Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 302: Sacrifice Sword Maru

An uninhabited mountain three hundred miles outside Yuzhou City, the mountain is barren, with only ordinary mortal vegetation.

At this time, Chen Jiu in a linen shirt stood here, bowing his head and watching the sky, constantly deducing secrets.

The art of deducing the secrets is nothing. As long as the monks will hold the stars with one or two hands, the real deduction of the secrets is to measure the ages, to understand the future of the past and the present, to know the changes in the past, and this is the great way.

Tianjiyin reluctantly temporarily isolated Chen Jiu's secrets, so that the monks of the Taiyin Sect could not find themselves. This was not a long-term solution after all.

Want to be independent, not afraid of trouble, but also have the ability to eliminate demons.

I got a piece of Geng gold a few days ago, but it is congenital Geng gold.

Anything with the word “Xiantian” is born congenital and born with the stigma of the Great Dao. It has infinite power and is not comparable to acquired treasures.

The Congenital Gengjin in Chen Jiu's hand is only the size of a palm, which is obviously not enough to make a sword, but he can make a sword pill.

The sword pill is a sword that a great supernatural power person pours into the sword, practiced by the sun and the moon, and conceived, before he can feel the rules of the world and turn his sword into a pill.

How can a long sword become a marble-sized sword pill? .

Of course, it is the refinement of the rules of heaven and earth, all the impurities in it are refined, only the essence is left, and the sword is naturally turned into pills.

Xiantian Gengjin was born innately and naturally, there is no such so-called impurities. Sacrificing sword pills is the best material.

The palm-sized Xiantian Gengjin was enough to sacrifice four or five sword pills, but Chen Jiu wanted to find a better way to keep compressing it. The sacrifice is made into a sword pill.

It is not easy to compress and purify innate materials.

Putting the Xiantian Gengjin away, Chen Jiu instantly turned into a grain of sand, holding a seal, shuttled layer by layer, toward the depths of the earth.

There are two ways to financialize Xiantian Geng, one is the powerful real fire, the other is the natural fire of innate creatures, and the other is the most powerful flame deep in the earth. The heart of the earth.

The heart of the earth is equivalent to the heart of the earth. Continuously provide power to the earth.

Chen Jiu's seal can suppress all flames, but in the face of the heart of the earth, it is not powerful enough.

The power of the heart of the earth is not inferior to that of the innate fire.

The sky is level with the earth, and there is sky fire. Fire on the ground. Both sky fire and earth fire are generally powerful.

Fire and fire are all natural laws of fire. The power is even above the innate flame.

Looking at the flames in the center of the earth from a long distance, Chen Jiu's forehead benefited from sweat.

The people sacrificed the sword pill. The shape is a pill, meaning a sword. It can cut iron like mud, and it can be soft around the ring;

The so-called sword qi into silk is the use of mana to stretch the sword pill into hair-like filaments. It looks soft, but in fact, it has the force to penetrate the sword silk. Not only is it extremely sharp and blood seals the throat, it also has more mana. Break the mystery of the enemy's magic weapon prohibition.

The so-called differentiation of sword light is to change the local spatial rules with absolute force, so that the sword light can appear in several spaces at the same time, appearing and disappearing, making the enemy impossible to defend and track down. And the lethality comes with a space tearing effect, and the neutral one is dead.

Of course, a true kendo master is an ordinary long sword that can also turn the sword into silk, but this sword pill can turn ordinary monks into silk, which is simply a cheating device.

Of course, the sword pill sacrificed by Chen Jiu is of course different from the ordinary sword pill. Not only must he find a way to preserve the mark of the avenue in this innate gold, but also add his own magical spells to make the sword pill a carrier. A vehicle for casting their own magical spells.

Looking at the fire in the heart of the earth in the distance, Chen Jiu's seal of hand was completely fiery red, and the hair on his forehead had a slightly burnt smell.

A drop of real water appeared, and the real water the size of a thumb instantly expanded, wrapping Chen Jiu around, and Chen Jiu looked hesitant when he looked at the ground fire that was still unknown to him.

The fire in the center of the earth was so fierce that it distorted the space.

The palm-sized Congenital Gengjin appeared in his hand, Chen Jiu shook his hand, and the Congenital Gengjin flew out, cutting through the distant space, and falling into the ground fire.

