Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 395: The face of the barbarian king, amnesty the world

The entry of the Barbarian King into Beijing was a shocking event.

From the beginning of the vigorous rebellion, to the lowly pretending grandson, the contrast is definitely beyond everyone's understanding.

The two officials of the Ministry of Rites smiled and took the gift from the Barbarian King and left. As for introducing the Taishi for the Barbarian King, this kind of thing is not something they can do. At most, they can send a greeting card for the Barbarian King. The matter of Taishi.

On the second day, the Taishi asked Man Wang Guofu to explain.

"The old man has seen a barbarian king" Taishi Wang Gan handed over his hands as a courtesy.

"I have seen the Taishi" Man Wang hurriedly responded, as low-key as he may be, after all, this trip to Beijing is about future plans and should not be missed.

The two entered the mansion with a smile, and the two were seated, and the Taishi offered fragrant tea. After a while, they said, "I don't know what the King Man came to my Taishi Mansion to discuss with me, the old immortal."

Man Wang fumbled between his sleeves with his hands, and Guanghua flashed, and several trays fell on the table. Although there were curtains covering them, the precious light still leaked out.

"What does the Man King mean?" Looking at this layer of precious light, I knew that the Man King was extraordinary, and the Master couldn't help but move his heart.

The Man Wang looked humble, but he was sneer in his heart: "I don't believe that you, the old guy, is indifferent. When this king succeeds, let alone a treasure, even the Great Zhou Treasury belongs to this king."

"This king does not know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and he was so confused that he did such a wrong thing. He was frightened. I hope that the Taishi can say a few good things for me in front of the emperor. I will bring the little girl to Beijing this time. I want to dedicate it to your majesty. Your Majesty is a person who serves tea, pours water, and folds the quilt, and asks Taishi to help me.

The Taishi smiled: "I thought it was something. It turned out to be to send my daughter into the palace. Today, the Emperor's Three Palaces and the Sixth Court are full of 72 concubines. After entering the palace, he can only start with talented people. ".

As soon as the Man King heard that he was in charge of so much, that woman was not his real daughter. I was only responsible for sending her into the palace. As for the situation in the palace, that is not the scope of his responsibility.

"It's okay, the king didn't expect to get the right position in the inner palace, but sent the little girl into the palace. It can be used to express my surrender to the emperor."

"Well then. You will send your daughter to the drafting house at noon tomorrow. I will arrange for her to meet with the emperor. As for whether you can grasp the emperor's heart, it depends on your own skills." The master took a sip of tea.

The king was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Good, good. Thank you, Taishi, if you succeed, it will definitely be the work of the Taishi, and you will have to thank you afterwards."

Taishi nodded, picked up the teacup, and made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

The Barbarian King also knows: "If this is the case, then the King will resign and wait for the good news from Master Taishi at the inn."

Sending away the barbarian king, Taishi gently opened the tray on the table, revealing a look of surprise, and then suddenly covered the tray: "Well, a barbarian king, he is really willing to pay for it. In that case, the old man is not good. Do something for you, let's arrange this in advance."

As the world's danger, Tongguan is a military powerhouse.

"Quickly open the city gate, General Iron Wolf is back." The generals guarding the city gate immediately shouted when they saw the large army winding in the distance.

It is said that after the Iron Wolf attacked, prisoners continued to be sent, and in just a few days, millions of prisoners were held in Tongguan, which greatly encouraged the morale of the generals in Tongguan.

"General Iron Wolf, your old man is back."

"The general has worked hard, leave this prisoner to us, and we will take care of you."

"The general's meritorious service this time is just around the corner."

Facing the smiling faces of a group of colleagues, Iron Wolf's gloomy heart slightly loosened, and forced a smile: "Thank you, everyone, thank you."

The soldiers of Tongguan and the expeditionary army gathered in the general’s mansion. The Iron Wolf sat in the main seat with a gloomy expression: “Confucian scholars have misled the country, and the crime deserves death. It is time to send these people full of morals and etiquette to the border and let them suppress Monster".

"General, Nanban has a deep background and is not so easy to fight. Even if your majesty does not make any decrees, we can't penetrate into the depths of Nanban without support. If we insist on going our own way, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of soldiers will be buried in the wild." A Tongguan will be low. The sound broke.

