Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 522: Fairy fetus, assassination

Seeing King Thai’s sincere gaze, Iron Wolf turned over and dismounted, and slammed to the central dragon court: “In the end, he will only listen to the emperor’s order, and only be loyal to the emperor”.

King Thai nodded: "Okay, that is to say, this king can trust you."

The Iron Wolf stood up: "The prince can naturally trust the end general, just like trusting his majesty."

"All put away their weapons, this king followed General Iron Wolf into the upper capital of the saint" King Tai raised his arms high.

"Prince, no, you have rebelled, and then go to Beijing, under the anger of the emperor, how can there be a way for the prince to survive" A partial general stood up, his face was eager.

"Even if it is dead, the king will die dignified, not to mention that the situation is clear now, and it is futile to do unnecessary struggles. Apart from the blood of some soldiers, nothing can be changed."

After speaking, under the pressure of King Tai's eyes, Napian would not be reconciled and shouted to the following: "Open the city gate".

In one day, the ancient city of Liangzhou was taken by Iron Wolf.

"The prince, I will pack up things later, and please don't hesitate to work and return to the capital with me to face the saint." Even though the prince in front of me has lost power and even committed a terrible mistake, his body is smooth after all. With the blood of the Emperor of Humanity, Iron Wolves are more likely to be humans, and they are still as respectful as before.

"General Lao is here." King Tai smiled lightly, looking sadly into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the Leyang Realm, Le Yu Palace, the soil in front of Chen Jiu was burned by the sun's sacred flame and turned into golden yellow, gleaming, and exuding a kind of richness. An artistic conception of infinite vitality.

A jade box appeared in his hand. The jade box was covered with seals. A drop of crystal water circulated in the jade box. If anyone with sharp eyes could still see it, an imaginary figure floated in the water. A trace of water's vitality continued to moisturize the phantom.

"Finally I can bring you back to life. It's not worth knowing you and me. I, Chen Jiunai, was born as a bandit. I fought in the cottage for eight years. You were the first to make me feel like a friend. I don't know if you are. Really treat me as a friend" Chen Jiu said to himself. Struggling in this world alone, ups and downs, Chen Jiutai needs a spiritual sustenance, without a doubt, in the taboo sea. Yi Xiaoxiao appeared at the right time, and Chen Jiu's lonely mind was so relaxed.

What's more, facing Fang Xiandao's chase at the time, Chen Jiu had a mental disorder and needed friends.

The mana in the hand was flowing, the jade bottle was broken into powder, and the water droplet flew out instantly, piercing the real fire of the sun. Wrapped in the soul, fell into the mud.

"The smelting of water and fire vitality can survive from death. Nurturing good fortune" Chen Jiu controlled the real fire of the sun to entangle the drop of water.

It is not ordinary water that can be entangled with the real fire of the sun.

Between the entanglement of water and fire, a wave of destruction and vitality gradually appeared, entangled and intertwined, and grew up under the endless force of the soil. The soul gradually adapts to the soil and changes the nature of the soil.

"Three years later. Break the mud tires, and the world will reappear naturally. Three years later, it will be the day you are born again." Chen Jiu walked out, and Shen Luoying greeted him: "How is it?"

Chen Jiu shook his head, and then suddenly split his palm against the mountain, a crack emerged, and a strong spiritual energy swarmed from the mountain.

The world slowly opened up in the palm of Chen Jiu's left hand, the power of rules enveloped the entire mountain, and all the auras were suppressed by the power of rules.

The mud tire in his hand turned into a round fairy tire, the size of a basketball, emitting a clear light.

With a wave of his hand, the fairy fetus was pressed into the ground by Chen Jiu, and the forbidden law was blessed: "In the future, we will send people to guard this place strictly, and we must not disturb this fairy fetus. Three years later, when Laughing is resurrected, when the Yaozu’s Conspiracy and trickery will always reveal flaws. I want to see which foreign race the one in the palace is, who dared to enter the palace and try to steal the luck of my human race. The crime deserves death."

After speaking, she looked at Shen Luoying: "How is the situation today? How did the court react? Has Yuzhou ever conquered it."

