it can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble, I am afraid that the world government has a mandatory task.” Arlita said with a copy of the agreement of the Nanabu Sea.

The content of the agreement is not much, there are clear requirements, the first is not to attack the facilities of the world government, the second is not allowed to target the member countries of the world government, the third is not to target the Draco, and the fourth is not to take action against the royal family of the member country.

After that, there are the rights granted to the Seven Wuhai, two points, one, legal plunder, you can plunder non-member countries, plunder pirate groups and lawless forces on the sea, although it is said that the lawless forces, to put it bluntly, you can rob what you can’t control at sea.

The second point is that legal identity will not be wanted, which means that the Navy will not target you.

Then there is the issue of convocation, and the Qibukai is divided into two types of convocation, one is the naval convocation, and the other is the convocation of the world government. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The convocation of the Navy can generally be ignored, and in the previous Nanabukai meeting, except for Xiong and Doflamingo, two ill-wishers, who participated, everyone else did not bother to pay attention to it, and Hawkeye would not have participated if it were not for Luffy who was discussing.

The call of the Navy can be ignored, and the unimportant do not need to go.

The second type of world government convocation belongs to compulsory convocation, and generally launches compulsory convocation, that is, to take action against the four emperors.

The Seven Warriors Sea was established to target the Four Emperors of the New World.

The pressure on the four sea pirates combined in the navy is huge, and they are not even opponents, this is no joke.

It’s true that the navy is very strong, but if they go to war with the four sea pirate groups in the New World at the same time, they may not even be able to carry it.

Therefore, Qiwu Hai shared their pressure very well, and could help the navy to destroy some pirates at sea.

Qibu Hai naturally attracts hatred, and the idea of the world government is very simple, dog eats dog, let the pirates go to become the target of the pirates.

Besides, there are many pirates who want to become Qiwu Sea, and Doflamingo and Xiong are all sent to the door on their own initiative to become Qiwu Sea.

It seems that there are only two benefits that the Qi Wuhai can bring, but it contains endless opportunities.

Roy naturally knew that Bucky would become Nanabukai, so he had been waiting for this good news for a long time.

Although it is good news, but Bucky is also confused, what is he going to do next?

What he would do after becoming Qiwu Hai, he didn’t think about it at all.

So he gathered all the henchmen and cadres for a meeting.

Roy, Mochi, Niche (Lion), Kabaji, Arrita, MR3 Galtino.

Roy also knew the name of MR3, everyone called him the third brother, and his real name was Galtino.

“Okay, start our first Qiwu Sea meeting, now my identity is Qiwu Sea, and soon Uncle Ben’s fame will resound in the sky and let the whole world know.” Bucky touted himself first.

“Congratulations to Captain Bucky.” Mochi, the licking dog, was the first to cheer.

“I didn’t expect that we could become Nanabukai, and we won’t be afraid of being hunted down and killed by the navy in the future, congratulations to Captain Bucky.” Kabaji cheered along.

Leeki was thinking about the meat on the table next to him, Roy took a bone and handed it to him, Leeki slapped it away in disgust, but Roy glanced at it, and Leeki immediately picked up the bone, and his head did not dare to raise his head to look at Roy.

Roy is very satisfied with Liki’s performance, overlord color domineering is really the best means against these animals, just a little exposure of the overlord color domineering can already scare the niche into this instigation, overlord color domineering is worthy of the name.

“Hahaha, that is, there will never be a navy to find Lao Tzu in the future.” Bucky laughed maniacally.

“Then the question is, you told them before, to accumulate wealth, where will the money come from? Go grab it? Galtino asked.

“No, go and find the treasure, as long as we find the treasure, we can get the wealth, without the pursuit of the navy, it is not an easy task to find the treasure, and we will never go back to the place where we advance the city.” Bucky Road.

“Aren’t you afraid that your strength will be exposed? If they find out that you are deceiving them, you will die a miserable Bucky, your strength is clear to us, you can deceive them for a while, what if they let you shoot? Arrita worried.

Bucky suddenly froze, Arrita was right, if he knew his strength, then he would be torn apart by the escaped prisoners, and Bucky suddenly became afraid when he thought of that picture.

“So what are you going to do? We can’t sit still, we also have to eat, there were a lot of people, and now there are more than two hundred people, and a few of you, you actually lost the money. Bucky’s rage kept burning.

After they were captured in the city, they were actually looted by other pirate groups, and the treasures on board were stolen.

The box of gold coins that Roy gave them before was also snatched away, and Bucky was angry.

“Captain Bucky, we can’t help it, the other party is too strong.” Mochi Road.

“What’s the way, now there is not a penny, the whereabouts of the treasure are known, now ships are needed, weapons are needed, I can’t go out in rags with a seven-armed sea, I Bucky doesn’t want face?” Bucky excited.

“Captain, calm down, by the way, who the hell stole our treasure?” Roy was also curious, as if there was no such thing in the plot, perhaps it was focused on Luffy, who knows what happened on Bucky’s side.

“We also don’t know who the other party is, there are three people in total, an old woman, a fish man, and a guy with a hammer, the strength of the three is very strong, I don’t believe you ask the eldest sister.” Mochi said, pulling Arrita into the water by the way.

“Their strength is indeed stronger than ours, we are not their opponents, it is already good to survive.” Allita said.

“It’s too confused, what kind of pirate group is this, none of them are reliable.” Galtino muttered.

“Old woman (Nuo Zhao) man, fish man, with a hammer? Who are these people? Is it a wanted criminal? Or what kind of people, you don’t know the identity of the other party at all, what is this? Bucky said angrily.

“Forget it, investigate slowly, if you can, use the intelligence power of the world government to investigate, you can’t let your subordinates suffer.” Roy couldn’t think of who the other party was, old woman? Fishman? With a hammer?

Widowed sister plus sea king plus thunder? Just kidding, this group is guilty of robbing them.

“Is it okay to ask the world government to help us investigate?” Galtino was surprised.

“You are now a Seven Martial Sea, and the world government is naturally happy to see the matter of dealing with evil forces.” Roy laughed.

“Yes, immediately contact the World Government and ask them to assist in the investigation, there should be intelligence.” Bucky Road.

“Leave it to me.” Kabaji nodded.

“It’s still that problem, we don’t have money, how to develop, we can’t sit on the mountain.” Bucky said bitterly.

Everyone was helpless, even Roy was stuck, it’s right that the pirate is doing nothing, but the pirate must also have a barrel when he starts.

Luffy goes out to sea in a barrel, then the boat, then the Merly, then the Sonny.

Luffy, who starts with a barrel, can go to the position of the five emperors.

Now Bucky started much better than him, Nanabukai, hundreds of subordinates, with ships.

“Do it, rob, anyway, if you can legally plunder, then go and rob.” Roy Daoju.

“Who are you going to rob?” Bucky and the others looked up at Roy and asked.

“Of course it’s a pirate.” Roy laughed.

At the same time, half a month after Bucky promised to become the Nanabukai, the world government announced to the world the new Nanabukai personnel.

Blackbeard and Jinping were eliminated, and Whitebeard II was added, as well as Bucky the Clown who was making a fuss about advancing the city and the war on top.

This news naturally shocked the whole world, the two new Qiwu Seas are not ordinary people, Whitebeard II? Whitebeard’s own son? Roger’s own son followed by Whitebeard’s son.

And Bucky the Clown, isn’t this the one on top of the live broadcast of the war?.

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