Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 504: The blood of the demon god, the soil under his feet

After a quarter or three, there was a loud bang in the sky, but fortunately, Chen Jiu had already put in place a restriction, otherwise such a big movement would have to be noticed by the powerful monsters. /

Chen Jiu's heart trembled slightly as he felt the reckless aura coming to his face: "The essence of the ancient demon god."

This was actually the blood of the ancient demon god, and Chen Jiu's eyes were straight.

What is the ancient demon god? .

The ancient demon gods were born congenitally, conceived by Hunyuan, born with infinite power, born close to the great road, immortal and immortal, they are born strong.

Although this is just a drop of Demon God's blood, it is too useful.

For example, you can plant the blood of the ancient demon gods in your body to make your own blood assimilated. After countless secret methods for blood exchange, you can have the blood of the demon god, and even your body becomes the body of the demon god.

After a while, Chen Jiucai sighed: "It's a pity, I said that such a drop of Demon God's blood cannot be placed here. It turns out that this Demon God has been contaminated by the congenital turbid evil aura. If it is dropped, the blood of the demon **** is highly poisonous, and it will corrode it when it touches the immortal body, causing it to fall into the devil's way and deprive it of spiritual wisdom."

Looking at the Yimu Divine Bull swimming in the pool, Chen Jiu's world was born and died, and the power of the four innate spirits of the earth, water, wind, and fire continued to brew, suddenly sucking the blood of the demon **** into the world in his palm, and then buried it.

After handling the blood of the demon god, Chen Jiu subconsciously wiped his forehead, but unfortunately now the immortal body has no leakage, and he is not sweating.

"Finding the blood of the demon god, this trip is also a great reward. However, the only regrettable congenital breath is not known where it is hidden. This drop of blood of the demon **** is an eye-catching for others, but it is impossible to download. A hedgehog, but for me, it may not be impossible to strip out the innate evil spirit."

After speaking, Chen Jiu walked around in the middle east of the treasury of the demon clan, wandered around in the west, and lay down his hands. The time was only three months, and three months later he would go to meet the demon prince. Chen Jiu must search for enough treasures in these three months. Then flee here.

Chen Jiu walked and stopped in the treasure house of the demon clan, the yin and yang flow around him, and the treasure was not known how much he had searched, and even Chen Jiu's palm trembled slightly in the end. That is tired from constantly running mana.

"Bang" Chen Jiu's feet were soft. Stumbled over by something unexpectedly. This is indeed a bit unexpected. Chen Jiu's strength is not to say that the heavens and all realms are invincible, but when the old antique is not born. It's hard to find an opponent, and now I'm tripped by something, it's definitely the first time to break the ground.

A monk tripped over a stone. How could it sound like a fantasy?

"Damn life ghost" Chen Jiu got up embarrassedly, looked at the dark clod under his feet, and kicked it.

"Oh," Chen Jiu hugged his foot. It was not the clod that was kicked away, but the sole of Chen Jiu's foot retracted.

"What the **** is this, something the size of a slap is so heavy, I can kick it flying even if it's a tens of thousands of pounds of stone." Chen Jiu rubbed the soles of his feet, lowered his head, and looked carefully. The stone then showed a suspicious color: "Congenital remnant soil?".

"I rely on, that's right, this is the congenital remnant. I searched for a long time, but I didn’t expect to trip over it." Chen Jiuyi slapped his thigh and suddenly realized that the congenital remnant looked only the size of a palm, but a grain of remnant. It could evolve into a mountain, not to mention the palm-sized soil in front of him. Chen Jiu wanted to step over a mountain with a random step, and it would be unreasonable not to be tripped.

"The Emperor is worthy of his heart" Chen Jiu sighed, but the movements in his hands did not stop. The innate yin and yang continued to flow, honing the restriction on the soil.

Looking around, Chen Jiu showed regret: "There are too many treasures of this monster race. Unfortunately, my time is limited. I take a lot of them. Even one tenth is difficult to move in a short time. There will be opportunities in the future."

If Chen Jiu’s words are heard by the Demon King, he must be vomiting blood. This is the accumulation of tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, of the Demon Clan’s accumulation. The kid should be struck by lightning.

