"It's already exposed here." Aizen smiled faintly, thinking about explaining to Ximen Chuixue why the stronghold was destroyed: "If my expectations are right, the revolutionary army will soon arrive in the Mojito Kingdom. Before, we had to sneak into a dark place deeper than the revolutionary army."


The cold Ximen Chuixue said that he had no interest in these.


That is when Aizen and Ximen Fuxue destroyed the stronghold.

The revolutionary army on the great white-earth island of Baldigo has finally made up their minds.

"The next target is the Mojito Kingdom!"

Officers' meeting.

Under the surprised eyes of the revolutionary army cadres, the leader of the revolutionary army said firmly: "The debt of blood needs to be paid with blood, and we must avenge the revenge of Walls!"

No one objected to Monchi D. Long's decision.

First of all, everyone already knew the news of Walls' sacrifice, and their hearts were filled with anger towards the CP of Mojito Kingdom.

Secondly, the Mojito Kingdom is indeed the most suitable country for revolutionary army activities! The king of this country is incompetent, and as early as more than ten years ago, he forced the people to launch a revolt.

Although this resistance was finally suppressed, to this day, there are still a lot of dissatisfied forces within the Mojito Kingdom! And the revolutionary army has already begun to deploy in the Mojito Kingdom a few years ago! Now the Mojito Kingdom is not only filled with a large number of spies of the Revolutionary Army, but the leaders of the major rebels have almost secretly become a member of the Revolutionary Army.

The Mojito Kingdom has long been the possession of the revolutionary army! Even without Walls' hatred, among the countries that the revolutionary army will overthrow next, the Mojito Kingdom's ranking is enough to squeeze into the top three.

Only the intelligence control officer Kildeo raised concerns: "But the exposure of Walls also means that the CP has noticed the fact that there are our compatriots in the Mojito Kingdom. If the Mojito Kingdom is targeted, I am afraid it is inevitable. There's going to be a fight..."

"You're right." Monkey d. Long heard the words, but there was no change in his expression: "However, just before, Joan of Arc had news."

"What news?" heard Joan's name.

The cadres of the revolutionary army who were seated were all startled, and after they came back to their senses, they hurriedly asked.

"The Knights of the Silver Hand have initially succeeded."

Speaking of which.

The corner of Monkey D. Long's mouth raised a smile involuntarily.


The New World is located on an island affiliated to the Revolutionary Army less than 100 kilometers south of Baldigo.

Holding a flag and wearing a purple skirt, the blond girl stood on the hill and looked at the people below who were wearing uniform pure white smocks and holding various weapons, but they all exuded a reassuring and holy atmosphere.

With her warm voice like the scorching sun of early spring, she said, "The power of the Holy Light is not so much a kind of energy as it is a kind of faith!"

"Believe in the Holy Light, be compassionate, protect the weak..."

"As long as there is light in your hearts, the seed of holy light I put in your body will never be extinguished, and it will even grow stronger and stronger..."

"Until, you become a qualified spokesperson of the Holy Light!"

That's right.

On a chance to heal the wounded wounded.

Joan of Arc was keenly aware of the fact that after entering other people's bodies, the power of his holy light would not dissipate immediately......

By asking Liu Ye.

Joan of Arc understood the source of the power of the Holy Light in her body, as well as the power of the Holy Light, the real way to use it!

"On the continent where magic is used, the Paladins develop their colleagues by injecting the power of the Holy Light into each other's bodies. As long as the person who accepts the Holy Light believes in the Holy Light and insists on doing good deeds, the Holy Light will be there for that person. Thrives in the body. Brings its incredible power to it..”

"The power of the Holy Light is not the power of one person, but the power that all those who cherish the Holy Light can have together!"

Recalling Liu Ye's description of the power of the Holy Light, Jeanne clenched her fist.

Looking at the mere twenty preparatory knights who can keep the Holy Light in their hearts.

Under the shocked expressions of the preparatory paladins, they seemed to have seen the Virgin Mary come to the world.

Suddenly he smiled.


On the other side, Cocoa West Village.

The tension between the cp and the revolutionary army did not attract Liu Ye's attention.

In fact, whether it is Aizen as a CP or Jeanne of Arc as a revolutionary army, they are just premeditated.

The system's action record will only record what the clone has done or is in progress in 3.1.

For example, Broly is making waves in Tsunami Town! Heavy damage to the bigmom pirates' Bean Minister —— Charlotte Daifuku, and the 'Brown Minister' Charlotte Owen, almost destroyed the entire Tsunami Town!

Although in Broly's action records.

Charlotte Daifuku and Charlotte Owen are completely self-defeating!

Relying on a member of the bigmom pirate group, the emperor of the sea, he even put the arrogance of the emperor group in front of Broly, intending to **** the burning fruit with Broly.

The result is naturally extremely miserable. If it weren't for the quick arrival of reinforcements from the Bigmom Pirates, these two cadres who shined in the plot would have disappeared directly.


ps: The update is late~! Kneel down and apologize~! Thank you so much~! Tomorrow 5 more~~!

Chapter 142 The conflict between bigmom and Broly!!

The dark tide has already begun to surge..

Under the seemingly calm sea, the battle between CP and the revolutionary army has begun!

And the vortex of this storm.

There is no doubt that this is the Mojito Kingdom where a large number of CPs and revolutionary troops have gathered, and the country is turbulent and rebellious!

Of course, rather than saying that the Mojito Kingdom is a whirlpool of storms, it is better to say that Aizen hopes to use the Mojito Kingdom as a battlefield for the revolutionary army and CP..

Because Aizen only has enough time to get acquainted with a Mojito Kingdom, and only within the Mojito Kingdom can Aizen be sure to win!

With a smile on his face, he finally glanced at the hotel in front of him.

Aizen nodded to Ximen Chuixue next to him.

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