Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 306: Purple Qi comes from the east, all demons should be robbed

This kind of vision appeared just before the exam started, and it shocked the whole Yuzhou.

Chen Jiu was completely immersed in the awe-inspiring purple qi at this time, unable to extricate himself.

Haoran Purple Qi represents a kind of fruit position, a kind of respect.

The entire Yuzhou city was dyed purple.

Not only the great scholars in Yuzhou City were alarmed, but the Demon King outside the city was also alarmed.

For a time, one after another will cross the space and descend outside Yuzhou.

As for the city of Yuzhou, those big demons would never dare to come.

Not only were you shocked, but the scholars who were taking the exam in the academy stopped writing and looked outside. Although there were walls covering them, the feeling in the dark could not be concealed.

In the other room, the four great talents had just written a poem, and the couplet had not yet been written. At this time, he felt the aura of purple air permeating the sky and looked excited: "My Confucianism is born again with great power. It is really the appearance of my Confucian prosperity. .

The scholars present were very emotional, and no one would think that this awe-inspiring purple qi came from the students who took the exam with them. If the purple qi came to the east to prove the sub-sage status, who would come to participate in the imperial examination.

After being excited for a while, Liu An rubbed his face, his wrists kept moving, and he continued to write: "Now Yuzhou Mansion has sub-sage enlightenment. It is when my Confucianism rises to the sky. I should use this air of luck to reach the top. , The battle of the capital".

All the students have extraordinary minds. After feeling the awe-inspiring purple energy for a while, they all started writing. No matter which sub-sage enlightenment it is, it has nothing to do with them. The most important thing now is to pass the exam. When you gather in Beijing in the future, you may not be able to see the legendary characters with your own eyes.

In the sky, Wang Mingyang looked at the awe-inspiring purple house and stood still in the air.

In the room, the scholars who were in the same examination room as Chen Jiu were blind and shocked.

"Want to be so powerful?"

"Want to be so cruel?"

A group of students thought about it, but it was unexpected that the other party's article would come from the east, and this vision had to say that the blow to the students was great.

With such a great person in front of him, how could there be everybody's chance.

The Master, who previously thought Chen Jiu was a dude, his eyes widened, and his eyes were full of incredible colors. After a while, I remembered my duty. Looking at the dim-eyed students around, the master coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention: "The exam is not just about admitting one person, you still have a big chance."

When the students heard the words, they suddenly said, "Yes. No matter how good this kid is, he will be the first. Then it will be a big deal that I will be second."

Two people are not admitted to an exam. It's a group of people.

Chen Jiu writes if there is a god, the wind and clouds outside are gathering at this time.

The ancestor of Hanyan, a zombie who has lived for an unknown number of years, appeared outside Yuzhou City. I don't know why the awe-inspiring purple gas did not suppress it.

"There is a sense of cause and effect in the dark. This kid is now facing the most important moment in his life, I must stop it."

While talking, the ancestor of Hanyan slowly lifted into the sky, looking at the dragon gas in Yuzhou city and the purple gas from the east, his eyes showed fear:

"Fortunately, my ancestors have a manuscript of the sages and all saints in my hand, otherwise this awe-inspiring purple gas will be enough for me to drink a pot."

I saw the ancestor of Han Yan waved his hand, a yellow paper flashed, and the sage's energy flashed, and it came to Yuzhou with strange power. The awe-inspiring purple energy and the dragon energy of Yuzhou Mansion did not react at all, but gradually retreated. open.

"The time for a stick of incense, there is only one stick of incense."

After the muttering, the ancestor of the drought suddenly screamed, and all the water vapor within a thousand miles in a radius instantly evaporated, the earth cracked, the rivers were cut off, the vegetation died, and even the water vapor on the mortal body had a tendency to spill out of the body.

A golden flame appeared in the hands of the ancestor of the drought, slowly rising in the horrified eyes of everyone.

In the sky, the town general was standing in front of the city gate, looking at the sun-like drought in the sky in the distance, his eyebrows raised slightly: "There is a demon and evil coming out to cause chaos and disrupt the national ceremony. This is a naked provocation to my prestige. , For so many years there has been no such thing."

Over the academy, Wang Mingyang looked outside Yuzhou City with his eyebrows flying, and then closed his eyes.