Shen Luoying rolled his eyes: "You have been in retreat for three months. These three months are absolutely unexpected. No one would have thought that when the king of Thailand was approaching the city, he did not make any resistance. He directly pleaded guilty. He is now on his way to Beijing. On the road".

"Well, it seems that going to Beijing is going to be a storm again. Let's just stay in this happy state without getting in, and there won't be any disasters. When I complete my practice, where will the world be? After speaking, Chen Jiu slowly moved up towards the mountain.

Shen Luoying followed Chen Jiu: "Taibai, what kind of exercises are you practicing, why are you so strong, you are not your opponent even to fight and defeat the apes, and you opened up the world in your hands."

Chen Jiu rolled his eyes upon hearing this: "This is *good or not".

"Hmph, stingy" Shen Luoying turned her head annoyed, a woman's mind is so hard to guess sometimes.

Today, there is no cloud, and there is a refreshing touch in the sky. The sun hangs high, and a pair of people and horses are walking on the road.

This team stretched for more than a dozen miles, with flags fluttering, iron and blood radiating out, ghosts and gods retreated.

"Buzzing" buzzing in the sky, I saw stones the size of a basin, or the size of a fist, all over the sky.

"Who dared to be so bold and attacked the imperial army" I saw a figure flying out of the army, and the power of the whole body erupted, like a small sun, and the stones in the air fell one after another.

The power of qi and blood is the nemesis of all spells. The stone is blessed with mana, and once it rushes into the army, the consequences are unimaginable.

When the iron wolf broke through the mana in the stone, the stone lost its backing power. After rushing for a period of time, they fell in front of the formation.

The "array" iron wolf shouted angrily, and the army calmly stepped, the blood evil spirit in the sky combined according to a little pattern, instantly forming a white tiger formed by the blood evil force.

The white tiger's eyes leaked red light, showing hideous and terrifying teeth. With a roar, the mountains and rivers were trembling, and the rocks in mid-air turned into dust.

Someone snorted in the distance, apparently being backlashed by the power of the white tiger.

Black shadows flew past in the sky, like locusts, and instantly rushed into the formation of the army: "Kill the Thai King."

He shouted loudly, and kept roaring in the army.

The king of Thailand's expression remained unchanged, but he showed a mocking smile: "Here is the army, it's not you monks fighting like a house, you dare to rush into the army, this time the commander is stupid." .

No matter how powerful a master is, he will only end up with hatred in the army, of course, the master above the blood rebirth does not count.

Even if the Tiangang powerhouse fell into the endless army, it would only be exhausted and dragged to death by the army.

However, the price paid to drag the strong Tiangang to death is extraordinary.

"No." Compared with the King of Thailand, Iron Wolf felt a little bit bad. Everyone in this world knows that the army is a meat grinder. Even if the person in charge this time is stupid, he will not be so stupid. A few rushed in.

Before the thoughts flowed over, I heard waves of thunder and drizzle blowing out of thin air, followed by flesh and blood flying.

The group of warriors burst into the army and This is not a monk from the sect, this is an assassin, a desperate assassin, hurry up and throw arrows to stop them" I saw people rushing into the army before. , The Iron Wolf was still happy and didn't stop it. As long as the opponent entered the army, it would naturally be the fish on the chopping board. Unfortunately, this fish had a lot of bones, and the iron wolf's heart was bleeding.

When the army suddenly faced this change, there was a panic, and everyone was in danger. The white tigers in the sky were also unable to maintain their formation and dispersed instantly.

At this moment, a violent wind blew up in the sky from nowhere, and the yin god, swift as lightning, slew towards the King Tai in the army.

From beginning to end, the goal of this group of assassins was very clear, and that was King Tai.

"When you dare to attack and kill my human king, don't you fear that the human emperor will sin" Iron Wolf's speed is no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than Yin Shen, unless he has the legendary light escape method, like Chen Jiushen transforming Yin and Yang II Qi, ignoring the distance of the void, suppress all vitality, otherwise it will only be deflated in front of the Yin God.

"Hahaha, the king of Thailand has rebelled and has lost the favor of humanity. Don't kill at this time, but wait more." A voice like a night owl came from the sky. (To be continued)

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