Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 529: Encircle the White Bone Temple

Chen Jiu cracked the earth to seal the king, had his own realm, and had his own foundation fortune. This is definitely a gratifying thing, but before celebrating, he must complete the secret edict of the emperor.

Chen Jiu rested for another day before setting off because his body was exhausted.

A yin-yang bridge spans the void, endlessly simple, and the aura of the ancients willfully spread from Shangjing to the four directions.

Chen Jiu is now a rare master among the heavens, and every move involves the attention of the great forces of the heavens. In a certain way, Chen Jiu's actions represent the will of the court.

On this vast land, there is a martial art that has emerged from the Middle Ages and has survived tens of thousands of years. It is one of the giants in the universe.

In this endless universe, the White Bone Temple is also considered a giant, compared to those ancient powers, apart from the background, the ancestors are a little less, and they are not inferior to them.

Of course, now the ancestors of all heavens and families are sleeping, it doesn't make much sense to have it or not, it's just a deterrent.

And Chen Jiu's goal is to eradicate the Bone Heaven Palace.

The White Bone Temple is definitely a hard bone to gnaw. There are countless masters in the palace, and the earth evil and the heavens are in a deep sleep. There may also be rebirth.

Standing on the golden bridge from afar, looking at the White Bone Temple, lying on the wild land, occupying an area of ​​100,000 miles, there are many palaces and bones, forming a 7∞ long 7∞ wind 7∞ text 7∞ learning. w⊙↙xn∷et Tian Palace.

Each piece of white bone is engraved with countless talismans, large or small, with inexplicable effects.

"The Emperor of Humanity only gave me the army of a thousand campaigns to suppress such giants. It's a bit nonsense," Chen Jiu muttered. On this golden bridge, the Emperor of Humanity is not afraid to hear it.

"Since the strength given by the Emperor is not good, I can only come by myself."

After speaking, the Jin Qiao under Chen Jiu's feet trembled slightly and turned into a black and white yin and yang fish.

"Why is he going to the White Bone Temple?" This is the confusion of the heavens at this moment.

The White Bone Temple, here is the most suitable place for disciples of the White Bone Temple to practice. The ghostly spirit is dense within a radius of more than 100,000 miles, and the black mist is filled.

On a mountain, one was dressed in black. The face is cold. The black color around the eyes looks quite like dark circles.

At this time, there were thousands of young people standing under this man.

This is a real young man, not a young face and an old heart.

"You wait for fate. Monstrous luck. Only then was able to join my White Bone Temple." The black man's voice was hoarse. The ghostly spirit leaked out, and it was creepy, and the disciple below involuntarily stepped back.

The man frowned in dissatisfaction: "As a new disciple. It is my duty to tell you the glorious history of the White Bone Temple."

Speaking of this, the man overlooked the frenzied color: "During the rise of the Sky Bone Heaven Sect and the Middle Ages, I have survived thousands of calamities and survived undefeated. It is the true power that traverses the heavens, and its background is so strong that you cannot imagine it."

Seeing stars starting to appear in the eyes of the disciple below, the man couldn't help but feel proud. In fact, he was just an ordinary disciple in the White Bone Temple. In order to show his power in front of the new disciple, he specifically asked for such a position.

"Among these heavens, there are few who dare to offend the majesty of my White Bone Temple. It can be said that my White Bone Temple is a well-deserved overlord of the heavens...".

Speaking of this, I saw that the disciple below looked a little strange, and was about to ask, but saw a dark shadow flashing out of the sky, quickly covering the entire White Bone Temple.

"This is...," the man said slightly surprised, but he didn't care. As he said, the White Bone Temple in the heavens can indeed walk sideways.

"Who would dare to offend my White Bone Temple" a loud, sharp voice came from the central hall of the White Bone Temple.

The Taiji diagram in Chen Jiu's hand was shaken out and turned into a huge drawing, covering the entire White Bone Temple.

The revolving yin and yang cut off the connection between the White Bone Temple and the heavens.

"This King Chen Jiu".

The voice is cold and ruthless.

"Chen Jiu? Who is Chen Jiu? How come I haven't heard of it, but this guy dares to come to our White Bone Temple to make trouble. He is simply tired of life. Later the instructor will beat him up." The disciple faced the new man below Jin disciple said.

While talking, I heard a shrill laughter from the central hall of the White Bone Temple, and the head of the White Bone Temple stood up and stood in the void: "The King of Ping Tian came from afar, but this seat is rude. We have no complaints in the past. Qiu, I don't know what happened to King Ping Tian trapping my Bone Temple for no reason?".

