Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 510: Intrigue and escape to the small world

At the critical juncture, Xu Fu, the old Fox Guo, was also somewhat helpless.

"Why should Magong Gong be embarrassed by a servant? If there is something, just come directly to the palace."

Although I am quite disgusted with Xu Fu, everyone is a grasshopper on the same line after all. If Xu Fu misses the stuffing, he will definitely have a hard time, and he may not be implicated.

Ma Rui's eyes became gloomy for an instant, like a poisonous snake. He kept staring at Concubine Yi for a while, then slowly said: "Now that this is the case, please explain to Concubine, after all. In broad daylight, lone men and women stay in a palace, some of them are not good."

"Hehe, Ma Gonggong thinks too much. The safety of the princes of the royal family is a big matter of the first class. Naturally, they have to cover up their secrets." Concubine Yi looked calm and calm, still calm and calm. Look like.

But Ma Rui, the head of the eunuchs in the world, was so vicious that he thought about it and said: "A little noble concubine, an unworthy Qin Tianjian official, dare to arrogantly deduct the secrets of the royal family. It's a sin worthy of death, you wait for your majesty to punish."

After speaking, Marui walked lightly and walked out of the palace within two or three steps.

Concubine Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at Xu Fu fiercely. She wanted to scold a few words, but this is the place where the emperor’s will is shrouded. She was afraid it would be difficult to speak, so she changed her words: " Master Xu, this palace took the liberty of this time. After a while, the palace will go to your Majesty to make a plea, Master Xu, please come back.

After speaking, Concubine Yi walked into the palace curly.

When he went to the study, the emperor took back his large pen and closed his eyes. Then he opened it slowly, showing disapproval. After a while, Marui walked in: "Meet the Lord."

The emperor nodded: "Get up."

"Your Majesty, the slave has something to tell" Marui's voice returned to its previous warmth.

"I know what you want to say. I already know the previous things, no need to repeat, I have my own reason." After the emperor said, Marui retreated decisively behind the emperor.

Not long after, Concubine Yi walked into the study room with a scent of fragrance and saw the emperor who was practicing calligraphy. Immediately bow down: "Your Majesty, your concubines are here to plead."

No matter how intrigues are in the palace or how the major forces play games, Li Gan is in an absolutely uncomfortable mood now.

This simple-faced young man was holding a wine bottle and standing dimly under the pear tree in the yard. Accompanied by the pear blossoms in the courtyard, it shows the color of grief.

Hearing my goddess eloped with a little crippled man, it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. I was ignorant of the shrewd guy who had always been leaking, at a loss, or not. Experience does not know how to deal with this kind of thing.

"Dare children".

"Father" Li Gan looked at the tall figure standing under the eaves. It showed grief, like a wounded little beast.


It was not the sound of the wine jar falling to the ground, but Li Guang’s slap was slapped on Li Gan’s face: “Why do you have a husband without a wife? Besides, isn’t it just an elopement, as long as you get him back before the big mistake is made. That's it".

Li Gan seemed to have regained his spirit when he heard the words. He ignored the previous slap and showed anxious expression: "Father, what do you mean?".

Li Guang sneered after hearing the words: "These guys are too bold. Doing this puts the face of the emperor and where the face of the prince is placed. Even if it is remedied afterwards, the face of the emperor and the prince are lost. It's gone. The royal majesty no longer exists."

"Father meant,," Li Guang guessed secretly.

"The King of Ping Tian and the King of Humans have to use thunderous methods to restore their reputation and reinforce the imperial majesty. If you find this pair of men and women, remember, as long as you get Wu Rui back, that girl Run Xuan must never be captured. Otherwise it will be lifeless" Li Guang revealed a touch of vicissitudes in his eyes.

Li Gan couldn't believe it: "Run Xuan is a princess, who dares to kill her?".

"What if the King of Humans or King of Heaven himself?" Li Guang said meaningfully.

"Impossible, impossible, tiger poison still doesn't eat seeds, how is this possible" Li Gan backed up, hit a tree, and fell to the ground.