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere in the general's mansion instantly solidified, and everyone looked embarrassed, and the iron wolf whitened the soldier with a glance: "I just complain, all this must have the support of the court. If the court does not send a master, I can't wait for anything."

An expeditionary general came forward: "General, when shall we return to the court?".

As a subordinate, naturally you can't make your boss look ugly.

The Iron Wolf hesitated after hearing the words: "After three days, it will not be easy for everyone to travel long distances. Let's rest for three days, and the army will pull out after three days."

Going to Beijing, Dazhou Palace, the uniform voice spread far from the Yeejeong Hall:

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live".

"All the love is flat", the emperor sits high on the throne, and the heights are very cold.

"Xie Longsui" the ministers said in unison again.

"If you have a foundation, you can retreat without a foundation," Ma Rui's voice came in due course.

"Your Majesty, the ministers have what to play" Taishi stood up.


"Yesterday, the barbarian king came to Beijing to express his surrender to my Great Zhou. I wonder if your majesty can pass it on?" The Taishi's figure was very low.

Chen Huan nodded: "Since the Barbarian King is here, let him come in."

"The King Chuanmen sees," a servant said with a loud voice.

"Chuanman Wang sees" the voice spread out layer by layer.

The barbarian king and the envoys of Nanban had long been waiting outside. Hearing this, everyone followed the barbarian king into the house.

Looking at the magnificent palace, Man Wang's heart was ups and downs: "This kind of palace is really a hundred times better than me. In the future, this king will also have a this kind of imposing palace. If the plan is successful this time, the dragon's position will change. It belongs to this king."

The crowd with all kinds of distracting thoughts came to the Conference Hall. The Man King glanced at the aloof Emperor Da Zhou, and saw a divine light in Chen Huan's eyes, even the Man King had to bow his head to avoid his sharp edge.

"I have seen the emperor of the Great Zhou" The Man Wang gave a bow, but did not kneel.

Ma Rui shouted: "Be bold, don't kneel after seeing me Da Zhou."

After the words fell, Chen Huan's majesty spread in the hall, and the whole world was overwhelmingly pressed towards the Barbarian King and the barbarian people.

Where did the envoys behind the Man King have his cultivation level, one by one gradually bent over and had to kneel down, but when the Man King stepped forward, he took most of the pressure.

Chen Huangao sat on the head and saw that the Man King was flushed with his majestic complexion, and he was speechless, and his heart surged with disdain.

The barbarian envoys took the opportunity to stand up: "My great king is the lord of the Southern Territory, and he is noble. Although he is not as good as the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he is almost the same. Why do you need to kneel?"

Ma Rui nodded: "In that case, you slaves should always kneel when you see my majesty."

The envoy squeezed his neck and said, "My prince is at the same level as your emperor. I want to kneel for your emperor. Then the minister of civil and military affairs in the Great Zhou Hall will kneel for my emperor."

How could it be possible if the Manchu dynasty went to worship Manzi.

Ma Rui wanted to say more, but was interrupted by the Emperor waved his hand: "I didn't expect that the barbarians, who have always been known for their well-developed limbs and simple minds, would actually give you such a quick-thinking Yes, yes, It seems that the barbarian has a successor."

As soon as his voice changed, the Emperor looked at the Man King: "Man King, do you still have something to say?".

"This time, this king is confused and offended the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He is willing to give countless tributes to make up for his sins. In addition, the king has a child under his knees.

Seeing that the emperor did not say anything, the barbarian king gritted his teeth: "I wait for the barbarian to hand over the letter of credence as a sign of surrender."

The emperor nodded: "Well, my Dazhou is the kingdom of heaven, and I can't compare with you and other barbarians. Let's forget about this."

The Man King nodded and quickly said: "Your Majesty, the million prisoners also ask your Majesty to be kind and send them back to Nanban."

"The two armies are fighting, I don't have to say much, so, go and discuss with Wu Mu, the millions of barbarians can't be sent back in vain, you can redeem it."

After saying this, the emperor said: "I won a big victory in this great war, and I will amnesty the world to show the mighty power." (To be continued...) ()

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