A token appeared in Chen Jiu's hand, and a thousand soldiers appeared on the spot.

"You are waiting around the White Bone Temple to prevent the strong from coming" Chen Jiu's eyes flashed a cold light.

"Yes" the thousand cultivators of the army of conquest and suppression quickly fled away and flew in all directions, but they maintained a position, which was rapidly expanding as the crowd dispersed. As long as they entered this position, they would be locked.

It wasn't really relying on these thousand army of conquest and suppression to stop it, but relying on the aura of the imperial court attached to the army of conquest and suppression to stop it.

"The White Bone Temple dare to link the ministers who are not bandits, the sin deserves ten thousand deaths, you should be punished" the voice is overbearing, as Chen Jiu's voice fell, Tai Chi Tu slowly fell, trying to completely polish the entire White Bone Temple into the purest heaven and earth aura.

"Block me" The staff of the Sect Master of the White Bone Temple flew out and turned into a huge white bone, which withstood the huge Yin Yang fish under Chen Jiu's feet.

"The King of Ping Tian said that it was unfounded. It is really wronging my White Bone Temple. My White Bone Temple has always abide by the laws of the Great Zhou. When I have colluded with a minister without bandits, please let the prince know."

Looking at the Bone Sect Master, whose entire body was hidden in his coat and hat, Chen Jiu showed an impatient look: "If you want proof, the king will give it to you."

After speaking, a piece of jade talisman flew towards Sect Master White Bone through the Yin Yang fish.

After receiving the jade symbol, the White Bone Sect Master's face was pale, and then his voice changed: "All the White Bone Heavenly Palace disciples will meet the enemy and open the big formation."

A huge phantom skeleton rose slowly, replacing the Bone Sect Master's staff, and resisting Chen Jiu's Yin Yang fish.

The Sect Master of the White Bone Heavenly Palace is a strong Tiangang, but facing Chen Jiu at this time, he can't let go of his hands and feet, and dare not attack with all his strength.

Faced with this problem, the prince, the White Bone Palace still has a ray of life. If Chen Jiu is defeated, it will be the Human Sovereign who will descend, and the entire White Bone Sect has no chance of fleeing in front of the powerful Human Sovereign.

Sect Master White Bone counts, he didn't expect his teammates to be so ineffective, and he was discovered by the Emperor so quickly, and he came to the door.

Of course, the emperor's order for Chen Jiuzheng to suppress the army may have other meanings, but the matter regarding the Bone Heavenly Palace did not really make Chen Jiu suppress the Bone Heavenly Palace. The emperor, such as the Emperor, the emperor, if not If you personally thwart the bones in the Heavenly Palace of Bone, how can you shock all living beings and relieve the hatred in your heart.

Chen Jiu is just an introduction.

As for why the Emperor didn't make the shot himself, there are quite a few of them. If he could do it himself, would the Emperor need a lot of trouble? .

Besides, as an emperor, you must consider the overall situation and plan every move of the whole world.

"Don't resist in vain, under the king's yin and yang fish, you won't be able to support it for a few days." Chen Jiu's expression remained unchanged as he watched the huge array of bones that were constantly being consumed.

"Master, really don't have the vitality of my White Bone Heavenly Sect?" The Sect Master of White Bone Heavenly Sect looked up at Chen Jiu standing in black and white.

Chen Jiu sighed softly: "I knew this before, so why bother in the first place".

" Tianwang, you are so ridiculous. When we are children, we don’t resist. Could it be that we have to wait for you to slaughter and we can’t succeed. The ants are still alive. You are an idiot. Seeing Chen Jiu clenched and refused to let go, the Sect Master of the White Bone Heaven Sect no longer shy away from dignity and inferiority. In the face of death, he still cares about fear or not.

"Look at how long you can hold on, or wake up the old fellow of your sect, you are not the opponent of this seat" Chen Jiu did not look at the Sect Master of the Sky Bone Sect, and simply closed his eyes.

"Huh, let's see what you have. The monks of the heavens and all realms actually recognized you as the number one strong man in the millennium." The Sect Master of the White Bone Temple raised up the bone stick in his hand and hit the Tai Chi figure in the sky. .

Chen Jiu didn't look at it and let him shoot down.

It seems to be floating and shaking the tree, not even a wave is raised.

"It's too weak, you can't even break the magical powers of this seat, what do you have for this king to take action?" Chen Jiu kept irritating the Sect Master of the Bone Heaven Palace, with a disdainful expression that was extremely lethal. (To be continued...)



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