Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 304: Test

Looking at the billowing sword pill, Chen Jiu smiled lightly and opened his mouth, swallowing the sword pill into his abdomen.

The robbery was scattered, but this place was in ruins for more than a dozen li, and the beautiful scenery was no longer the same.

"This is also a cause and effect, but I can't stop this cause and effect."

Chen Jiu's eyes flashed, and a magic seal flashed in his hand. The surrounding mountains and rocks were instantly reset, the vegetation reborn, and even the originally barren mountain had a little more vitality at this time.

"It's still more than a month to take the exam. This month, you have to prepare well. The great talents of the Great Zhou Dynasty will come out in large numbers. Don't underestimate it."

The robbery dissipated, and the barrier that was covering Yu disappeared in an instant. Countless monks undercover looked like flies that smelled the fishy smell, and headed toward the place where Chen Ji was outside Yucheng.

Chen Jiu's heart trembled and felt bad, and he returned to the prefecture for a moment.

At the college, Chen Jiu was sitting in his bookstore. Jiang Qianqiu was sitting there reading a rare occasion. After looking left and looking again, Jiang Qianqiu said in confusion: "Brother Chen, for nearly two months, why? I don’t see you. There were lanterns in the New Year, but unfortunately you were not there, so I didn’t catch up with the excitement.”

Chen Jiu shook his head slightly: "Nevertheless, I was a hard-student. This month I found a beautiful place to retreat. Now I am not a taboo, let's drink two glasses when I have time."

Wearing a purple robe, Chen Jiu was restrained, and slowly looked at a yellowed scroll in his hand, which Chen Jiu borrowed from Wang Mingyang.

Hearing this, Jiang Qianqiu's eyes lit up: "Okay, you don't know. I like things in the cup the most."

Time quietly slipped away in the study of Chen Jiu and Jiang Qianqiu, and the official examination came as scheduled. No matter what the chaos in Yucheng is now, the scientific examination is a major event of the court, and no one dares to make trouble.

It is not easy to be a scholar this year. After ten years of cold window, you will have to take the township examination first, and then the county examination. After the county examination, there will be a government examination.

From the provincial examination to the prefectural examination, I don’t know how many students shed tears, or how many people have crossed the single-plank bridge. In the past, there was a brighter world. If you can't get past, you have to regroup and start all over again. Even some people have white hair and still do nothing.

Exam procedure. One of the levels of "Child Test".

Candidates who pass the county examination are eligible to participate in the government examination.

The government test is conducted in the government governing the county. Hosted by the prefect. Take the house test. The number of registrations and guarantees are similar to those of the county exams, and the content is the same, but one more young student is guaranteed. After passing the government examination, you can participate in the hospital examination.

test subject. There are three sessions of post scriptures, essays, and policy discussions. There are a total of 50 people recorded, including A and B. The top ten are named A.

At that moment, the gate of the Gongyuan Academy was opened. Thousands of test takers entered the examination room one by one. They entered the four examination rooms under the leadership of four light-bearing children. They were searched and checked by the sergeant at the door before finally entering the examination room. Exam quotation (ie admission ticket) finds his place. Except for quotation, candidates are not allowed to bring anything in this exam. Pen, ink, special paper, etc. are all provided by the examination room. The first two exams will take one day each , The third session of the theory takes two days to test, and the quilt for the night is also provided by the test room. Each candidate is separated and has a place.

The oriental wind is full of spring, and Liu Anshang in Huacheng kills people.

The bamboo breeze in the deep hall of the Fugong Palace makes the new green dance clean like water.

The breeze turned for more than a hundred miles, and the warm mist drove the clouds.

The court prostitutes in military uniforms swept the moths shallowly, shook the pennants and brought the city warm.

The scent of Qushui is gone, and the pear blossoms fall into the autumn garden

March came as scheduled, and Chen Jiu and a group of students were standing outside the academy wearing thick cotton-padded clothes.

Today the academy is closed, or it is only open to scholars who take exams. There is a large army guarding it. Here, there are talents from one continent and one province. The whole elite gathers here. If something goes wrong, the people here will be killed or injured. , Not to mention the masters of the state capital, even the bosses of the state capital cannot afford this charge.