Not to mention one-tenth, one-hundredth, one-ten-thousandth is enough for the Demon Emperor to vomit blood.

Time was slowly passing by, one day, two days, three days, and soon, one month passed. Chen Jiu was busy searching for treasures after a busy month, and the sky was upset outside.

The entire Great Zhou dynasty set off a **** storm and stormy waves.

In the upper capital, in the imperial palace, the face of the emperor was covered by the lingering dragon energy, and his face was invisible. Only the depressive atmosphere in the hall was frightening.

Wu Guangzu, the minister of rituals, knelt on the ground at this time, sweat soaked his clothes, and the blankets underneath were gradually moistened. The sweat seemed to be free of money, ticking away.

"Your Majesty, the minister deserves death, sin deserves ten thousand deaths" Wu Guangzu's voice was sad. Although he had known this day for a long time, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Where the Emperor is sitting, the whole body looks like an invisible real dragon roaring, and there are gusts of wind and waves in the hall.

The emperor has always been happy and angry, but at this time the anger of the emperor actually caused the dragon to roar and greet it. This is definitely the first time since the emperor has succeeded.

The Taishi lowered his head and said nothing. The Taifu was more like an old monk entering Ding without a word. As for the Taibao, the emperor's direct descendant, he looked at the scene in the hall with a little worry.

There are only San Gong Wu Mu and six important ministers, and some small officials are not here at all.

Wu Mu's eyelids were constantly beating, and this day was about to change. The emperor became angry, corpses a million, blood drifted, and slaughtered a hundred and twenty cities.

The emperor’s newly-appointed princess actually eloped with others. If this spreads out, where is the majesty of the heavens, where is the majesty of the emperor, the face of the court will be lost, and now I am afraid that it is a hundred thousand mountains and endless wilderness is watching the excitement. .

"Where is King Ping Tian?" The emperor's voice was cold, and a layer of frost was frozen in the hall, and the weaker officials shuddered uncontrollably.

Ma Rui cautiously approached the Emperor's ear and said, "Your Majesty, King Ping Tian cannot return to Beijing without his majesty's edict."

"Asshole, how did he educate his sister, poke me such a big basket, don't hurry back," the emperor's voice came out of the palace, and everyone's eardrums hummed.

The grand master's face didn't move, a smug flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at the prince silently, then lowered his head silently.

The prince's eyes were filled with joy, making you mad. This time, seeing how you face the anger of the emperor, you dare to confront the emperor face to face. If you don't let you know how powerful, you really don't know what rules are.

"Come on, Heavenly King Xuanping enters Beijing immediately, without delay." The emperor's voice was stern, and his murderous intent filled the entire capital.

In the ancestral court of the demon clan, in the treasure house, Chen Jiu used his mana to lift the congenital remnant soil. Why did he say he lifted it instead of taking it? .

Because the congenital soil is too heavy, as heavy as a mountain, but in fact I don't know how many mountains are combined to form a larger mountain.

A grain of soil can evolve into a This heap of soil is unimaginable. Chen Jiu originally wanted to hold it with his hands, but he did not expect that the weight of the soil was far more than that. Despite his expectations, he almost flashed his arms, and finally blushed and threw the congenital soil into the Universe Bag, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

"The most important congenital soil has been obtained. The next step is to find some interesting things to get some. I don't know if the Demon King will move them after discovering that they have been stolen. It is better to get more." Chen Ji Muttering, counting the time.

"Huh?" Chen Jiu noticed something was wrong, his secret secret seemed a little chaotic, as if it was hidden by a master.

"Someone wants to calculate me." This was the first thought that Chen Jiu had in his mind. Then one of his hands had a magic seal flying, and the heavenly secret seal was constantly changing. Unfortunately, some of the strong people who shot this time were unexpected, Chen Jiu The heavenly machine seal actually expired.

"Who is calculating me on earth, why is this king frightened and inexplicably uneasy, this time I am afraid it is not easy to deal with, but I, Chen Jiu, naturally will not be afraid of anyone, the soldiers will come to cover the water." (To be continued...)



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