"Of course, it's time to continue hunting." Estes replied without hesitation.


Derek, who got the expected answer, stroked his forehead, and secretly said that he was sure.

Then he adjusted his facial expression and continued to ask: "So, do you need to report to General Polsalino?"

"It won't be too late to report back when we set off." The corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Estes said lightly.

"Understood." Drake nodded, then turned away silently.

"Ah? Eh? Understood? Understand? Go? What?" Kata Kongbo was as dazed as a silly roe deer.

On this day, excellent naval elite Kata Kongbo!

For the first time in my life, I have seen such a natural and casual navy that combines unauthorized action, disobeying orders, and killing first and then playing.

A door to a new world opened to Kata Kongpo..


the other side.

Great Route, Isle of White Earth, Baldigo.

With the vigorous revolutionary cause.

As the base camp of the revolutionary army, Baldigo has also started an unprecedented huge construction!

On this barren island, known as the Island of White Clay, the most important thing is the stone for building houses and the clay that is so viscous that it is more suitable for building than cement.

Relying on these natural building materials, tens of thousands of 'people' transported from the Bhatti Kingdom started to build their new homes on this destined great land! A large number of cadres of the Revolutionary Army shuttled among them, providing assistance within their ability to anyone who may have problems.

Everywhere is a hot, thriving style.

Although the people here are exiles who have lost their homes and are called "outlaws" by the world government.

But even so, people are abounding with hope and happiness that people living in those countries outside do not have! This is not the influence of Joan of Arc, but the organization of the Revolutionary Army, which can indeed bring rebirth to people who have experienced despair.

in this hope.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long, took the information from Chief Intelligence Officer Terry Kildeo and asked casually, "Is there a problem with the bear? Thanks to the information he passed on for us, we can be so relaxed. To avoid the interception of CP and the navy. But if things go on like this, even if he is Qiwuhai, I am afraid he will be in danger of being discovered."


"There is no problem with Mr. Xiong." Kildeo smiled bitterly: "But... Mr. Walls..."

"Wors?" Long was slightly taken aback when he heard the name 'Wors'.

Then I quickly picked up the information in my hand and looked at it, and saw that it was written in horror, 'Wors was exposed and died at the hands of Aizen Sousuke, the commander of Mojito Kingdom CP1. ' Such a line of information!

"Wals!!" His pupils shrank slightly.

Although when the revolutionary army was established, Meng Qi Dlong had already expected that there would be companions who would get along day and night to sacrifice on the road of revolution.


But when this day really came, and it came so fast, Monkey D. Long was still uncontrollably feeling a burst of unbearable pain!

"Aizen Soyousuke..." He stared gloomily at the name on the intelligence!

Monkey D. Long remembered the name of the first person who lost his companion!


Mojito Kingdom.

"Hmm~, well done."

Let go of the control of the person in front of you.

Aizen let out a characteristic laugh, and in the latter's unbelievable gaze, she raised her hand gently.

'Huh~! ’

A cold, bone-piercing sword light flashed past.

The revolutionary army spy who was controlled by Aizen's Kyoka Suizuki mistakenly thought that he had obtained the real information and the right time, and sent the information that Aizen expected him to send to Baldigo. Whoops!


A gentle blowing sound resounded in the silent space.

Ximen Chuixue expressionlessly blew off the blood stained on the sword, without even looking at the corpse on the ground, he immediately followed Lan Ran and turned away.

There are many unexpected spies of the Revolutionary Army lurking in the Mojito Kingdom.

Perhaps, the Mojito Kingdom has become one of the goals of the revolutionary army.


ps: Staying up all night adds more rewards. Inch

Chapter 142 The conflict between bigmom and Broly!!

The dark tide has already begun to surge..

Under the seemingly calm sea, the battle between CP and the revolutionary army has begun!

And the vortex of this storm.

There is no doubt that this is the Mojito Kingdom where a large number of CPs and revolutionary troops have gathered, and the country is turbulent and rebellious!

Of course, rather than saying that the Mojito Kingdom is a whirlpool of storms, it is better to say that Aizen hopes to use the Mojito Kingdom as a battlefield for the revolutionary army and CP..

Because Aizen only has enough time to get acquainted with a Mojito Kingdom, and only within the Mojito Kingdom can Aizen be sure to win!

With a smile on his face, he finally glanced at the hotel in front of him.

Aizen nodded to Ximen Chuixue next to him.

The latter swung out a sword with an expressionless face! Countless snow-white sword lights poured down like a pouring rain, "Nine Nine Three", only to hear the sound of a sharp blade piercing into the flesh, and there was a three-story hotel more than ten meters high in front of him, which turned into one in the blink of an eye. The pile is only hawthorn-sized pieces.

"It's already exposed here." Aizen smiled faintly, thinking about explaining to Ximen Chuixue why the stronghold was destroyed: "If my expectations are right, the revolutionary army will soon arrive in the Mojito Kingdom. Before, we had to sneak into a dark place deeper than the revolutionary army."


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