"Everything is for the great cause of my human race. Although Chen Runxuan's status is extraordinary, it is insignificant compared to my human race." Li Guang said here, stopped, and looked at Li Gan: "You immediately take someone to capture Wu Rui and Chen Runxuan. If you dare to resist, don't talk about killing it."

"What about killing?" Li Gan asked in surprise and surprise.

"Yes, let me kill you. This is not meant for the father, but for the emperor." Then, Li Guang took out a golden scroll: "This is your majesty's secret decree."

Li Gan didn't say much when he heard the words, turned around and walked outside the door: "I will definitely find them, and no one can kill them."

The mountains are clear and the water is beautiful, the strange peaks are steep, and a secluded stream is crooked.

Here in the ancient wood jungle, birds and insects keep singing, this is a place where no one can set foot.

Today, an uninvited guest came to this place where no one has ever set foot.

A full-body man was lying in the grass, and the tall grass was twisted and twisted by the man.

Drops of crystal dew dripped from the leaves and sprinkled on the man's skin. In the sun, the skin looked like a beautiful jade, revealing a different kind of brilliance.

"Where is this place?" Chen Jiu slowly opened his eyes as he felt the chilly wind blowing all over his body, revealing a trace of confusion.

Afterwards, the memory returned intermittently, Chen Jiu slowly sat up, using his mana, his injury was almost healed.

The immortality of the heavens is tough, even the quasi-demon saint of the Demon Sage cannot kill himself. The demon saint is equivalent to the blood rebirth of the human race. Coupled with the luck of the race, the real demon saint is not the opponent of the demon emperor.

Looking at his magnanimous body, Chen Jiu took out a piece of clothing, turned into a dazzling body, slipped into the clothing, and was already dressed when he reappeared.

The dirt around the body was automatically separated, and the whole fairy body became dust and dirt free.

"We must first figure out where this is." Chen Jiu's eyebrows bend, revealing a strange look. He lit the incense to Xiaoyu and the others earlier. It must have been a big deal, but unfortunately he couldn't get out of it. It has been several months, and I don’t know what happened.

Slowly raising his body, the entire land boundary appeared in Chen Jiu's eyes. The endless forest made it difficult to see the boundary.

Looking at the sun in the sky, Chen Jiu's mind instantly reacted with the golden crow living on the sun, looking down at Daqian, and all the heavens and ten thousand realms were all in one glance.

"It's shifted so much." Chen Jiu looked ugly. Even if he had a Tai Chi diagram at such a distance, it would be difficult to rush back in a short time.

In a remote valley, a man and a woman are constantly measuring something in the valley.

After a while, the woman said: "Calculated based on my brother’s collection of spells, if there is nothing wrong, this is the entrance to the small world. One day in the sky and one year in the ground. No matter how powerful this group of people is, it’s impossible. Find us in countless small worlds."

The man looked ashamed: "It's me who is not good. I used to think that the power of the family is everything. If you don't practice well, you will have to rely on you to get through waves of investigations when things happen."

"Needless to say, this was originally a matter for the two of us. Besides, do we still have you and me now?".

The "Mei Xuan" man said This man and woman are Liu Runxuan and Wu Rui, and I don't know what soup Wu Rui poured Liu Runxuan into, and they ran out with him desperately.

"Well, let's quickly open the entrance of this little thousand world, enter the little thousand world, we are the real escape from the sky, the sea is wide and the fish leap, the sky is high and the birds fly.

After speaking, Chen Runxuan's magic arts were constantly flying, and then with a wave of her jade hand, the void actually broke through a black passage in an instant.

"I don't know where this passage leads to the small world." A hesitation flashed in Wu Rui's eyes.

"Even if it's Shura hell, I will go down with you" Chen Runxuan's eyes looked at Wu Rui, a trace of affection continued.

After saying "Let's go", the two of them had their hands involved in everything, and both jumped into it. After a roar, the Xiaoqian world channel closed again. (To be continued)



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