The strong ground fire felt a foreign object flying by, and the tongue of fire sprayed out instantly, a hole was burnt in the space, and the Xiantian Gengjin was instantly wrapped by the tongue of fire.

True gold is not afraid of fire, Chen Jiu sat there calming his mind, looking at the piece of innate gold, countless threads of law flashed in his eyes.

This earth fire is really powerful, not to mention the supernatural powers, even the ancestors of the earth evil dare not approach.

If ordinary people can't get close to the fire, they really can't refine the Innate Gengjin, but Chen Jiu has a way, there is a way.

With the passage of time, three days passed in a blink of an eye. In three days, the whole piece of gold became like a soldering iron, but it looked like brown candy, soft.

Seeing that the innate Gengjin who was so hard as this was trained to look like this, Chen Jiuzhen didn't know how to describe the power of the fire.

That is Xian Geng Jin, which is harder than the body of innate creatures. If Xian Geng can be burned financially, then there is no big problem in refining the innate creatures.

It's like the fire of innate creatures can refining innate Gengjin, just like people can control the fire to refining ordinary iron, but they can't withstand the burning of flames.

"I and Xiantian Gengjin should have cause and effect, and there is great cause and effect." Chen Jiu uttered the truth, and the great power of cause and effect was operating to the extreme at this moment.

The earth fire can smelt the Innate Gengjin, but it burns the cause and effect in the dark.

A long river flashed in Chen Jiu's hand, following the cause and effect in the dark, landing on the Xiantian Gengjin, a symbol that looked like a river and a wheel was imprinted on the soft and lying body of the Xiantian Gengjin, and Xiantian Gengjin's own Taoist seals are united and integrated.

With the addition of the long river of time, the surrounding flames were constantly being wiped out, and Chen Jiu's trace of consciousness tried to descend within the long river of time.

Fortunately, time is the most mysterious power in this world. Earth fire can burn through space, but it doesn’t take time, because earth fire is also in the long river of time.

Chen Jiu's thought was protected by the weak force of time, and instantly rolled up the Innate Gengjin, and surged toward Chen Jiu's body.

Chen Jiu's river of time can only cover the ten feet of his whole body. The innate Gengjin is not known how far away from Chen Jiu's body. The river of time has no power to reach the place where the fire is.

How mysterious is the power of cause and effect. Before Chen Jiu comprehended the incense, he followed the cause and effect in the dark to descend on the realms. At this time, through the connection with that innate Gengjin, he could barely lower his consciousness.

After this trace of consciousness came, he immediately launched a long river of time to protect himself and avoid the burning of the ground fire.

This is Chen Jiu's plan, Chen Jiu's idea of ​​making sword pills in the fire.

Success is, of course, success.

Jian Wan was brought into Chen Jiu's body by that trace of consciousness, and Chen Jiu Tian's power of good fortune was instantly activated, using the sword intent to nurture this innate gold.

The power of good fortune heaven is constantly moisturizing, and it refines the innate Gengjin. The power of good fortune heaven is worthy of ten thousand gold oil, and Chen Jiu has not been disappointed under any circumstances.

With the refinement of good fortune and heaven, the Xiantian Gengjin was contaminated with a hint of mystery, and a sense of mystery was born in him. The surrounding space was swelling, and a trace of spatial power continued to rush towards the sword pill. Inside, a rather mysterious talisman is formed. This is the core talisman of Jian Wan. The talisman formed by the power of space contains various space mysteries.

The true power of Kenmaru lies in its purity. Chen Jiu dare not add anything to it, but just let it take shape.

With the formation of the space talisman, Chen Jiu's thoughts instantly clung to to refine it.

However, it did not affect the development of Kenmaru.

Kenmaru can break ten thousand magic with one sword. That is not a legend. Why is it so powerful? .

Not only has a pure sword intent, but more importantly, this innate space talisman.

With the addition of kendo comprehension, mystery will be revealed in the future.

Turning swords into silk, one sword dimension evolves, and one sword world is generated. It is not the sword pill that splits a world outside, but the innate talisman that drives the sword pill to evolve one dimension and one space inside the sword pill.

Imagine that a sword has a dimension and a spatial force, how powerful it is.

Chen Jiu originally wanted to add the power of cursing and other messy magical powers. When he was refining the tools, his mind suddenly flashed. All these thoughts were dispelled, not even the power of time, because of the space. In essence, force is not worse than the force of time. (To be continued...)

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