After the drought took off, the golden light in his hand suddenly shot out a ray of light towards the city of Yuzhou.

This beam has extremely hot power, and the space is slightly distorted.

The ancestor of the drought is stronger than when he was in Qingzhou.

"Bold evildoers, dare to offend my Yuzhou majesty, today I will suppress you here."

The town general Zhu Kui roared, blood exploded, and wolf smoke rose into the sky.

The big sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, striding across time and space, and slashed towards the ancestor of Hanyan.

Seeing that sharp blade light, the ancestor of Hanyan had to withdraw the golden light, and the flame in his hand suddenly pushed forward and enveloped Zhu Kui.

This flame is not a common fire, but the natal flame of the ancestor of Drought.

With this blow, the sky shook, the earth shattered, and the sword in the general's hand drank countless blood. At this time, a **** evil spirit erupted, and the power of the flame was suppressed.

After one blow, a radius of more than ten li was in ruins outside the Yuzhou prefecture.

Feeling the one after another in the city of Yuzhou, the ancestor of the drought sighed unwillingly: "My ancestor, my injury is not healed, otherwise I have to **** Yuzhou today."

While talking, a golden light flashed in the ancestor's eyes, two fangs protruded from the corners of his mouth, blood patterns flashed on the fangs, and the sky was distorted. The blood of all the animals within a hundred li was absorbed by him and turned into corpses. .

"This time it's cheaper for you, the next time the ancestors will wash Yuzhou with blood." After saying that, the ancestors of the drought turned into golden light and disappeared in front of the town general.

Looking at the golden light going away, the town general was powerless, everyone's combat power was about the same, and it was not realistic to want to leave the opponent behind.

In the sky, the manuscripts of the sages still radiated a faint brilliance, suppressing the dragon energy in Yuzhou.

There was a dragon chant in the sky, the wind and clouds gathered, a huge claw cut through the void and appeared directly above Yuzhou, thinking of the college to shoot.

This is the paw of a beast with five fingers on it.

Wang Mingyang above the academy opened his eyes, looked at the closer paws, and smiled softly: "The five-clawed golden dragon of the Yao race, I don’t know which prince of the Yao race came, but I, Yuzhou, don’t welcome the Yao race. Please withdraw."

After the words were finished, a great upright spirit surged in Yuzhou, and a broad spirit instantly spread throughout Yuzhou. The monks were shocked, and the spirits and spirits changed.

Driven by that broad spirit, the awe-inspiring righteousness in the sky instantly shook it into dust, and the blood rain fell outside Yuzhou City, and the originally dry mountains and rivers instantly returned to life.

"Good, good, Prince Wang Mingyang remembers you"

As the words fell, the space above Yuzhou City slowly merged.

This is the power of Asheng, there is no need to make a move, just a golden mouth, the awe-inspiring righteousness will naturally react.

In this exam, the monsters, ghosts and snakes are all on the stage, and the monsters also don't look at the human race to become bigger, and want to take the opportunity to make a splash.

The old butler of the state capital did not know when he came to Wang Mingyang's side: "The bull, the ghost and the snake **** also came to attack my I really don’t know what to say, if it weren’t for the demon king’s face Be sure to keep that kid".

Wang Mingyang carried his hands on his back: "Now is the eventful autumn, not the time to make a shame with the monster race".

As he spoke, the old steward turned his eyes: "I thought it was a Confucian scholar who was proving Taoism before, but I didn't expect it to be an article by a student. What a good seed."

Wang Mingyang's eyes were deep: "The seedlings are good seedlings, but the cause and effect involved are too deep. Just an exam will bring the legendary drought to the catastrophe. I am afraid that there will be twists and turns in the future."

The old butler laughed and said, “You’re a good bargain. This world, whether you are a cultivator or a scholar, is not just walking on thin ice, going through thousands of tribulations before you can become enlightened. It’s a bit bigger, but I’m afraid the future achievements will be even more amazing.”

Wang Mingyang did not speak, but looked into the distance: "I don't know if the catastrophe a few days ago has proved the cause?".

The old housekeeper shook his head: "The catastrophe came too suddenly, and everyone didn't have the slightest preparation. The scene was cleaner than the face, and there were no traces." (To be continued...) ()

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