Naturally, the house in the test house is not the house where the scholars usually study, but the forbidden area of ​​the academy.

It is said that the "forbidden area" of Yingtian Academy is quite mysterious, and it seems to be a mysterious forbidden area to those new students.

Walking into this closed examination venue on weekdays, Chen Jiu was stunned.

What you want to see in the examination place is a house that becomes a set of three axes.

The orderly distribution and well-arranged building complexes organically integrate Jiangnan garden architecture with southern stone and wood architecture.

Second, it is the continuation of construction art. In the existing buildings of the trial courtyard, whether it is wooden doors or windows or stone carvings, they are all unique in shape and lifelike.

Moreover, the eaves pillars of each group of buildings all adopt the high stone bases that are widely used in the south and are suitable for moisture-proof, and even the whole stone eaves pillars. The roll shed roof used in the lobby, the gooseneck rafters used in the lobby, the second hall and the Senate Pavilion.

In terms of single buildings, the existing Zhigui Xuan in the trial courtyard and the original Huaiqing Pavilion, Yizhou and Hongxingshan House, etc., all reflect the elegant and exquisite aesthetic taste of literati at that time. Judging from the fact that the existing Senate Pavilion has a sharp shape at its four corners, it is deliberately built in an artificial pool, and a water curved beam bridge is specially built as a means of transportation.

Some of the people are obviously students from small places, and they have never seen the courage of a big academy, and they have been robbed of their minds for a while.

At this time, a gray-bearded master came out of the room, looked at the students around, and touched his beard with relief, showing a smile: "Everyone, there is no time limit for the exam. When you finish answering the questions, you can go back. Yes, but it cannot exceed three days at most. Anyone who exceeds three days will not be admitted."

After speaking, the old man turned his hand to the general in armor on one side: "There will be General Lao in these three days."

The general is very young, but in his thirties, he is yet another quasi-superior warrior.

It is very rare to reach the realm of a quasi-superior martial artist at this age. As for Chen Jiu, it was created by an unbelievable chance.

A smile appeared on the general's face: "You don't need to be nervous, this general is very kind. If you encounter any accidents in the exam, you can tell me."

A group of students rolled their eyes from below. These words were pure nonsense. Looking at the soldiers around like wolves and tigers, the evil spirits were wafting in waves. Obviously, they had all seen the snow, so it was strange that they were not afraid.

Seeing that all the students were unmoved, the general didn't care: "Now this general will act according to the rules, which offends you all."

After speaking, the general waved his hand: "Search".

After giving an order, the soldiers rushed forward, looking at the clothes of the scholars, and looking through their equipment.

A scholar rolled his eyes: "Sven scum, gentle scum."

"Really gentle and sweeping," a scholar said dissatisfied.

The general's martial arts cultivation is extraordinary. He obviously heard these words, his eyes moved, his eyes flicked: "This is the ancestral system of the imperial court. If anyone refuses to accept it, please respond to the imperial court. This general will never stop you, but now you are in this general. He is only a scholar in his eyes, and he has not been promoted yet, so it is nothing, stay honestly, don't make trouble, otherwise don't blame this general for being Looking at the general on the stage, Chen Jiupi pouted. : "Starting ruthlessly? These words can only scare some of the stuffed buns who have never seen the world, but now it’s the exam, countless eyes are gathered here, even today’s emperor is always paying attention to it, if you kill a scholar, child here You general, do you still want to be a general".

Chen Jiu didn't bring anything, with two sleeves and a belt card.

A soldier searched Chen Jiu's body while unabashedly scorned Chen Jiu. This guy didn't bring food with him. He was here to get soy sauce. It was estimated that he would be hungry and dizzy the next day. If you want to run out and get dizzy and hungry when you don't bring food, what else are you taking the test?

Obviously feeling the contempt of the soldier's gaze, Chen Jiu looked at himself up and down. There was no problem. How could this guy despise himself? .

Chen Jiu was puzzled.

After a search, it was already noon. The old master took out three incense sticks to worship the Confucian saints, and then countless examiners walked over and quietly performed the Confucian sacrifice ceremony. After another period of time, after the ceremony, the preparations began. Admission to the examination room. (To be continued...) ()

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