But the reality is always so unexpected!

If the names can be repeated and the faces are similar...

But the appearance and name are exactly the same, even the temperament and eyes are so consistent! No matter how unbelievable this result is, people have to accept this only conclusion~!

Joan of Arc, really that Joan of Arc!

"That...々..." Liu Ye felt the need to explain.

"Don't say it!" But Bermel interrupted Liu Ye's voice.

Instead, he said solemnly: "Don't tell anyone what we know about Joan of Arc, just pretend that Joan of Arc has never appeared, you know?"

"But Sister Jeanne..."

"Nothing!" interrupted Nami again.

Bellmer said seriously: "This is not a joke. Once people find out that the revolutionary army cadres who fought against the world government are involved with us, it will be terrible..."

"Agree! Our friendship with Joan of Arc just needs to be buried in our hearts."

Liu Ye on the side heard the words and immediately raised his hand in approval.

Well done, Belmer!


world government...

Holy Land, Mary Joa.

In the solemn world hall, the five old stars who are in charge of the highest power in the world gathered again.

And the object of their discussion this time is the revolutionary army that has been making a lot of noise in recent days!

"This year is really an eventful year." The bearded old star squinted: "First there was the most evil pirate Ulquiorra, and now, there is an even worse and more troublesome revolutionary army! In the Bati Kingdom What exactly were the navy and CP doing before the demise?"

You must know that the war between the Revolutionary Army and the Batty Kingdom did not end in an instant.

But after several days of 'hard' battles, the revolutionary army overthrew the Bhatti Kingdom with a narrow victory.

Before this, the king of the Bhatti Kingdom had sent a distress message to the surrounding navies several times, but they were all shelved by the navy.

This led to the downfall of the Batty Kingdom and the victory of the revolutionary army in the first battle!

Up to now, the revolutionary army has shown an amazing atmosphere. It is not Joan of Arc that worries the Five Old Stars, but the guy who created the revolutionary army.

Monkey D. Long!

Garp's son, the bloodline of the d's...

This is a member of the d family who really has the potential to overthrow the world, and he has joined the movement of such a direct rebellion against the world government. Not only has it been successful, but it has also created such a huge trend!

"."Damn Garp~!" The bearded old star gritted his teeth.

"It can't be all blamed on the navy and (Nuo Nuo's) CP. After all, the world's attention was attracted by the big incident of Ulquiorra's abduction of the Dragons. There was no time to take care of other places, let alone, at the beginning. People didn't realize the seriousness of the revolutionary army, and most people just regarded the war in the Batty Kingdom as an ordinary rebellion." The blonde star was slightly calmer.

Facing the gazes of his colleagues, the youngest star spoke again: "The most urgent task now is not to hold the following accountable afterwards, but to find a way to curb the situation of the revolutionary army and prevent it from continuing to grow."

"What about Karp's side?" An old star asked.

"Forget it, Karp, he helped us defeat that Lox, his credit and support for the world are beyond doubt." The blond old star replied.


ps: The first update~!

Thanks for the reward of the solitary king of epilepsy~! !

Chapter 140 Esdes Aidan dyes Ximen blowing snow!!

The conference of the world cannot stop the revolutionary army, which is now fully activated!

In the following days, news of the revolutionary army's activity around the world seemed to spring up like mushrooms after a rain. Countless countries suspected of being targeted by the revolutionary army are all panicked, and those resistance troops who are eager to change the country are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the revolutionary army.

'Saint' Joan of Arc.

What a beautiful vocabulary.

Even if there is no real contact with the revolutionary army, the holy existence of Joan of Arc alone is enough to make people yearn for it.

For this reason, people believe that the revolutionary army is their ultimate salvation, and it is precisely because of people's desire that the activities of the revolutionary army around the world can be like a duck to water! Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people have won the world. Such a simple truth, the hereditary foolish kings of the Pirate World cannot understand.

But the world government, especially the cp side, is also under huge pressure for this.

In the face of the infiltrated revolutionary army cadres, the mysterious CP, known as the world's first espionage structure, was completely unable to find the traces of the revolutionary army.

In addition to the fact that the Revolutionary Army is easy to get help from ordinary people, the most important reason is... Inside 990cp, there are spies of the Revolutionary Army!

No one knows who the spy is.

But the espionage officers who have been in charge of CP for many years are keenly aware of this. Otherwise, there is no way anyone in this world can perfectly escape the search of CP, let alone such a huge anti-government organization of the Revolutionary Army. It is impossible for the other party to evacuate calmly every time the CP arrives.

Sadly, even though the officers knew very well that there were spies inside the CP, they didn't have the slightest goal in mind other than mutual suspicion.

Faced with the censure of the world government, the cp departments, especially the cp1 chief who is in charge of intelligence gathering, Lighthein, are under enormous pressure.

Under this huge pressure, cp1 must make certain achievements in order to avoid blame!


Under this premise, even though Lighthein still doubted the position of Aizen Souyuke, a rising cp star, he had to arrest Aizen and kill the revolutionary army cadre - Walls. to the world government.

Although doing so may give Aizen Soyousuke power beyond his control.

But Wright Xiuyin is conceited that he has been in charge of CP1 for more than ten years, and believes that even if there is a certain accident, he can still firmly control the entire cipherpolno.1!

If Aizen is really found to be abnormal.

Lighthein didn't think that a small messenger could turn up any waves in his hands.

"cp, but it's very deep."

Light a cigar again.

Along with the white fog that almost enveloped the entire room, Lighthein's face was looming in the fog.


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